Please describe your proposed solution
- The Catalyst team and Community members are creating new tooling to make Catalyst more robust in the face of long-term challenges. However, the project has reached a scale where tools are needed to onboard and develop competent members of the Cardano community to pursue Catalyst roles and which help them to demonstrate their credentials in a way that is efficient and able to integrate into Catalyst operations.
Current Scenario:
Catalyst Voices is an ambitious endeavor, modular in its essence, to allow the integration of those pieces that the Catalyst team cannot address as quickly as they would like. One of those pieces is on-chain reputation building.
This is an exciting opportunity to build Catalyst alongside the community for the benefit of growing our collective capabilities into more than the sum of our constituent parts.
Ideal Scenario:
To allow for ecosystem participants to build & showcase their reputation that in turn can highlight their career path and development within program such as Catalyst.
Allow all the hard workers to rise to the top and unlock new opportunities to build equity & agency within the system.
Technical Plan:
- To streamline the roles defined by the Role Based Access Control (RBAC) developed for Catalyst Voices with the learning and contribution management system developed by the Andamio platform (powered by Gimbalabs).
- Learning-management system - prototype: <>
Demo: Contribution-management system - prototype: <> (mainnet prototype)
<>- At <>, in addition to the usual navigation (general project information, opportunities for participation in Catalyst, etc.), access to an instance of the Andamio platform can be provided in a non-custodial fashion. Once on the Andamio instance, the potential Catalyst contributors can start their project-based, hands-on learning experience based on the role they are interested in, acquiring at the end of the process the skills that make them suitable to execute the role selected. Throughout the learning journey (Modules - Student Learning Targets - Lessons - Assignments), a Contributor token will record and update the metadata of their progress. Successful completion of the learning process, based on the metadata available on-chain, will assign the role defined by the Role Based Access Control (RBAC).
- Once assigned the role, contribution opportunities defined through the contribution-management platform of the Andamio instance become available to the trained Catalyst member: Proposer, Reviewer, Voter.
Prototype background:
-Andamio is a new kind of platform for learning and contribution management, inspired by the work we've done thorough the 4 previous versions of Gimbalabs Plutus PBL. Andamio is built to enable people to onboard and contribute to collaborative projects so that they can make a meaningful impact. We envision a future where work is defined and delivered in ways that achieve the highest levels of human collaboration.
Andamio consists of a learning-management platform and a contribution-management platform that work together to create unique pathways for organizations and contributors to align on meaningful work. It uses the Cardano blockchain to provide non-custodial ways for people to build a record of learning and contribution, and it allows organizations to collaborate in solving important problems.
After prototyping and testing Andamio in 2023, we are now building Andamio for production deployment.
-Andamio whitepaper: