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[ Summary ]
- Solution: We are making this proposal to introduce CARDANO and DESO ecosystems how a step-by-step cross-chain integration would generate positive impact in both networks; and present ourselves, together with the networks we have activated at both ecosystems, as suitable to lead the efforts towards a collaborative-vision into the CARDANO era of Voltaire, and the DAO-DAO era of DESO.
- Based on our Experience: We base this integration first steps in our use-case as an F6-funded project, which aims to build its end-solution on Cardano, but that will launch its Beta-version on DESO Blockchain, where we will be able to test fast, cheaper and massively, with a broad community of 120.000 DESO users, developers, initiatives and projects; together with the Cardano Catalyst ecosystem.
- Our Use-Case: Our F6-funded project is Cooperativa Local (which we will explain beneath, at the "Previously-Funded Project" section of this proposal): a social web-app that integrates Blockchain tools such as NFTs, DAO and Social Tokens on a geographically-centered experience where users, initiatives and contents from different localities can be created, explored, promoted and financed, both digitally (through user’s mobile devices) and physically (through Digital Displays installed at Cultural Centers, Universities, Metro Stations and Public Venues, in collaboration with local authorities and communities). Start-up Chile -a world's top-10 accelerator program- has backed us until we consolidate market-fit at Latinamerica: https://startupchile.org/en/
[ CARDANO DApps: Problems Restraining its Full Potential ]
- We estimate that almost 20% of all Cardano Catalyst Ecosystem proposers and funded-projects has declared that they aim to build, integrate or use the one of the following smart-contract tools: NFTs, DAO, Tokenomics. Another 20% can be related with non-technical initiatives, such as Community Onboarding, Education Resources, Social Interaction, Meetings, Developer meet-ups; etc.
- Our $14.000 F6-Funded project; related with both clusters of ‘Cardaners’ and as we got deeper into researching and planing our solution’s design, development, launching, alfa-beta-testing and refining process; we found ourselves -as many other teams- with high developing costs and uncertain capability to test enough our iterations to build end-products with market-fit.
[ DESO Blockchain : Unlocking Potential of ADA Dapps, by Decentralizing Social 3.0 ]
- DESO Blockchain, short for "Decentralized Social," claims to be "the first and only blockchain custom-built from the ground up to power and scale a new category of decentralized social applications to one billion users. You can check it website (<https://www.deso.org/>) and white-paper (<https://docs.deso.org/about-deso-chain/readme>)".
- It provides an open-source 3.0 web-app template (Node) which integrates a <u>friendly social User Interface</u>, with customizable Blockchain tools; such as the ability to commercialize artworks and contents as <u>NFTs</u>; launch <u>Creator Coins</u> to raise capital and invest on each other; <u>Royalties</u> gains related to both NFTs and Creator Coins owned; micro-monetization <u>Tipping</u>; and diverse <u>DAO Coins</u> capabilities. You can check an operating template at <https://diamondapp.com/>, the customizable DAO at <https://www.daodao.io/> and a whole list of over 150 social-media based-projects built on DESO, here: <https://bithunt.com/explore>
- The social-features of DESO’s web-app template (Node), are similar to the interface and features we all use know from traditional social media, such as: posting contents; commenting; liking; re-posting; embedding links; having a personal profile, following other users; a personal feed; a global feed; and filtering alternatives related to type of content, contingency, popularity and date.
- On-chain fees of DESO-uses are almost zero.
[ Solution: CARDANO-DESO Progressive Cross-Chain Integration ]
- DESO-ADA Node Launch: By integrating Cardano’s ADA operability into DESO social web-app template (Node with customizable tools such as DAO Coins, Creator Coins and NFTs), we estimate that at least one quarter of Cardano Catalyst Proposals into the Era of Voltaire (<https://roadmap.cardano.org/en>) will be able to build and test their solutions in a fast and cheap manner, aiming possible networks effects that could scale them at two ecosystems.
- First Use-Case and Refining: As explained beneath (on the Timeline section) this Integration has already started its research phase and inter-ecosystem collaboration, guided by the development of our F6-funded project: Cooperativa Local, which on September 2022 will run ADA-capabilities into it's Beta Social Smart-City initiative, which is backed by chilean government.
- Catalyst Use-Case and Open Source Disclose: the refining phase based on our use-case, will let us publish the resulting open-source code to integrate ADA-uses into DESO templates, in a standard manner by October 2022. This launch will be accompanied by the launch of the DAO-governed Catalyst Community Platform on DESO, with ADA-integration. The first challenges will be community-led Tools building and DESO integration into CARDANO.
- Open-Source Set of Tools: By November 2022, open-source repositories will be packed into easy-to-use tools, that low-technical projects will be able to implement. This initiative will be community-led.
- DESO integration into CARDANO: By December 2022, DESO 3.0 Social-tools could be integrated to CARDANO dApps.
- We are currently leading the research process to integrate CARDANO and DESO Blockchains, in both technical and non-technical, eco-systemic manners. We aim to generate two use cases, one dependent to the ecosystem networks' governance we are already creating, and another independent (our F6 Project).
- We already created a representative account to this Cross-Chain on DESO: <https://diamondapp.com/u/crosschain>
- We already partnered with PhD. Andrzej Tuchołka (<https://certo.co/>) who is a community-elected representative from DESO and founder of the two largest DESO Developer Communities. Moreover, he has funded two other initiatives on DESO: metaverse and AI. We already work together with a DESO Developer, Rafael Stockler; who participates on two other DESO initiatives (gaming and promoter-bot): <https://diamondapp.com/u/stockler>
- We’re looking for a CARDANO-Developer Community Leader to lead the cross-chain collaboration with Andrzej and Rafael, and jointly introduce it to the two DESO-Developer Communities we’re part of: DesoLabs (<https://diamondapp.com/u/DeSoLabs>) and Love4Src (<https://diamondapp.com/u/love4src>); and the same for the CARDANO Dev. Communities our new team member considers more appropriate. This cross-chain team will share eachother the respective repositories.
- If the F8 fund is granted to us, this cross-chain initiative will be made public by. and the set of tools and templates we built will become available to both dev. communities, on a standard and clear manner.
- We don’t only aim to consider dev. related activity on this cross-chain initiative, but also entrepreneurial and collaborative. For example, by presenting to DESO Community the general dynamics of Catalyst Ecosystem, such as challenge set-up and the role of CAs, VCAs and Voting.
- In general, we want to approach this integration in an academical manner, able to measure the activity related with the initiative; in order to help other cross-chain initiatives a methodological path into community-led cross-chain development.
- Under the circumstance we don't receive F8 funding, it's possible that the initiative isn't able to disclose the open-source on the estimated date and thus: the community-led development of the tool will delay, together with the Catalyst use-case on DESO-CARDANO.
- Our use-case (Cooperativa Local) should't delay the open-source code of this integration; thus we will evaluate dates again when Fund8 results are published. If delays are expected, we will accelerate the Catalyst use-case and left Cooperativa Local behind.
- The repository integration may be more complex than expected, resulting in the need for more resources and time. In that case, community-led bounties will be executed in the networks we are already activating on both ecosystems.
- A risk of this initiative is that its impact is interpreted as how much it enhances the scaling of consolidated dApps, and not how many early-stage proposals are able to test it's proof-of-concept and further develop successful products.
- Game-changing ADA-Social apps could compete with this cross-chain.
- Cross-chain Social UI at DESO-CARDANO Node, may need to be more friendly in order to unlock it's full potential.