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[ADAXON] BlueTick: Privacy-First Cardano-based Instant Messaging Solution
Current Project Status

Building on our prior work, BlueTick is a decentralized beta solution on Cardano that ensures wallet2wallet messaging confidentiality with end-to-end encryption, tamper-proof history & user anonymity.


Web 2.0 messaging platforms lack adequate security measures, leaving users vulnerable to privacy breaches and identity management issues. We need Web3 privacy-first solutions to protect personal data


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2 members

[ADAXON] BlueTick: Privacy-First Cardano-based Instant Messaging Solution

Please describe your proposed solution

Introduction to ADA Connect - our BETA solution built by Adaxon for LLC:

ADA Connect stands as a cutting-edge, wallet-based communication protocol, designed with a singular focus on enhancing the interaction experience for NFT collectors within the Cardano ecosystem. In its BETA phase, ADA Connect introduces a seamless and secure platform that empowers users to establish connections swiftly and effortlessly: <>

BlueTick, our proposed solution, is a revolutionary blockchain-based privacy-preserving chat application designed to transform communication within the Cardano ecosystem. Unlike ADA Connect, which is a wallet-based communication protocol catering specifically to NFT collectors, BlueTick focuses on providing secure and confidential conversations for all users, without the need for NFTs.


Proposed Enhancements under This Grant:

Under this grant, our focus will be on implementing and optimizing BlueTick's core features, integrating SiaCoin for decentralized storage, conducting rigorous testing, and enhancing marketing efforts for beta testing. We will ensure seamless integration with Cardano's blockchain, refine user anonymity features, and engage with the community to gather valuable feedback for optimization. Additionally, we will allocate resources for comprehensive testing methodologies to ensure the security and robustness of the messaging platform. Our goal is to deliver a secure, cost-effective, and scalable solution that aligns with the Cardano ecosystem's principles while prioritizing user privacy and experience.



End-to-End Encryption: BlueTick employs cutting-edge end-to-end encryption using asymmetric encryption GPG (Gnu Privacy Guard).

  • This ensures that messages are secured during transmission, and only the intended recipient can decrypt and read them.

Cardano's Integration: BlueTick leverages Cardano's blockchain for transmitting messages through transactions, and the user's wallet serves as their identification ID.

  • The blockchain ensures a tamper-proof message history, creating an immutable and transparent record of conversations.

Decentralized Storage with SiaCoin: BlueTick addresses concerns about on-chain data storage feasibility by integrating with SiaCoin's decentralized storage network.

  • SiaCoin offers decentralized storage, ensuring data redundancy, cost-effectiveness, scalability, and end-to-end encryption integration.

User Anonymity: BlueTick allows users to engage in conversations without revealing their true identities.

  • This feature enhances user privacy, fostering a secure environment for confidential discussions.

Community Engagement and Loyalty: BlueTick incentivizes user participation through ADA rewards during beta testing and collaborates with Cardano communities like LoveLace Club and Gods of Block.

  • Leveraging the loyalty of users fosters collaboration with other DApps within the Cardano network, expanding the Cardano ecosystem.

Comprehensive Testing Methodology: BlueTick follows a dual-pronged testing approach, including internal simulations and external reward-based decryption challenges.

  • This ensures a robust and secure messaging platform, with the community actively involved in identifying potential vulnerabilities.

Optimization Based on Real-World Feedback: BlueTick allocates resources for optimization based on beta testing feedback.

  • This iterative approach ensures that the final version meets user expectations, providing a reliable and user-friendly messaging experience.

Native ADA Integration: BlueTick seamlessly integrates ADA as the native currency for incentivizing users during beta testing.

  • Uniqueness: Leveraging Cardano's native currency enhances the user experience and aligns with the Cardano ecosystem.

Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community

We're thrilled to share that our BlueTick proposal was selected by the MinSwap Community as one of the Top 50 projects in the F11 round of Catalyst, but sadly did not win the last round of funding. Among over 700 submissions, our project was distinguished for its innovative approach and potential impact within the Cardano ecosystem. This recognition highlighted the value of our proposal and the commitment of our team to creating meaningful solutions. We're grateful for the support of the MinSwap Community and eager to continue our journey towards realizing our vision on the Cardano platform.

BlueTick not only prioritizes privacy and security in online communication but also strategically integrates with the Cardano ecosystem to promote user onboarding. By utilizing the Cardano wallet as the login ID, BlueTick streamlines the login process for existing Cardano users, requiring just one step. This seamless integration fosters a user-friendly experience and encourages existing Cardano users to explore the BlueTick chat solution.

For unregistered users, the registration process involves creating a Cardano wallet, thereby introducing them to the Cardano ecosystem. As the user base of BlueTick grows, the number of individuals with Cardano wallets also increases exponentially. This integration aims to enhance user stickiness, as communication is a powerful method for spreading the adoption of both BlueTick and the Cardano ecosystem.

Moreover, the loyalty of BlueTick users will be leveraged in the future to foster collaborations or synergies with other decentralized applications (DApps) within the Cardano network. This collaborative approach aims to create a network effect, where users of one Cardano-based application are more likely to explore and engage with other applications, ultimately contributing to the overall growth and vibrancy of the Cardano ecosystem.

These adjustments emphasize the strategic integration of BlueTick with the Cardano ecosystem, maximizing the potential for user acquisition and ecosystem expansion. Attracting a large number of users to the Cardano ecosystem not only brings vitality but also empowers users to break free from the control of web2 super companies dominating information-based Apps. Reclaiming user privacy rights significantly elevates the position of the Cardano ecosystem in the online environment.

Measurement Metrics:

  • Beta Testing Userbase and Engagement
  • Community Feedback
  • Partnerships and Integrations
  • Security and Privacy Metrics

Sharing Outputs and Opportunities:

  • Regular Updates
  • Community Collaboration
  • Documentation and Resources
  • Open-Source Contributions

What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?

Our team is well-equipped to deliver the BlueTick project with a strong commitment to trust and accountability. Our prior experience in social messaging, demonstrated through proof-of-concept demonstrations for Gods of Block (GOB) and LoveLace Club (LLC), showcases our expertise in this domain. While these demonstrations were smaller in scale, they provided valuable insights that guide our approach to BlueTick.

Participation in the FetaChain project during Fund9 Catalyst further enriched our capabilities. We successfully demonstrated on-chain data encryption and decryption, highlighting our proficiency in data security and privacy—a crucial aspect of BlueTick's development. This collective experience positions us as a capable team to deliver a privacy-focused chat solution at scale.

Regarding fund management, we prioritize transparency and accountability. Our established processes and internal controls ensure the responsible allocation and use of funds. Regular updates and comprehensive reports will be provided throughout the project, underscoring our commitment to financial transparency. We will build a community to obtain user feedback in real time. Users monitor how we spend our funds. Help us correct errors and development routes in a timely manner. Our track record in responsible financial management reinforces our capability to handle funds with diligence and accountability.

In summary, our team's demonstrated capabilities in social messaging and data security, coupled with a strong commitment to financial transparency, make us the ideal choice to deliver the BlueTick project with trust and accountability.

What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?

Milestone 1: Milestone 1: Project Initiation and Planning (Timeline: 1 month)

Output 1: Comprehensive research report on user behavior and messaging apps.

  • Acceptance Criteria: The research report includes insights into user preferences, behavior, and expectations regarding messaging apps. It identifies key features desired by users and potential pain points with existing platforms.
  • Evidence: The research report document in PDF format, detailing findings, conclusions, and recommendations.

Output 2: Initial testing of decentralized storage solution and report.

  • Acceptance Criteria: The decentralized storage solution is tested to verify its functionality, reliability, and compatibility with the project requirements. A report is generated summarizing the test results.
  • Evidence: Test report document in PDF format, outlining test scenarios, procedures, outcomes, and any identified issues or limitations.

Output 3: Communication channels (Discord/Telegram) established for beta testing.

  • Acceptance Criteria: Discord and Telegram channels are set up for communication with beta testers. Channels should be accessible, organized, and properly configured to facilitate effective communication.
  • Evidence: Links to the Discord and Telegram channels, along with screenshots demonstrating their setup and configuration.

Milestone 2: Milestone 2: Development and Testing Phase (Timeline: 3 months)

Output 1: BlueTick features developed and integrated.

  • Acceptance Criteria: The core features of BlueTick, including end-to-end encryption, user anonymity, and message transmission, are implemented and integrated into the application.
  • Evidence: Demonstration of BlueTick application showcasing the implemented features, along with screenshots or video footage documenting the integration process.

Output 2: SiaCoin storage integration completed.

  • Acceptance Criteria: The SiaCoin decentralized storage solution is successfully integrated into the BlueTick application, allowing for secure and reliable storage of messaging data.
  • Evidence: Documentation or screenshots demonstrating the integration of SiaCoin storage into the BlueTick application, along with test results verifying its functionality.

Output 3: Internal testing and simulations conducted successfully.

  • Acceptance Criteria: Comprehensive internal testing and simulations are conducted to validate the functionality, performance, and security of the BlueTick application.
  • Evidence: Test reports documenting the testing process, including test cases, procedures, results, and any identified issues or bugs. Additionally, evidence of successful simulations conducted to emulate user interactions and test various scenarios.

Milestone 3: Milestone 3: Beta Testing and Community Engagement (Timeline: 2 months)

Output 1: Beta version of BlueTick released for public testing.

  • Acceptance Criteria: The beta version of BlueTick is successfully released to the public for testing, accessible to a wide range of users.
  • Evidence: Documentation or screenshots demonstrating the availability of the beta version for download or access, along with instructions for users to participate in the testing.

Output 2: User feedback gathered through incentivized programs.

  • Acceptance Criteria: User feedback is actively solicited through incentivized programs, encouraging participants to provide valuable insights, suggestions, and bug reports.
  • Evidence: Report summarizing user feedback, including qualitative comments, suggestions for improvement, and any identified issues or bugs.

Output 3: Collaboration with other Cardano projects for community engagement.

  • Acceptance Criteria: Meaningful collaboration and engagement with other Cardano projects are established, fostering synergy, knowledge sharing, and community support.
  • Evidence: Documentation of collaborative efforts, such as joint events, discussions, or partnerships with other Cardano projects. Solve most of the problems users proposed in the community, and quantify user satisfaction.

Final Milestone: Milestone 4: Optimization, Marketing, and Final Release (Timeline: 2 months)

Output 1: Optimization based on beta testing feedback completed.

  • Acceptance Criteria: Optimization tasks identified from beta testing feedback are addressed and implemented, resulting in an improved and refined version of BlueTick.
  • Evidence: Documentation detailing the optimization tasks completed, including specific changes made based on user feedback and beta testing results. Any bug fixes, performance improvements, or feature enhancements will be documented.

Output 2: Marketing campaigns executed, targeting a wider audience.

  • Acceptance Criteria: Marketing campaigns aimed at promoting BlueTick are successfully executed, reaching a broader audience of potential users and stakeholders.
  • Evidence: Documentation of marketing strategies employed, including details of targeted advertising and any partnerships established for promotional purposes.

Output 3: Final version of BlueTick released on Cardano's mainnet.

  • Acceptance Criteria: The final version of BlueTick is released on Cardano's mainnet, available for public use and adoption.
  • Evidence: Documentation confirming the release of the final version on Cardano's mainnet, including information on how users can access and use the application.

By meeting these acceptance criteria, we will have successfully optimized BlueTick based on beta feedback, executed effective marketing campaigns to reach a wider audience, and released the final version on Cardano's mainnet, marking the culmination of our project and the transition to full-scale adoption and usage.

Who is in the project team and what are their roles?

Dr. Bharath Ramesh (Project Lead):

  • Role: Project management, overall coordination, and strategic direction. Dr. Bharath Ramesh stands as a luminary figure in the realm of Industry 4.0, blending technical acumen with a passion for transformative change. His journey exemplifies a commitment to pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the digital era.
  • LinkedIn: Dr. Bharath Ramesh

Synthia V (Community and Business):

  • Role: Community engagement, partnerships, and business development.

Su Hongxu (Blockchain Developer):

  • Role: Smart contract development, blockchain integration.
  • LinkedIn: Su Hongxu

Jyothi Kiran (UI/UX and Creative Design):

Team Expertise:

Our team brings together seasoned professionals with extensive expertise in Blockchain and project management. Dr. Bharath Ramesh, a distinguished researcher in the field of Industry 4.0 , leads our project, providing a solid foundation. Notably, our team has successfully developed various prototypes on the Cardano blockchain, including the Fetachain project.

Development Team:

Adaxon takes pride in hosting a highly skilled and experienced development team comprising over ten members, accumulating more than 30 years of combined research and industry experience. Our team has a proven track record, as demonstrated by our successful contributions to previous Catalyst rounds. Specifically, team members like Robin Thomas, a Hardware Engineer, have showcased their expertise in Catalyst and their respective fields. We have notably excelled in the FetaChain project, highlighting our proficiency in blockchain implementation and hardware integration during Fund9.

Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources

Milestone 1: Project Initiation and Planning (Timeline: 1 month)

Budget Breakdown:

  • Project Management: 4,000 ADA
  • Research Reports: 8,000 ADA
  • Communication Channels Setup: 3,000 ADA

Total for Milestone 1: 15,000 ADA

Milestone 2: Development and Testing Phase (Timeline: 3 months)

Budget Breakdown:

  • Development (BlueTick Features): 15,000 ADA
  • Integration of SiaCoin: 15,000 ADA
  • Testing and Simulations: 15,000 ADA

Total for Milestone 2: 45,000 ADA

Milestone 3: Beta Testing and Community Engagement (Timeline: 2 months)

Budget Breakdown:

  • Beta Version Release: 10,000 ADA
  • User Feedback Program: 10,000 ADA
  • Community Engagement Collaboration: 7,000 ADA
  • Contingency: 3,000 ADA

Total for Milestone 3: 30,000 ADA

Milestone 4: Optimization, Marketing, and Final Release (Timeline: 2 months)

Budget Breakdown:

  • Optimization Based on Feedback: 5,000 ADA
  • Marketing Campaigns: 5,000 ADA
  • Contingency: 12,000 ADA

Total for Milestone 4: 22,000 ADA

Grand Total for All Milestones: 112,000 ADA

No dependencies.

How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

The cost of the project represents value for money within the Cardano ecosystem by aligning with the complexities and requirements of developing a privacy-focused messaging platform. The budget allocation reflects a detailed breakdown of essential components, ensuring a comprehensive approach to project development and delivery.

Justification for Costs:

  1. Research and Planning: Adequate funds are allocated for in-depth research and meticulous planning, crucial for understanding user behavior and creating a robust project plan. The costs are justified by the need for a solid foundation and strategic approach to meet user expectations and industry standards.
  2. Development and Testing: The budget for this phase covers the core development of BlueTick features and the integration of SiaCoin for decentralized storage. These costs align with the intricacies of blockchain development, ensuring the implementation of secure and efficient messaging features. Rigorous testing is pivotal for creating a reliable product, justifying the allocation for internal testing and simulations.
  3. Beta Testing and Community Engagement: Funds are allocated for launching the beta version, gathering user feedback, and collaborating with Cardano communities. These costs are justified by the importance of community involvement and feedback, ensuring the platform meets user expectations and addresses any concerns before the final release.
  4. Optimization, Marketing, and Final Release: The budget for this phase covers optimization based on beta feedback, marketing campaigns, and the final release. These costs are justified by the need to refine the product based on real-world usage, promote widespread adoption through effective marketing, and ensure a successful launch on Cardano's testnet.

The cost breakdown considers the complexity of the project, industry standards for blockchain development, and the significance of community engagement. It ensures that each phase receives adequate resources for a thorough and successful implementation, making the project a valuable investment for the Cardano ecosystem. Our costs are focused on the development of privacy protection features and testing the user experience. This is advantageous as it allows us to leverage the pioneering advantage in privacy protection, combined with Cardano, to challenge the market dominance of information transmission applications held by web2 companies.



  • EP2: epoch_length

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  • EP3: key_deposit

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  • EP4: epoch_no

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