What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?
Milestone 1: Prototype UIs
<u>Milestone Outputs</u>
Base Application UI
Org wallets (company wallets) ← This plugs into Ada for Salesforce, a separate product)
Transaction Address Objects ← Record type for Cardano Salesforce Wallet
Account wallet / Account Wallet Transaction Addresses (connect to standard object Account) ← Record Type that is compatible with Ada for Salesforce
Sales Cloud Addon
Opportunity / Order Integration
– These objects are not in a base Force.com Org, but are in a common Sales / Service
Cloud installation
– Supporting them via an Add-on let’s us be compatible for all orgs
<u>Acceptance Criteria</u>
Each of the prototypes mentioned above will be made available as a PDF or PNG file.
<u>Evidence of Milestone Completion</u>
Each of the files will be uploaded to the project GitHub repository.
Milestone 2: Data Connectivity
<u>Milestone Outputs</u>
Create the ability to store and manage private keys
Create the ability to generate transaction addresses
Create the ability to send transactions
Create the ability to receive transactions
<u>Acceptance Criteria</u>
The related flows or code will be functional.
<u>Evidence of Milestone Completion</u>
The related flows or code will be available in the project GitHub repository.
Milestone 3: Business Logic
<u>Milestone Outputs</u>
Apex hooks for generating transactions
Apex triggers for receiving transactions
Permission Set for Wallet Admin
Permission Set for Wallet Manager
Permission Set for Wallet User
Approval Methodology for outbound transactions
Templates for Salesforce Flows (Business Automation)
Slack on receiving a transaction
Slack on sending a transaction
Request Approval via Slack for a transaction
Email Accounting on sending a transaction
Emailing an Account Owner
<u>Acceptance Criteria</u>
The related flows or code will be functional.
<u>Evidence of Milestone Completion</u>
The related flows or code will be available in the project GitHub repository.
Milestone 4: Documentation and Security Review
<u>Milestone Outputs</u>
Complete the Admin Guide, Package Installation Guide, and User Guide
Develop the Open Source Installation Guide
Develop the Open Source feedback and improvement process
Create a v1.0 Product and Submit to Security Review
<u>Acceptance Criteria</u>
The documentation will be made available as a PDF file.
<u>Evidence of Milestone Completion</u>
The PDF file will be available in the project GitHub repository.
Milestone 5: AppExchange and Preliminary Marketing
<u>Milestone Outputs</u>
Complete Security Review and list on the AppExchange
Create web pages for Web3 Enabler promoting
Create web pages for Cardano Community
Generate Press Releases on behalf of Cardano, Catalyst Project, and Web3 Enabler
Create Social Media Assets for Cardano, Catalyst Project, and Web3 Enabler
<u>Acceptance Criteria</u>
The web pages will be visible on our website. We will submit the social media assets via email to the project reviewers.
<u>Evidence of Milestone Completion</u>
We will submit the social media assets via email to the project reviewers. We will also send the links to each of the relevant web pages by email.
Final Milestone: Salesforce Japan and Internationalization and Touring and Promotion
<u>Milestone Outputs</u>
Translate into Spanish, French, Italian, and German for Salesforce
Translate into Japanese for Salesforce Japan. Since the oldest and largest Cardano community is in Japan, we also offer a Japanese translation of this proposal, as well.
Submit to Salesforce Japan AppExchange
Create Parallel Marketing for Salesforce Japan
Appear on 1 X-Spaces/Month
Produce 1 blog post/month on Web3 Enabler
Produce 1 blog post/month for a Community Website
Product social media assets for both blog posts
Note: Salesforce Japan runs semi-autonomously, while sharing technical details. It requires a parallel business process.
<u>Acceptance Criteria</u>
The blog posts will be available on our website.
<u>Evidence of Milestone Completion</u>
We will send an email to the project reviewers, upon completion of the milestone, which will include links to each of the blog posts and X spaces, along with a link to a YouTube video demonstrating the outputs of this project..