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AdaLens: A Next-Generation Cardano-Powered AI Camera with Neuromorphic Intelligence and Privacy Capabilities
Current Project Status

Revolutionizing surveillance with AdaLens: A Cardano-powered AI camera combining neuromorphic intelligence and privacy capabilities for unparalleled identity management, security, privacy and control.


There is a growing concern of camera hacks, data insecurity, identity faking, and risked privacy in modern security cameras. AdaLens uses Cardano-powered hybrid cameras to solve these issues.


Impact / Alignment
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2 members

AdaLens: A Next-Generation Cardano-Powered AI Camera with Neuromorphic Intelligence and Privacy Capabilities

Please describe your proposed solution.

Our proposed solution, AdaLens, is a next-generation Cardano-powered AI camera that integrates neuromorphic intelligence and privacy capabilities. We have identified the problem of modern security cameras lacking sufficient privacy and data security measures, which often leave users vulnerable to unauthorized access and privacy breaches.

AdaLens aims to address this problem by leveraging the power of the Cardano blockchain to ensure end-to-end encryption and decentralized control over video footage. By combining AI-powered object tracking and classification with event-based and standard cameras, AdaLens offers real-time surveillance with reduced computational and memory requirements. The use of neuromorphic technology allows for efficient processing on low-power embedded platforms, making it suitable for various applications, including mobile nodes and remote security systems. Most importantly, the neuromorphic camera is an automatic motion capture camera and we propose a trigger mechanism for the standard camera to capture HD video, only when there are objects in view. This leads to tremendous reduction in data captured and subsequent storage. Also, the high dynamic range of neuromorphic vision cameras (120 dB vs 60 dB of standard cameras) makes it a natural night vision sensor.

The unique aspect of AdaLens lies in its ability to provide unparalleled control over privacy and data security to users. This is done through decentralized issuance of encryption keys or Atala DIDs. This means that only the user has the key to decrypt their videos, and no one else can access them without their permission. This is a major improvement over traditional surveillance cameras, which are often hacked and have their footage leaked. AdaLens also addresses the growing concern of camera hacking by providing robust security measures to protect data, identity, and privacy. This makes it a more secure alternative to traditional surveillance cameras.

Here are some of the security measures that AdaLens proposes:

  • End-to-end encryption: All data is encrypted from the camera to the user's device, so it cannot be intercepted or accessed by anyone else.
  • Decentralized storage: Data is stored on a decentralized network, so it is not vulnerable to a single point of attack.
  • Atala DIDs: Atala DIDs are unique identifiers that are used to authenticate users and devices. This helps to prevent unauthorized access to data.

AdaLens includes a number of other security features, such as two-factor authentication and facial recognition, to help protect user data. Overall, AdaLens is a more secure and privacy-friendly alternative to traditional surveillance cameras. The beneficiaries of AdaLens are individuals and households seeking enhanced privacy and security in their surveillance systems. By using AdaLens, users regain control over their video footage and have peace of mind knowing that their data is secure and protected from unauthorized access or tampering.

By leveraging Cardano, AdaLens provides enhanced security and privacy. They enable immutable and transparent storage of video data, ensuring its integrity and authenticity. Additionally, AdaLens aims to provide secure access control, allowing authorized parties to securely interact with the camera feeds and recorded footage. Overall, AdaLens provides a robust solution to enhance the trustworthiness, integrity, and privacy of surveillance data, addressing the shortcomings of traditional systems and creating a more secure environment for individuals, organizations, and communities.

Technical Summary:

  1. Blockchain Integration: Integrate a suitable blockchain platform, such as Cardano, to create a distributed ledger that records the metadata and hashes of video data. This ensures data immutability, transparency, and resilience against tampering.
  2. Smart Contracts: Develop smart contracts to govern access control, permissions, and data sharing among stakeholders. Smart contracts enable fine-grained control over access rights and automate the enforcement of predefined rules.
  3. Secure Video Storage: Implement secure storage mechanisms for video data, leveraging encryption techniques to protect the confidentiality of stored footage. Distribute the encrypted video across multiple nodes in the network to enhance resilience and mitigate single points of failure.
  4. Identity Protection: Integrate privacy-enhancing measures such as facial recognition blurring or anonymization to protect the identities of individuals captured in the video footage. Ensure compliance with privacy regulations and provide users with granular control over the visibility of their data.
  5. Data Verification and Auditing: Utilize blockchain's transparent nature to enable data verification and auditing capabilities. Stakeholders can independently verify the integrity and authenticity of video data by cross-referencing hashes stored on the blockchain.
  6. User-Friendly Interface: Develop an intuitive and user-friendly interface for accessing and managing the blockchain-based security camera system. Prioritize simplicity and ease of use to encourage widespread adoption and acceptance among security personnel and system administrators

How does your proposed solution address the challenge and what benefits will this bring to the Cardano ecosystem?

The benefits of AdaLens to the Cardano ecosystem are multifold. Firstly, it showcases the capabilities and versatility of Cardano's blockchain technology in the realm of Internet of Things (IoT) and home security. This demonstrates the potential of Cardano to be a leading platform for secure and privacy-focused solutions, attracting more users and developers to the ecosystem.

Secondly, AdaLens brings value to the Cardano ecosystem by addressing a key problem faced by modern security cameras. The integration of end-to-end encryption, decentralized control, and neuromorphic intelligence enables users to protect their privacy and data, thereby enhancing the trust and confidence in Cardano's technology.

In terms of impact, AdaLens has the potential to attract users seeking enhanced privacy and security features in their surveillance systems. By providing a unique solution that combines AI-powered object tracking, event-based cameras, and standard cameras, AdaLens offers a compelling proposition for individuals and organizations. This can drive adoption of Cardano's technology and expand the user base of the ecosystem.

While it is challenging to quantify the exact number of users or usage/transactions that AdaLens will achieve within a specific timeframe, we anticipate a gradual growth in adoption as the benefits and features of AdaLens become known to the target audience. We will actively engage with users, gather feedback, and iterate on the solution to ensure its effectiveness and relevance.

Overall, AdaLens not only addresses a significant challenge in the security camera industry but also contributes to the growth and strength of the Cardano ecosystem. It attracts users, showcases the capabilities of Cardano's technology, and reinforces the platform's commitment to privacy, security, and decentralization.

How do you intend to measure the success of your project?

To measure the success of our project, we will utilize a combination of quantitative and qualitative metrics that assess the impact of AdaLens on the Cardano ecosystem. These metrics will enable us to evaluate the benefits, productivity, and growth brought by our innovation in both the short and long term. Some of the key measures we intend to use include:

  1. Adoption Rate: We will track the number of users who adopt AdaLens as their preferred security camera solution. This will help us gauge the level of acceptance and attractiveness of our product within the Cardano community and outside of it.
  2. User Feedback and Satisfaction: We will actively gather feedback from users regarding their experience with AdaLens. This will involve conducting surveys, interviews, and monitoring user reviews. By assessing user satisfaction and addressing their needs and concerns, we can enhance the product and ensure long-term growth.
  3. Community Engagement, Integration and Partnerships: We will measure the level of engagement and participation of the Cardano community in discussions, forums, and events related to AdaLens. We will also look to monitor the integration of AdaLens with other Cardano-based applications and services. Successful integrations and partnerships demonstrate the value and compatibility of AdaLens within the Cardano ecosystem and contribute to its productivity and growth.
  4. Security and Privacy Standards: We will assess the adherence of AdaLens to high security and privacy standards. This includes evaluating the effectiveness of the end-to-end encryption, decentralized control, and neuromorphic intelligence features. Compliance with these standards enhances the reputation of Cardano as a secure and privacy-focused blockchain platform.

While quantitative metrics such as adoption rate and partnerships provide numerical indicators of success, qualitative measures such as user feedback and satisfaction offer valuable insights into the perceived value and impact of AdaLens. By combining these metrics, we aim to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the project's success and its contribution to the productivity and growth of the Cardano ecosystem.

Please describe your plans to share the outputs and results of your project?

  1. Documentation and Reports: We will create detailed documentation and reports that outline the development process, technical specifications, and key findings of the project. These documents will be made available on our project website and other relevant platforms for easy access and reference. While our project is not entirely open-source, we plan to release certain components and modules that can benefit the broader community. These open-source components will be shared on appropriate platforms and repositories to encourage collaboration and further development.
  2. Presentations and Workshops: We will actively participate in conferences, meetups, and workshops to present our project's outputs and share our learnings with the academic community. These events provide opportunities to engage with developers, enthusiasts, and industry experts, fostering knowledge exchange and potential collaborations.
  3. Social Media and Online Channels: We will leverage social media platforms, such as Twitter, LinkedIn, and relevant Cardano forums, to share updates, announcements, and insights about our project. This will help us reach a wider audience and stimulate discussions around our work.
  4. Collaborative Research and Development: We intend to collaborate with research institutions such as International Center for Neuromorphic Systems, academic communities, and other relevant organizations to further explore the results and implications of our project. By sharing our findings and insights, we can contribute to the advancement of knowledge and promote further research and development activities in related fields.

By implementing these dissemination strategies, we aim to ensure that the outputs, impact, and opportunities resulting from our completed project are widely shared and accessible. We believe that transparent and collaborative sharing of information is crucial for fostering innovation, attracting new contributors to the Cardano ecosystem, and inspiring future research and development initiatives.

What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability?

Our team members have a strong background in software development, IoT, blockchain technology, and privacy-focused solutions. We have a deep understanding of the Cardano ecosystem, its principles, and its technical aspects. We value trust and maintain a strong reputation in the Cardano community via successful previous rounds of Catalyst funding.

Our team includes Bharath Ramesh, a leading researcher in the neuromorphic domain, further enhancing our capability to deliver this project with high levels of trust and accountability. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering with a specialization in AI systems. He has conducted groundbreaking research in the area of event-based cameras and their application in object tracking and classification. His work has been published in reputable scientific journals and presented at international conferences, earning recognition within the academic community.

As a leading researcher in this niche domain, Bharath Ramesh has collaborated with renowned institutions such as National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, and Western Sydney University. He has also worked with industry partners in Singapore to develop innovative solutions for low-power, embedded platforms. He has made significant contributions to the field, as demonstrated by his publications, including:

A Hybrid Neuromorphic Object Tracking and Classification Framework for Real-Time Systems:

EBBINNOT: A Hardware-Efficient Hybrid Event-Frame Tracker for Stationary Dynamic Vision Sensors:

  • Published in IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Volume 9, Issue 21.
  • Pages 20902-20917.
  • Published on November 1, 2022.
  • DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2022.3178120.

These publications showcase Bharath's expertise in developing innovative solutions for efficient object tracking and classification using neuromorphic and hardware-efficient approaches. His expertise in designing neuromorphic frameworks for real-time object tracking and classification aligns perfectly with the objectives of our project.

Dr. Bharath Ramesh's presence in our team not only adds significant credibility but also ensures that our proposed solution benefits from the latest advancements and insights in the neuromorphic field. His deep understanding of the underlying technologies and his ability to translate research into practical applications will greatly contribute to the success and impact of our project. We are confident that Dr. Bharath Ramesh's expertise, combined with the collective capabilities of our team, positions us as the best-suited group to deliver this project with the highest levels of trust, accountability, and technical proficiency.

Also, our team has an accomplished blockchain developer in Sam, who has completed several Catalyst projects. And also Robin who worked with us on the FetaChain project, which was funded in the last round. Overall, our actions and interactions reflect our commitment to integrity, professionalism, and ethical conduct. We have built strong relationships with community members and stakeholders, which further strengthens our credibility as a trusted project team.

What are the main goals for the project and how will you validate if your approach is feasible?

The main goals for our project are as follows:

  1. Develop a Cardano-powered AI camera: Our objective is to design and build a next-generation AI camera that leverages the power of Cardano blockchain technology and neuromorphic intelligence. The camera will integrate event-based cameras and standard cameras, enabling real-time object tracking and classification while minimizing computational and memory requirements.
  2. Ensure privacy and data security: We aim to provide unparalleled control over privacy and data security for users. By leveraging end-to-end encryption and decentralized issuance of encryption keys through the Cardano blockchain, we will empower users to have complete ownership and control over their video footage, addressing the privacy concerns associated with traditional security cameras.
  3. Validate feasibility through rigorous testing: We will conduct extensive testing and validation to ensure the feasibility and effectiveness of our approach. This will involve evaluating the camera's performance in real-world scenarios, measuring its accuracy in object tracking and classification, assessing its power consumption, and validating the integration with the Cardano blockchain.
  4. Demonstrate scalability and usability: Our goal is to demonstrate that our solution is scalable and user-friendly. We will assess its ability to handle increasing amounts of video data, evaluate the ease of installation and configuration, and gather user feedback to refine and improve the user experience.

To measure the achievement of these goals, we will utilize both quantitative and qualitative metrics. Quantitatively, we will measure the camera's accuracy in object tracking and classification, power consumption levels, and the number of successful transactions on the Cardano blockchain. Qualitatively, we will assess user satisfaction, feedback, and the overall improvement in privacy and data security compared to traditional security cameras.

Regarding the implementation of our approach, we will follow an iterative and agile development process. We will engage in rigorous software development practices, including continuous integration and testing, to ensure the stability and reliability of our software. Additionally, we will establish partnerships with leading neuromorphic camera manufacturing companies, such as Prophesee, iniVation, or CelePixel, to ensure seamless integration of their hardware with our software solution.

Through this approach, we aim to validate the feasibility of our project and deliver a high-quality, Cardano-powered AI camera that addresses the core challenges of privacy, data security, and computational efficiency in the field of video surveillance and security.

Please provide a detailed breakdown of your project’s milestones and each of the main tasks or activities to reach the milestone plus the expected timeline for the delivery.

Milestone 1: Research and Requirements Gathering

  • Conduct in-depth research on neuromorphic cameras, blockchain technology, and existing security camera solutions.
  • Define the specific requirements and features for the Cardano-powered AI camera.
  • Duration: 1 month
  • Success Criteria: Completion of research documentation and a clear set of requirements for the project.
  • Projected Cost: $5,000 for research materials and resources.

Milestone 2: Hardware and Software Integration

  • Establish partnerships with neuromorphic camera manufacturing companies for hardware integration.
  • Develop the software components for real-time object tracking and classification.
  • Integrate the event-based cameras and standard cameras into a cohesive system.
  • Duration: 3 months
  • Success Criteria: Successful integration of hardware and software components with demonstrated functionality.
  • Projected Cost: $20,000 for hardware procurement and software development.

Milestone 3: Privacy and Security Implementation

  • Implement end-to-end encryption mechanisms for user data protection.
  • Develop the decentralized issuance of encryption keys using the Cardano blockchain.
  • Conduct thorough security testing and audits to identify and address vulnerabilities.
  • Duration: 2 months
  • Success Criteria: Robust privacy and security measures implemented with no significant vulnerabilities identified.
  • Projected Cost: $15,000 for security testing and auditing.

Milestone 4: Performance Testing and Optimization

  • Conduct extensive performance testing to measure computational efficiency and power consumption.
  • Optimize the system for real-time processing and low-power operation.
  • Evaluate the camera's accuracy in object tracking and classification.
  • Duration: 2 months
  • Success Criteria: Satisfactory performance results, including efficient power consumption and accurate object tracking and classification.
  • Projected Cost: $10,000 for testing equipment and resources.

Milestone 5: User Experience Enhancement

  • Refine the user interface and user experience based on feedback and usability testing.
  • Improve installation and configuration processes to ensure user-friendliness.
  • Gather user feedback to identify areas for improvement and implement necessary changes.
  • Duration: 1 month
  • Success Criteria: Positive user feedback indicating a user-friendly and intuitive experience.
  • Projected Cost: $8,000 for user testing and interface enhancements.

Milestone 6: Documentation and Knowledge Sharing

  • Prepare comprehensive documentation, including user manuals and technical specifications.
  • Share project outputs, impact, and opportunities through various channels (e.g., blog posts, articles, conferences).
  • Contribute knowledge and lessons learned to the Cardano community and other relevant forums.
  • Duration: 1 month
  • Success Criteria: Completed documentation and successful dissemination of project outputs.
  • Projected Cost: $5,000 for documentation preparation and knowledge sharing activities.

The project will be managed using an agile project management approach, with regular sprints and iterations. We will establish a dedicated project team consisting of researchers, developers, and project managers. Communication and coordination will be facilitated through regular team meetings, progress updates, and task tracking. Risks and issues will be identified and addressed promptly to ensure project success and adherence to timelines. Progress will be monitored using project management tools and regular reporting to stakeholders.

The estimated timeline for the overall project is approximately 10 months, considering the duration of each milestone and necessary dependencies. However, it is important to note that the timeline may be subject to adjustments based on unforeseen challenges or changes in project scope.

Please describe the deliverables, outputs and intended outcomes of each milestone.

Milestone 1: Research and Requirements Gathering Deliverables:

  • Research documentation on neuromorphic cameras, blockchain technology, and existing security camera solutions.
  • Detailed requirements specification for the Cardano-powered AI camera.

Intended Outcomes:

  • A clear understanding of the state-of-the-art in neuromorphic cameras and blockchain technology.
  • Well-defined requirements that capture the necessary features and functionalities for the proposed camera solution.


  • Completion of research documentation and requirements specification.
  • Evaluation of the research documentation by experts in the field.

Milestone 2: Hardware and Software Integration Deliverables:

  • Integrated hardware and software components for the Cardano-powered AI camera.
  • Functioning system capable of real-time object tracking and classification.

Intended Outcomes:

  • Seamless integration of event-based cameras and standard cameras into a unified system.
  • Reliable object tracking and classification capabilities with low-power consumption.


  • Successful integration of hardware and software components with demonstrated functionality.
  • Performance testing to measure the accuracy and efficiency of object tracking and classification.

Milestone 3: Privacy and Security Implementation Deliverables:

  • Implementation of end-to-end encryption mechanisms for user data protection.
  • Decentralized issuance of encryption keys using the Cardano blockchain.
  • Thorough security testing and auditing reports.

Intended Outcomes:

  • Robust privacy and security measures to protect user data from unauthorized access or hacking attempts.
  • Decentralized encryption key management to ensure user ownership and control over their device and videos.


  • Successful implementation of end-to-end encryption mechanisms and decentralized issuance of encryption keys.
  • Completion of security testing and audits with no significant vulnerabilities identified.

Milestone 4: Performance Testing and Optimization Deliverables:

  • Performance testing results measuring computational efficiency and power consumption.
  • Optimized system for real-time processing and low-power operation.

Intended Outcomes:

  • Efficient power consumption of the camera system to ensure long-term operation on low-power embedded platforms.
  • High-performance capabilities for real-time object tracking and classification.


  • Performance testing results indicating computational efficiency and power consumption metrics.
  • Accuracy and speed of object tracking and classification measured against predefined benchmarks.

Milestone 5: User Experience Enhancement Deliverables:

  • Improved user interface and user experience based on feedback and usability testing.
  • Streamlined installation and configuration processes.

Intended Outcomes:

  • User-friendly and intuitive experience for users during camera setup and operation.
  • Enhanced user satisfaction and ease of use.


  • User feedback and usability testing results indicating improved user experience.
  • Reduction in user-reported issues and difficulties during installation and configuration.

Milestone 6: Documentation and Knowledge Sharing Deliverables:

  • Comprehensive documentation, including user manuals and technical specifications.
  • Dissemination of project outputs and impact through various channels.

Intended Outcomes:

  • Accessible documentation for users to understand the camera system and its functionalities.
  • Sharing project outcomes and lessons learned with the Cardano community and other relevant forums.


  • Completion of comprehensive documentation, including user manuals and technical specifications.
  • Documentation engagement metrics, such as downloads and user feedback.
  • Successful dissemination of project outputs through blog posts, articles, and conference presentations

Please provide a detailed budget breakdown of the proposed work and resources.

Budget Breakdown:

Research and Requirements Gathering: $3,000

  • Research and publication costs: $2,000
  • Stakeholder interviews and consultations: $1,000

Hardware and Software Integration: $16,000

  • Neuromorphic cameras (from Prophesee): $4,000
  • Standard cameras: $4,000
  • Development boards and sensors: $4,000
  • Software development and licenses: $4,000

Privacy and Security Implementation: $15,000

  • Blockchain integration and development: $8,000
  • Security testing and auditing services: $7,000

Performance Testing and Optimization: $10,000

  • Test equipment and tools: $2,500
  • Software optimization: $6,000
  • Power consumption measurement devices: $1,500

User Experience Enhancement: $8,000

  • UI/UX design and development: $4,500
  • Usability testing and feedback collection: $3,500

Documentation and Knowledge Sharing: $5,000

  • Technical writing and documentation: $2,000
  • Dissemination and promotion: $3,000


  • Unforeseen expenses: $6,000 (10% of the budget)

Total Project Budget: $63,000 (the equivalent ADA has been requested at current market prices- it is very hard to budget with a volatile commodity so we had to use USD)

Third-Party Products/Services:

  • Neuromorphic cameras: The project will rely on purchasing neuromorphic cameras from companies like Prophesee, iniVaTion, or CelePixel. The cost of these cameras is included in the budget breakdown.
  • Security testing and auditing services: External professionals will be engaged to conduct comprehensive security testing and audits to ensure the robustness of the system.

Other Funding Sources: If the project cost exceeds the funding request, we will explore additional sources of funding, such as grants, partnerships, or private investments, to cover the remaining expenses.

Note: The budget elements for publicity/marketing/promotion, project management, documentation, and reporting back to the community are included in the respective milestones' costs.

Who is in the project team and what are their roles?

Dr. Bharath Ramesh (Project Lead and AI Researcher - Computer Vision Specialist)

  • LinkedIn: Bharath Ramesh
  • As a leading researcher in the neuromorphic domain, Bharath Ramesh will oversee the overall project, provide guidance on AI algorithms, and ensure the integration of neuromorphic intelligence into the camera system. He will also contribute his expertise in computer vision to develop object tracking and classification algorithms. He will work closely with the team to ensure accurate and efficient completion of the project.

Sam Jeffery (Blockchain Expert)

  • LinkedIn:Sam Jeffery
  • With extensive knowledge in blockchain technology, Sam will be responsible for implementing the Cardano blockchain integration, ensuring the security and privacy features, and overseeing the decentralized issuance of encryption keys.

Robin Thomas (and his team of hardware engineers)

  • LinkedIn:Robin Thomas
  • Robin and his team will contribute his expertise in hardware to develop object tracking and classification embedded systems. Robin will work closely with his team to ensure accurate and efficient processing of video data.

Fayaz M (Project Manager)

  • LinkedIn:Fayaz M
  • As the project manager, Fayaz will handle project planning, coordination, and resource management. He will ensure the timely execution of milestones, adherence to project objectives, and effective communication within the team.

Additional Team Members (To be recruited)

  • We plan to recruit additional team members with expertise in hardware integration, UI/UX design, and documentation to support the project's various stages. The specific skills we will be looking for include hardware engineering, front-end development, and technical writing.

We have already engaged with the team members and have established direct lines of communication through project management tools and regular meetings. This allows us to collaborate effectively, share progress updates, and address any challenges that may arise during the project.

Please note that consent has been obtained from all team members to include their information in the proposal.

How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

The cost breakdown of the project represents value for money for the Cardano ecosystem in several ways.

  • The costs have been carefully estimated based on the specific requirements and tasks of each milestone.
  • The projected costs are reasonable when considering the complexity and scope of the proposed work.
  • The project team comprises experienced professionals with expertise in the relevant domains.
  • Thorough research and analysis have been conducted to assess the prevailing market rates, the specific needs of the project, and the expertise required to deliver high-quality results.

Overall, the cost breakdown demonstrates a prudent and strategic approach to resource allocation, providing value for money by ensuring that the project can be executed successfully, delivering tangible outcomes and benefits to the Cardano ecosystem.



  • EP2: epoch_length

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 24s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 3s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP3: key_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 48s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP4: epoch_no

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    2m 16s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP5: max_block_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 14s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP6: pool_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 19s
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  • EP7: max_tx_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 59s
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