- Creating the first draft of quality hand-drawn artworks for sale (done)
- Four tribes are ready to choose from (done)
- Backend coding (shop system, account-management, marketplace for NFTs) (ongoing)
- Frontend coding (web-based, ready for native) (ongoing)
- Design of game-mechanics (i.e. fights, looting, item handling, etc.) (ongoing)
- Start pre-selling NFTsready to be used within the GAME PHASE 1*(early September)*
<u>Upcoming next (Q4 2021):</u>
- Start developing GAME PHASE 1 (Duel Mini-Game, WebApp(Native?))
- Creating further artworks and selling them as unique In-game characters
- Offering new Items, Quest tokens, further heroes
- Developing In-game marketplace for selling, buying, and trading NFTs
- Hiring further people (focus on Frontend (Angular) and Backend coders)
- Finalizing GAME PHASE 1
- possible porting to iOS (Apple)
- Further Localization French, Spanish, Indonesian
<u>2022 Q1-Q4</u>
- GAME PHASE 2 - Dungeon Crawler
- Polishing and balancing of Game Phase 1
- Ongoing game design and game mechanic development
- Hire further resources like coders and artists, testers
- Collecting more funds for the Next Phase (Catalyst Funding, new NFTs, promotions)
- Starting the first draft of Game Phase 3 (late 2022)
<u>Inside Phase Overview</u>
Game Phase I (Duel Mini-Game) - Q4 2021
Detailed information on the presentation Slide GAME PHASE 1
Focus on:
Fast-paced duel mode (5-10 minutes per game)
First use case and balancing benchmark for further development
Using the unique AdaQuest NFT Heros within the game!
Collecting more funds for the next game phase
Game Phase II (Dungeon Crawler) - 2022
Detailed information on the presentation Slide GAME PHASE 2
Focus on:
Slower tactical gameplay
First chance of NFT drops (kind of play2earn)
First draft season gameplay (collecting conquer points for your tribe)
Fully functional NFT marketplace
Game Phase III (Skirmish Battlefield Mode ) - 2023
Detailed information on the presentation Slide GAME PHASE 2
Focus on:
Code freeze GAME PHASE 2(Balancing)
Feature complete beta version of the game (Q2023)
Main game mechanics working and tested for initial release (QA)
Start developing additional deeper game mechanics (depends on funding and sales)
<u>Use of additional Catalyst Funding</u>
- Hire further resources like coders and artists, testers
- Getting dev-kits and dev license for iOS
- Localize in additional languages like French, Russian or Hispanic
- Design of deeper game mechanics
- Some Marketing would be nice :) (teaser, trailer, Facebook(ads), Google(ads), content creation like youtube and twitch)
<u>Business Model- Road to success</u>
We like to call our business model a hybrid one. Since we started to develop the world of ADA, we also already invested time and money BUT we also started to create a community around our project, which we like to expanse to an international one.
The initial NFT sale will hopefully allow us to get some financial support from the community, which would flow completely into the development.
The future business model will be a hybrid of in-game sales (only cosmetics, NO pay2win) and community-based funding for upcoming add-ons and maybe some further rewards from running our stake pool successfully.
Besides the initial NFTs sale, what really will help us to get through the phases is the additional "juice" to set up the business and run smoothly until the release. The first draft of the game is created by us, our coder, artist, and game designer are working already on Phase I of the project. So the requested funds for a full-blown out mobile game are just fair as far as we can see from our experience. Similar independent projects with the game mechanics we are looking for need around 500K$-1M$ budget minimum. So since we collect already 100K from Catalyst FUND5, we need additional budget to implement PHASE 2 & 3.
<u>Short-Term success after 3-6 months</u>
- Awareness of Cardano/ADA getting increased due to our professional game business network
- Awareness of Cardano/ADA increased because of our game setting
- Our own in-game NFT marketplace monetize (ongoing)
- Founding of game studio (done)
<u>Mid-Term success after 6-12 months</u>
- Our resources get paid in Ada and we talk about it (further ADA&project awareness/reach increasement)
- Alpha version of our game modes (ongoing)
- Hiring more resources (ongoing)
<u>Long-Term success after 12-24 months</u>
- Full game ready to be released
- Project is self-sustaining
- Paying back the catalyst funding (further info below)
<u>ADDITIONAL IMPORTANT INFO:</u> If the game will be a commercial success we would promise to give the requested funds back and support with this initiative as another catalyst project in the future (preferably Africa or charity-related).
We would love to see you support the creation of the world ADA and maybe YOU like to cooperate with us.
<u>This or the other way, let's talk!</u>