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ADAByte: Byte-sized Programming Tutorials
Current Project Status

Byte-sized programming tutorials for beginners. Learn coding step-by-step with concise and accessible video lessons on Lucid, Opshin and Mesh JS, among other excellent resources of the ecosystem.


Lack of beginner-friendly & captivating Cardano dev tutorials makes it difficult for newcomers to get into the ecosystem. We aim to provide short, user-friendly tutorials on Lucid, Opshin and Mesh JS.

Value for money
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2 members

ADAByte: Byte-sized Programming Tutorials

Please describe your proposed solution.

AdaByte is a solution that addresses the problem of limited accessibility to programming education for beginners. It offers byte-sized programming tutorials specifically designed for beginners, which break down complex concepts into manageable pieces. This makes programming education more approachable and engaging for newcomers.

AdaByte also focuses on the Cardano ecosystem and its associated programming languages, which enables beginners to gain practical knowledge and understanding of coding within the Cardano ecosystem. This is particularly important as it promotes the adoption and utilization of Cardano's smart contract capabilities. AdaByte's impact will be demonstrated through the increased accessibility of programming education for beginners within the Cardano community. By providing concise and accessible video lessons, AdaByte empowers individuals to learn and develop coding skills at their own pace. This will not only benefit aspiring developers but also contribute to the growth and vitality of the Cardano ecosystem by fostering a larger community of skilled programmers.

Example topics are given below.

  • Mastering Mesh JS

  • Introduction

  • Setup Mesh JS into your project.

  • Overview about Interacting with Browser Wallets - Nami, Eternl, etc.

  • Develop your first DApp

  • Overview about Providers - Blockfrost, Tangocrypto, Koios & Dandelion.

  • Make Transactions with DApp

  • Multi-Sig Minting Application

  • Mint & Burn Assets

  • Verify wallet ownership in DApp

  • Build transaction with wallet in Node.js

  • Integrating Smart Contract in DApp

  • Mastering Lucid

  • Introduction

  • Setup Lucid into your project.

  • Create a Wallet & Build your first transaction

  • Mint Assets

  • Interact with smart contracts

  • Mastering Opshin

  • Introduction

  • Setup Opshin Locally

  • Hello World

  • Understanding EUTxO

  • Always True Contract

  • Marketplace Contract

How does your proposed solution address the challenge and what benefits will this bring to the Cardano ecosystem?

AdaByte directly addresses the challenge by providing accessible programming education for beginners in the Cardano ecosystem. It promotes inclusivity and breaks down complex programming concepts into bite-sized tutorials, allowing individuals with little coding experience to contribute to Cardano's growth and innovation. By leveraging popular social media platforms like Instagram and YouTube, AdaByte attracts a wider audience, expanding the community and bringing in new perspectives and talents. Additionally, AdaByte empowers beginners with programming skills that can be applied within Cardano, contributing to the ecosystem's strength and sustainability.

The impact of AdaByte can be measured by the number of users it attracts and engages within a reasonable timeframe. By introducing programming to a substantial number of individuals and guiding them towards active participation in the Cardano ecosystem, AdaByte brings new participants to the community and strengthens the ecosystem through education and practical application. AdaByte's project aligns with the Catalyst Fund's aim of inclusivity, community growth, and the development of a skilled programming community within Cardano.

The impact of AdaByte goes beyond funding the project team. It creates a stronger community of skilled programmers who have discovered and engaged with Cardano through AdaByte's social media presence. As more individuals gain programming proficiency and become Cardano enthusiasts, they actively contribute to the ecosystem's growth and development.

AdaByte aims to reach thousands of viewers through its presence on Instagram and YouTube. While the exact numbers will depend on various factors, AdaByte is committed to tracking its reach and assessing the impact of its content. The success of AdaByte can be measured by the number of beginners who successfully learn and apply coding skills within the Cardano ecosystem. By leveraging these platforms, AdaByte introduces a larger audience to Cardano, empowers them with programming knowledge, and encourages their active participation in the ecosystem's growth and innovation.

How do you intend to measure the success of your project?

The success of the AdaByte project will be measured through various metrics that demonstrate its impact on the Cardano ecosystem. These metrics include:

  1. User Engagement: The number of users reached by Adaxon social media channels and actively participating in AdaByte's programming tutorials on platforms like Instagram and YouTube will be tracked. This metric will reflect the project's ability to attract and engage a wider audience within the Cardano community.
  2. Community Growth: The increase in the number of individuals joining the Cardano community as a direct result of discovering the ecosystem through AdaByte's tutorials will be monitored. This metric will indicate the project's effectiveness in expanding the community and attracting new members.
  3. Feedback and Opinions: Gathering feedback and opinions from users regarding the quality, usefulness, and impact of AdaByte's tutorials will provide valuable insights. This qualitative measurement will help gauge user satisfaction and identify areas for improvement.

AdaByte will increase user engagement, community growth, and programming skills among beginners in the short term. In the long term, it will contribute to Cardano's productivity and growth by nurturing a community of proficient programmers. The chosen metrics are realistic and will help AdaByte assess its effectiveness.

Please describe your plans to share the outputs and results of your project?

The dissemination of project outputs will occur over a reasonable timescale to ensure widespread access and visibility, via the following strategies:

  1. Documentation and Knowledge Sharing: AdaByte will create comprehensive documentation that captures the programming tutorials, techniques, and best practices covered throughout the project. This documentation will be made available on relevant platforms, such as the Cardano Developer Portal and Adaxon’s website, ensuring accessibility to the broader community.
  2. Social Media Platforms: AdaByte will leverage its presence on social media platforms, including Instagram and YouTube, to share bite-sized programming tutorials, project updates, and success stories. The engaging and accessible nature of these platforms will enable AdaByte to reach a wide audience and promote the Cardano ecosystem.
  3. Community Engagement: AdaByte will actively engage with the Cardano community through forums, online communities, and developer groups. By participating in discussions, seeking feedback, and sharing insights, AdaByte will foster collaboration, gather valuable input, and create opportunities for knowledge exchange and networking.
  4. Collaboration with Other Projects: AdaByte will seek collaborations with other projects within the Cardano ecosystem to explore synergies and enhance the overall impact. This can involve joint events, cross-promotion, or even integrating AdaByte's tutorials into existing projects, further expanding the reach and visibility of the project's outputs.

The results of the AdaByte project will be used to improve programming tutorials and inform future educational initiatives within the Cardano ecosystem. The project team will closely analyze the impact and effectiveness of the tutorials, identifying areas for refinement and expansion. They will also actively share their experiences, lessons learned, and best practices with relevant stakeholders. By strategically sharing the outputs and results of the project, AdaByte aims to create lasting opportunities, foster knowledge transfer, and contribute to the continuous improvement of programming education within the Cardano ecosystem.

What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability?

AdaByte is backed by a talented team of individuals with diverse skills and experiences. Two key members of the team are Bharath and Sam.

Bharath is a Lecturer at Western Sydney University with extensive experience in content creation and instructional design. He has a background in education and a passion for technology, and has developed engaging and effective learning materials for diverse audiences. His expertise in crafting concise and accessible content shall ensure that AdaByte's programming tutorials are easy to follow and comprehend. His understanding of user experience and instructional best practices adds value to the overall learning experience of AdaByte's target audience.

Sam is an experienced programmer with a strong background in web development and blockchain programming languages. He has worked on several projects involving front-end and back-end development, gaining expertise in JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Sam’s deep understanding of programming concepts and his ability to break them down into simpler terms make him a valuable asset in creating accessible and beginner-friendly tutorials for AdaByte. His proficiency in various Cardano programming languages, including Lucid, Opshin, and Mesh JS, enables him to provide comprehensive instruction across different platforms in the Cardano ecosystem.

Both Bharath and Sam have actively contributed to previous proposals, demonstrating their commitment and dedication to the Cardano ecosystem. Their technical skills, combined with their passion for education and content creation, make them key contributors to the success of AdaByte. With their expertise, AdaByte can deliver high-quality programming tutorials that engage and empower beginners, fostering a stronger and more skilled community within the Cardano ecosystem.

What are the main goals for the project and how will you validate if your approach is feasible?

The main goals for the AdaByte project are as follows:

Goal 1: Create and deliver bite-sized programming tutorials: The primary objective is to develop and produce concise and accessible programming tutorials that cater to beginners in the Cardano ecosystem. These tutorials will be delivered through various platforms, including Instagram, YouTube, and other relevant channels. The success of this goal will be measured by the completion and release of a series of high-quality programming tutorials that effectively convey programming concepts in a beginner-friendly manner.

Goal 2: Increase accessibility and engagement: The project aims to make programming education more accessible and engaging for individuals who are new to coding. The goal is to reach a wider audience through social media platforms and attract them to the Cardano ecosystem. The success of this goal will be measured by the growth in the number of viewers, engagement metrics (such as likes, comments, and shares), and the conversion of viewers into active participants within the Cardano community.

Goal 3: Foster a skilled programming community: AdaByte aims to contribute to the development of a skilled programming community within the Cardano ecosystem. By providing beginner-friendly tutorials and resources, the project seeks to empower individuals to acquire programming skills and apply them in the context of Cardano. The success of this goal will be measured by the number of individuals who successfully learn and apply programming concepts within the Cardano ecosystem, as well as their active participation in community discussions, projects, and initiatives

To validate our approach, we will:

  • Conduct market research to understand the target audience's needs.
  • Develop prototypes and gather feedback from beginners and potential users.
  • Collaborate with the Cardano community and gather feedback.

By implementing these strategies, we will continuously assess the feasibility of our approach and make necessary adjustments.

Please provide a detailed breakdown of your project’s milestones and each of the main tasks or activities to reach the milestone plus the expected timeline for the delivery.

The project milestones and timeline for AdaByte are as follows:

Milestone 1: Content Development and Production (Duration: 2 months)

  • Task 1: Identify programming concepts to be covered in the tutorials.
  • Task 2: Create detailed outlines for each tutorial.
  • Task 3: Develop video scripts and accompanying materials.
  • Task 4: Produce and edit video tutorials.

Success Criteria: Completion of the programming tutorials with high-quality content.

Projected Cost: $5,000

Milestone 2: Platform Setup and Optimization (Duration: 2 month)

  • Task 1: Create an Instagram account for AdaByte and set up a YouTube channel.
  • Task 2: Design and customize branding elements for the social media platforms.
  • Task 3: Optimize the platforms for increased visibility and engagement.

Success Criteria: Active presence on Instagram and YouTube with optimized profiles and branding.

Projected Cost: $3,000

Milestone 3: Launch and Promotion (Duration: 1 month)

  • Task 1: Release the first set of programming tutorials on Instagram and YouTube.
  • Task 2: Develop a marketing strategy to promote AdaByte's tutorials.
  • Task 3: Engage with the Cardano community and seek feedback.

Success Criteria: Positive reception and engagement from the target audience.

Projected Cost: $3,000

Milestone 4: Community Building and Engagement (Duration: Ongoing)

  • Task 1: Respond to user feedback and inquiries.
  • Task 2: Collaborate with community members and developers to create relevant content.
  • Task 3: Encourage active participation in the Cardano ecosystem.

Success Criteria: Growing engagement and a community of beginner programmers within Cardano.

Projected Cost: $3,000 (for ongoing community management)

By adhering to the milestone timeline, AdaByte aims to deliver its programming tutorials and engage with the Cardano community in a timely and efficient manner.

Please describe the deliverables, outputs and intended outcomes of each milestone.

Milestone 1: Content Development and Production

  • Deliverables: Completed programming tutorials in video format, including detailed outlines, video scripts, and accompanying materials.
  • Outputs: High-quality video tutorials covering various programming concepts.
  • Intended Outcomes: Provide accessible and concise programming education for beginners in the Cardano ecosystem. Empower individuals to learn coding step-by-step and gain proficiency in programming languages like Lucid, Opshin, and Mesh JS.
  • Measurement: The progress of this milestone will be measured by the completion of the programming tutorials. Key metrics to track include the number of tutorials created, the clarity and comprehensibility of the content, and the adherence to the planned timeline.

Milestone 2: Platform Setup and Optimization

  • Deliverables: Active Instagram account and YouTube channel for AdaByte, with optimized profiles and branding elements.
  • Outputs: Well-designed and branded social media platforms that effectively showcase AdaByte's programming tutorials.
  • Intended Outcomes: Establish a presence on popular social media platforms to reach a broader audience. Increase visibility and engagement by leveraging the features and algorithms of Instagram and YouTube.
  • Measurement: The success of this milestone will be measured by the successful setup of the Instagram account and YouTube channel. Key metrics include the number of followers/subscribers, engagement rate (likes, comments, shares), and the overall growth of the audience on these platforms.

Milestone 3: Launch and Promotion

  • Deliverables: Release of the first set of programming tutorials on Instagram and YouTube. Developed marketing strategy and promotional materials.
  • Outputs: Published programming tutorials and promotional content to generate interest and awareness.
  • Intended Outcomes: Attract attention and engagement from the target audience. Generate positive feedback and encourage viewers to explore further tutorials and participate in the Cardano ecosystem.
  • Measurement: The impact of this milestone will be measured by the reception and engagement from the audience. Key metrics include the number of views, likes, comments, and shares on the tutorials, as well as the level of community interaction and feedback received.

Milestone 4: Community Building and Engagement

  • Deliverables: Ongoing community engagement, including responding to user feedback and inquiries. Collaborative content creation with community members and developers.
  • Outputs: Active involvement and collaboration within the Cardano community, fostering a supportive learning environment.
  • Intended Outcomes: Cultivate a community of beginner programmers within Cardano, where individuals feel empowered and supported in their coding journey. Encourage active participation in the ecosystem and foster a sense of belonging.
  • Measurement: The progress of this milestone will be measured by the level of engagement and participation within the community. Key metrics include user feedback and satisfaction, the number of collaborative content pieces created, and the growth of the community in terms of active members and contributions.

To track the progress of the project, metrics will be measured for each milestone. These metrics include the completion of deliverables, user engagement and feedback, audience growth on social media platforms, and community participation. Regular monitoring of these metrics will provide insights into the project's success and help in making necessary adjustments to achieve the intended outcomes.

Please provide a detailed budget breakdown of the proposed work and resources.

Budget Breakdown:

Content Development and Production:

  • Video production equipment and software: $2,000
  • Freelance video editor: $150 per tutorial (estimated 10 tutorials): $1,500
  • Graphic design services for video assets: $1,000
  • Music and sound effects: $500

Total cost: 15,000 ADA

Platform Setup and Optimization:

  • Social media management tools (annual subscription): $1,000
  • Graphic design services for branding: $1,200
  • Advertising budget for initial promotion: $800

Total cost: 9,000 ADA

Launch and Promotion:

  • Marketing and promotional materials: $1,000
  • Influencer collaborations and sponsorships: $1,000
  • Advertising and promotion expenses: $1,000

Total cost: 9,000 ADA

Community Building and Engagement:

  • Community management tools (annual subscription): $700
  • Collaboration expenses with community members: $1,300

Total cost: 6,000 ADA

Contingency fund (approx 5% of total budget): 3,000 ADA

Total Project Budget: 50,000 ADA (assuming 1$ = 3 ADA)

The project budget encompasses essential resources and services needed for successful execution of each milestone. Project management, documentation, and reporting are prioritized within the budget to ensure transparency and accountability to the Cardano community.

Who is in the project team and what are their roles?

The key members of the AdaByte project team consists of highly skilled individuals with expertise in programming, video production, content creation, and community engagement:

  1. Bharath (Project Lead and Content Creator), a seasoned academic and Cardano enthusiast, will oversee the overall project, manage the team, and ensure successful execution of milestones. With a background in computer science and extensive experience in education content development, Bharath brings technical expertise and a deep understanding of the Cardano ecosystem. LinkedIn
  2. Sam Jeffrey(Content Creator): Sam, an experienced content creator and educator, will be responsible for developing the byte-sized programming tutorials and creating engaging video lessons. With a passion for teaching and simplifying complex concepts, Sam will ensure that the content is accessible and valuable to beginners. LinkedIn

Other members of Adaxon shall also contribute to this project, including:

Fayaz (Video Editor): Fayaz, a skilled video editor, will work closely with the team to bring the programming tutorials to life. His expertise in video editing and post-production will enhance the visual appeal and educational value of the content. LinkedIn

Harsha Gulla (Graphic Designer): Harsha, a talented graphic designer, will contribute his creative skills to develop visually appealing graphics and branding materials for AdaByte. His designs will help create a cohesive and engaging visual identity for the project. LinkedIn

The team has engaged in various Cardano community channels, including Discord and Telegram, to connect with technical resources, gather feedback, and seek collaborations. Open lines of communication have been established to ensure effective coordination (e.g. LoveLace Club community) and utilise the available resources within the Cardano ecosystem.

How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

The cost of the AdaByte project represents exceptional value for money for the Cardano ecosystem, particularly considering the favorable pricing available in India. The project team has taken advantage of the lower cost of resources and services in India, which allows for more efficient allocation of funds and a higher return on investment.

For example, by leveraging the availability of skilled freelancers and service providers in India, the project can access top-notch video editors, graphic designers, and marketing professionals at significantly lower rates compared to other regions. This cost advantage enables the team to deliver high-quality content while optimizing the budget.

The AdaByte project is cost-effective because it taps into India's low-cost resources. The team has considered industry standards and the local market to ensure value for money. The team's network in the Indian tech industry also provides competitive pricing for resources. This approach enhances value for money and ensures the project's financial sustainability.



  • EP2: epoch_length

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 24s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 3s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP3: key_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 48s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP4: epoch_no

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    2m 16s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP5: max_block_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 14s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP6: pool_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 19s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP7: max_tx_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 59s
    Darlington Kofa