not approved
[ADAXON] ADAByte: Byte-sized Programming Tutorials
Current Project Status

AdaByte addresses Cardano’s programming education gap. Clear, concise content on YouTube and other socials to make coding accessible for beginners and foster a skilled community.


Limited accessibility to beginner-friendly tutorials in our ecosystem. Aspiring developers face challenges grasping concepts; this proposal aims to make approachable and engaging byte-sized tutorials


Impact Alignment
Value for money


2 members

[ADAXON] ADAByte: Byte-sized Programming Tutorials

Please describe your proposed solution.

AdaByte addresses the challenge of limited accessibility to programming education for beginners in the Cardano ecosystem. Our unique solution provides byte-sized programming tutorials, breaking down complex concepts for beginners. This approach ensures the content is concise, accessible, and fosters engagement. AdaByte's focus on Cardano's programming languages empowers beginners to gain practical knowledge, promoting the adoption of Cardano's smart contract capabilities. An <u>example</u> is shown below with an increasingly complex focus:

Introduction - Mastering Opshin

Setup Opshin Locally

Hello World

Understanding EUTxO

Always True Contract

Marketplace Contract

The project benefits aspiring developers by making programming education more approachable and contributes to Cardano's growth by building a larger community of skilled programmers. AdaByte's impact will be measured by increased accessibility to programming education, demonstrated through user engagement metrics, community growth, and feedback mechanisms. By providing clear, accessible, and Cardano-centric programming tutorials, AdaByte aims to empower a broader audience, fostering a skilled and engaged community within the Cardano ecosystem.

Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community.

The success of AdaByte will bring significant value to the Cardano community by directly addressing the challenge of limited accessibility to programming education for beginners. The positive impact includes:

  • Increased Accessibility: AdaByte will attract and engage a wider audience within the Cardano community through byte-sized programming tutorials. The success of the project will be measured by the number of users reached and actively participating in AdaByte's programming tutorials on platforms like Instagram and YouTube. We quantify user daily and weekly activity and create curve charts. Based on these charts, we adjust our teaching strategies, course content, and promotional efforts in real-time.
  • Community Growth: AdaByte aims to increase the number of individuals joining the Cardano community by providing beginner-friendly programming education. The success of this goal will be measured by the growth in the number of community members and their active participation in discussions and initiatives. The specific quantifiable metrics include tracking the number of new user registrations, active user counts (referring to users engaging frequently in community activities such as likes and comments), social media engagement, and Tutorial View Counts.
  • Feedback and Opinions: Gathering feedback and opinions from users regarding the quality, usefulness, and impact of AdaByte's tutorials will provide valuable insights. This qualitative measurement will help gauge user satisfaction and identify areas for improvement. Specific quantification involves creating tables for statistical analysis. This includes tracking positive feedback, negative feedback, and corresponding user activity levels. In general, users with high activity levels should be given more weight, as their feedback is likely to be more indicative of the overall impact of AdaByte's tutorials. Allocating higher weight to highly active users ensures that their opinions carry more significance in the evaluation process.

AdaByte will share its outputs and results through:

  • Documentation and Knowledge Sharing: Comprehensive documentation capturing programming tutorials, techniques, and best practices will be made available on relevant platforms, such as the Cardano Developer Portal and Adaxon’s website. Simultaneously, corresponding example exercises are made available and open-sourced on GitHub.
  • Social Media Platforms: Leveraging its presence on platforms like Instagram and YouTube, AdaByte will share bite-sized programming tutorials, project updates, and success stories to reach a wide audience.
  • Community Engagement: Actively engaging with the Cardano community through forums, online communities, and developer groups. AdaByte will foster collaboration, gather valuable input, and create opportunities for knowledge exchange and networking.
  • Collaboration with Other Projects: Seeking collaborations with other projects within the Cardano ecosystem to explore synergies and enhance the overall impact. This can involve joint events, cross-promotion, or integrating AdaByte's tutorials into existing projects.

The success of AdaByte will be measured by its ability to attract, engage, and educate a substantial number of individuals within the Cardano ecosystem. Through strategic sharing of outputs and collaboration, AdaByte aims to create lasting opportunities, foster knowledge transfer, and contribute to the continuous improvement of programming education within the Cardano community

What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?

AdaByte is backed by a capable team with diverse skills and experiences, ensuring a high level of trust and accountability in project delivery. Key team members include:

  • Dr. Bharath (Project Lead and Content Creator): Bharath has extensive experience in content creation and instructional design. His background in education, passion for technology, and past contributions to Project Catalyst initiatives showcase his commitment to the Cardano ecosystem.
  • Hongxu (Content Creator): An experienced programmer with expertise in web development and blockchain programming languages. Hongxu's proficiency in Cardano programming languages, teaching experience in programming languages like Haskell, and contributions to Cardano proposals demonstrate his technical competence and dedication.

Additional team members, including a video editor and graphic designer, contribute to content quality and visual appeal.

<u>Steps to Ensure Trust and Accountability:</u>

  • Transparent Budget Allocation: AdaByte provides a detailed budget breakdown for each milestone, ensuring transparency in fund utilization. The budget includes costs for content development, platform setup, promotion, and community building.
  • Regular Reporting: AdaByte commits to regular reporting on project progress, milestones achieved, and fund utilization. This ensures ongoing transparency and accountability to the Cardano community. And will continuously update and upload the relevant project instances to GitHub in real-time.
  • Past Contributions: The team's active contributions to previous Project Catalyst initiatives demonstrate a track record of commitment, accountability, and successful project delivery within the Cardano ecosystem.
  • Engagement with Community: AdaByte actively engages with the Cardano community through channels like Discord and Telegram, seeking feedback, collaborations, and building connections. Open lines of communication are maintained to ensure effective coordination and utilization of available resources within the Cardano ecosystem.

AdaByte's capability to deliver is validated through a combination of team expertise, transparent budgeting, regular reporting, and past contributions to the Cardano community. This ensures a high level of trust and accountability in executing the proposed project.

What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?

Milestone 1: Content Development and Production (Duration: 2 months)

Task 1: Identify programming concepts to be covered in the tutorials.

Task 2: Create detailed outlines for each tutorial.

Task 3: Develop video scripts and accompanying materials.

Task 4: Produce and edit video tutorials.

Success Criteria: Completion of the programming tutorials with high-quality content.

Projected Cost (ADA): 20,000

>Milestone 2: Platform Setup and Optimization (Duration: 2 month)

Task 1: Create an Instagram account for AdaByte and set up YouTube channel.

Task 2: Design and customize branding elements for the social media platforms.

Task 3: Optimize the platforms for increased visibility and engagement.

Success Criteria: Active presence on Instagram and YouTube with optimized profiles and branding.

Projected Cost (ADA): 10,000

>Milestone 3: Launch and Promotion (Duration: 1 month)

Task 1: Release the first set of programming tutorials on Instagram and YouTube accompanied by open-source instances on GitHub.

Task 2: Develop a marketing strategy to promote AdaByte's tutorials.

Task 3: Engage with the Cardano community and seek feedback.

Success Criteria: Positive reception and engagement from the target audience.

Projected Cost (ADA): 10,000

>Milestone 4: Community Building and Engagement (Duration: 1 month)

Task 1: Respond to user feedback and inquiries.

Task 2: Collaborate with community members and developers to create relevant content.

Task 3: Based on feedback and community engagement, provide ongoing maintenance and update services

Task 4: Encourage active participation in the Cardano ecosystem.

Success Criteria: Growing engagement and a community of beginner programmers within Cardano.

Projected Cost (ADA): 10,000 (for ongoing community management)

By adhering to the milestone timeline, AdaByte aims to deliver its programming tutorials and engage with the Cardano community in a timely and efficient manner.

Who is in the project team and what are their roles?

The AdaByte project team comprises skilled individuals with diverse expertise, committed to the successful execution of the proposal:

Dr. Bharath (Project Lead and Content Creator):

  • LinkedIn
  • Role: Project lead, overseeing the overall project, managing the team, and ensuring successful execution of milestones. Content creation and instructional design for programming tutorials.

Su Hongxu (Content Creator):

  • LinkedIn
  • Role: Responsible for developing byte-sized programming tutorials and creating engaging video lessons. Teaching experience in programming languages, including Haskell and C/C++, advantageous for instructing Cardano's programming language.

Karthik (Video Editor):

  • LinkedIn
  • Role: Skilled video editor working closely with the team to bring programming tutorials to life. Expertise in video editing and post-production to enhance visual appeal and educational value.

Jyothi Kiran (Graphic Designer):

  • LinkedIn
  • Role: Talented graphic designer contributing creative skills to develop visually appealing graphics and branding materials for AdaByte. Creating a cohesive and engaging visual identity for the project.

Engagement with Community:

AdaByte actively engages with the Cardano community through Discord, Telegram, and other relevant channels. Connections have been established to seek feedback, collaborations, and build relationships with potential team members and resources within the Cardano ecosystem. Successfully built various Cardano-based prototypes including Fetachain. Adaxon is proud to host a highly skilled and experienced development team of 5+ members with over 30 years of combined research and industry experience.

Proof of Life Verification:

AdaByte acknowledges the non-anonymous nature of Catalyst funding and is prepared to undergo 'proof of life' verifications, providing transparency and accountability.

The project team is committed to delivering high-quality programming tutorials and fostering a stronger and more skilled community within the Cardano ecosystem

Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources.

<u>Budget Breakdown:</u>

Milestone 1: Content Development and Production (Duration: 2 months) - Projected Cost: 20,000 ADA

  • Task 1: Identify programming concepts to be covered in the tutorials.
  • Developer Time (5,000 ADA): Included in the project team's commitment.
  • Task 2: Create detailed outlines for each tutorial.
  • Developer Time (5,000 ADA): Included in the project team's commitment.
  • Task 3: Develop video scripts and accompanying materials.
  • Developer Time (5,000 ADA): Included in the project team's commitment.
  • Task 4: Produce and edit video tutorials.
  • Cost Breakdown:
  • Video production equipment and software: 2,000 ADA
  • Freelance video editor: 1,500 ADA (estimated 10 tutorials)
  • Graphic design services for video assets: 1,000 ADA
  • Music and sound effects: 500 ADA
  • Task4 Cost: 5,000 ADA

Milestone 2: Platform Setup and Optimization (Duration: 2 months) - Projected Cost: 10,000 ADA

  • Task 1: Create an Instagram account for AdaByte and set up YouTube channel.
  • Developer Time: Included in the project team's commitment.
  • Task 2: Design and customize branding elements for the social media platforms.
  • Cost Breakdown:
  • Social media management tools (subscription fees): 1,000 ADA
  • Graphic design services for branding: 1,200 ADA
  • Advertising budget for initial promotion: 800 ADA
  • Total Cost: 3,000 ADA
  • Task 3: Optimize the platforms for increased visibility and engagement.
  • Boosting, SEO and SEM 7,000 ADA.

Milestone 3: Launch and Promotion (Duration: 1 month) - Projected Cost: 10,000 ADA

  • Task 1: Release the first set of programming tutorials on Instagram and YouTube.
  • Developer Time 5,000 ADA: Included in the project team's commitment.
  • Task 2: Develop a marketing strategy to promote AdaByte's tutorials.
  • Cost Breakdown:
  • Marketing and promotional materials: 1,000 ADA
  • Influencer collaborations and sponsorships: 1,000 ADA
  • Advertising and promotion expenses: 1,000 ADA
  • Task 2 Cost: 3,000 ADA
  • Task 3: Engage with the Cardano community and seek feedback.
  • Incentives and promo 2,000 ADA

Milestone 4: Community Building and Engagement (Duration: 1 month and ongoing) - Projected Cost: 10,000 ADA

  • Task 1: Respond to user feedback and inquiries.
  • Community manger time (5,000 ADA): Included in the project team's commitment.
  • Task 2: Collaborate with community members and developers to create relevant content.
  • Cost Breakdown:
  • Community management tools (annual subscription): 700 ADA
  • Collaboration expenses with community members: 1,300 ADA
  • Task 2 Cost: 2,000 ADA
  • Task 3: Encourage active participation in the Cardano ecosystem.
  • Community manager time (3,000 ADA): Included in the project team's commitment.

How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

The cost of the AdaByte project represents excellent value for money within the context of the Cardano ecosystem. Leveraging the skilled workforce and cost-effective resources in India, our budget optimally allocates funds to key project components.

  • Cost Efficiency: The use of skilled freelancers in India for video editing, graphic design, and marketing allows us to maintain high-quality standards at a fraction of the cost compared to other regions.
  • Proportional Allocation: Costs are proportionally allocated based on the tasks involved in each milestone. For example, the higher budget for content development acknowledges the intensive work in creating high-quality programming tutorials.
  • Local Market Advantage: The budget is aligned with the cost of living and market rates in India, ensuring fairness to contributors and efficient resource utilization.
  • Cost-Effective Community Building: The ongoing community management cost is justified by the long-term benefits of fostering a skilled programming community within Cardano.

AdaByte's teaching content goes beyond mere programming skills. It strives to make participants understand the advantages of Cardano from underlying principles. Throughout various tutorial points, the content introduces the benefits of the programming method and the advantages it brings to Cardano in a principled manner. These explanations are not abrupt advertisements but rather principled explanations.

The goal is not just to teach beginners how to learn Cardano programming but also to instill a belief in Cardano among a wider audience. The explanations from the underlying principles serve as a persuasive approach. Understanding the fundamental principles equips participants with practical programming skills and fosters a deep appreciation for the inherent advantages of Cardano. This foundational understanding can be more compelling and enduring than surface-level knowledge, contributing to a stronger belief in the value and benefits of Cardano.

By providing both practical skills and a deep understanding of Cardano's advantages, AdaByte aims to create a lasting impact on the community, fostering a stronger belief in the value and benefits of Cardano among beginners and enthusiasts alike.



  • EP2: epoch_length

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 24s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 3s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP3: key_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 48s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP4: epoch_no

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    2m 16s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP5: max_block_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 14s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP6: pool_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 19s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP7: max_tx_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 59s
    Darlington Kofa