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[5PC] Why Cardano? - Cardano Education Video on Youtube for the Vietnamese Community
Current Project Status

Publish a series of 12 high-quality Youtube videos to comprehensively educate Cardano to the Vietnamese community, aiming to attract investors and developers to the ecosystem.


The interest level of the Vietnamese community in Cardano is still very low, and currently, there is no comprehensive, high-quality information channel about Cardano to attract community attention.

Impact Alignment
Value for Money


2 members

[5PC] Why Cardano? - Cardano Education Video on Youtube for the Vietnamese Community

Please describe your proposed solution


As one of the leading teams operating a blockchain and crypto knowledge media channel in Vietnam, we observe that the rate of new investors interested in and researching Cardano in Vietnam remains very low. The reasons include:

  • There are not many media channels that correctly understand the potential and long-term vision of Cardano, partly because Cardano is a blockchain based on peer-reviewed academic research.
  • THE MOST IMPORTANT REASON: The way content is presented by Cardano information channels in Vietnam is not yet engaging enough.

On the other hand

  • High Speed of Technological Progress on Cardano: Technological advancements on Cardano occur rapidly and extensively, such as the Chang hard fork, the Intersect organization, the SanchoNet governance network, the Midnight partner chain, as well as knowledge about various versions of Ouroboros, Hydra technology, etc. Normal investors typically do not have enough time and English proficiency to keep up with and fully understand these technologies and organizations to recognize Cardano's vision and potential.

  • Attracting New Investors and Developers to Join Cardano: New investors are easily attracted by airdrop projects or focus solely on short-term trends, leading to short-term investment decisions. Additionally, ecosystems fiercely compete for skilled developer resources. Cardano needs to maintain media presence to provide knowledge derived from thorough scientific research, thereby attracting long-term investors and new developers to participate in ecosystem development.


Our team will create a series of 12 high-quality videos about Cardano over three months, to be published on the 5 Minutes Crypto YouTube channel, focusing on:

  • Core technologies of Cardano: the Ouroboros consensus mechanism, the EUTXO ledger model, the ADA staking model, wallets on Cardano, and scalability technologies (Hydra, Mithril, Input Endorsers, etc.).
  • How members can contribute to the Cardano ecosystem through Project Catalyst and the Intersect organization.
  • The future potential of Cardano through videos by Charles Hoskinson, the Midnight partner chain, Edinburgh Decentralisation Index
  • The future of on-chain governance in Cardano with the Chang hard fork, the SanchoNet network, and the GovTool.


To ensure that the video receives the attention of the Vietnamese investor community. The video will be published on

By creating this series, we can effectively educate the Vietnamese community about Cardano's technology while informing them about the latest developments in the Cardano ecosystem.

Especially for Vietnamese developers, who also struggle to choose among dozens of blockchain platforms. They don't have enough time and information to explore them all, so they often choose platforms heavily marketed for project development rather than sustainable platforms like Cardano.

Attract more talented Vietnamese developers to choose Cardano as their project development platform. This is truly necessary for the Cardano ecosystem. At the same time, attracts more investors who understand the technological strengths of the project.

Please define the positive impact your project will have on the wider Cardano community

For the community: This proposal will help Vietnamese people better understand blockchain technology and the workings of Cardano - one of the popular blockchain platforms today. The video will be invested in terms of imagery and content to make it easy for viewers to access and understand this topic more clearly. Additionally, the video will introduce potential applications of Cardano and the benefits it can bring to users. With this proposal, I hope to help Vietnamese people gain more knowledge about blockchain technology and contribute to the popularization and application of blockchain in real life.

For the ecosystem: This will contribute to attracting more talented Vietnamese Developers to build products on the Cardano platform. The Cardano community will gain many investors who truly understand the project and are confident in accompanying it in the future.

Our team will produce a total of 12 videos for this project. To measure the impact of this project, we have outlined three criteria:

  1. The series will attract a minimum of 108,000 views (each video at least 9,000 views after 3 months).
  2. The series will attract a minimum of 600 comments (each video has at least 50 comments after 3 months).
  3. The series will attract a minimum of 2400 likes (each video has at least 200 likes after 3 months).

The community can verify these metrics through the videos published on:

What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability? How do you intend to validate if your approach is feasible?

We are capable of providing the "Why Cardano? - Cardano Education Video on Youtube for the Vietnamese Community " project with a high level of of trust and accountability based on the following factors:

I - Why we can successfully implement this project?

My team has already produced over 1,000 YouTube videos, attracting 1.1 million views in the last 90 days, and 5 Minutes Crypto currently is the largest blockchain information and knowledge channel in Vietnam.

Screenshots of YouTube channel statistics for 90 days from February 10th to May 9th, 2024.

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To achieve this, my team can create visually appealing videos with captivating content, tailored especially for the Vietnamese audience. We believe that we can leverage this strength to strongly disseminate information and updates about Cardano to the Crypto community and developers in Vietnam.

Our team produced the first three videos about Cardano, and the community's response has been very positive. The first video kicks off the series with the theme "Great Opportunities with the Blockchain Wave" while the second video promotes Catalyst Fund10.

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Notable products that we have successfully implemented :

  • Weekly Cryptocurrency News Series: We have a recurring series that covers weekly cryptocurrency news, providing timely information and analysis of the cryptocurrency market.

Image file

II - How to validate the feasibility of my approach :

Using a file to track the monthly progress is an effective method. Below is how this file can be designed and used to ensure transparency and build trust within the Cardano community:

File Structure: The file should be designed to be easily readable and understandable. It should include sections such as:

  • The number of videos produced and released.
  • The number of views and interactions for each video.
  • Monthly goals and comparative results.

Regular Updates: Update the information in the file monthly to ensure that all information is up-to-date and accurate. This helps the community have a clear view of the project's progress and effectiveness.

Transparency and Accessibility: The file should be publicly shared on an easily accessible platform, such as the community's website or on a social media platform. This allows all members to easily view and assess the progress.

Community Feedback: Encourage the community to contribute opinions and feedback on the tracking file. This interaction not only helps to enhance the level of trust but also provides valuable information for improving the project.

III - Here are the steps to produce a YouTube video as described:

Step 1: Detailed Script Development

  • Time: Day T-6
  • The content leader will gather and synthesize information and knowledge relevant to the video's topic. Then, collaborate with the scriptwriting leader to develop and finalize a detailed script. All of this will be completed within 4 days.

Step 2: Video Shooting

  • Time: Day T-2
  • Once the detailed script is ready, the Key Opinion Leader (KOL) will shoot the video in a studio within one day. The video should ensure high quality and bring positive energy to engage viewers.

Step 3: Video Editing

  • Time: Day T-1
  • After shooting the video in the studio, the editor will need one day to process and complete the final video.

Step 4: Video Upload and Sharing on Other Social Media Platforms

  • Time: Day T
  • The video will be uploaded to the Youtube channel and shared on other social media platforms.

Step 5: Addressing Community Questions

  • Time: Day T+
  • 5 Minutes Crypto will continuously monitor and respond to questions and inquiries from the community. The purpose is to help the community gain a better understanding and contribute to the development of the Cardano ecosystem together.

What are the key milestones you need to achieve in order to complete your project successfully?

Milestone 1: The first milestone is set for after the first 15 days of initiating the project, anticipated to be in August 2024.

1- Milestone outputs:

  • Complete 2 YouTube videos for the "Why Cardano?" series.
  • Communicate about the 2 videos to the community.

2- What the project will achieve after the first milestone:

  • The series with 2 videos will achieve a minimum of 3,000 views.
  • The series with 2 videos will receive a minimum of 40 comments.
  • The series with 2 videos will receive a minimum of 50 likes.

3- Budget: The proposed cost for the first milestone, which requires completing the first 2 videos, is 2892 x 2 = 5784 ADA. (16.7% total budget)

Milestone 2: The second milestone is set for after the first 30 days of initiating the project, anticipated to be in August 2024.

1- Milestone outputs:

  • Complete 4 YouTube videos for the "Why Cardano?" series.
  • Communicate about the 4 videos to the community.

2- What the project will achieve after the second milestone:

  • The series with 4 videos will achieve a minimum of 7,000 views.
  • The series with 4 videos will receive a minimum of 90 comments.
  • The series with 4 videos will receive a minimum of 150 likes.

3- Budget: The proposed cost for the second milestone, which requires completing the next 2 videos, is 2892 x 2 = 5784 ADA. (16.7% total budget)

Milestone 3: The Third milestone is set for after 60 days of implementing the project, anticipated to be in September 2024.

1- Milestone outputs:

  • Complete a total of 7 videos on YouTube for the "Why Cardano?" series.
  • Communicate about a total of 8 videos to the community.

2- What the project will achieve after the third milestone:

  • The series with 7 videos will achieve a minimum of 40,000 views.
  • The series with 7 videos will receive a minimum of 240 comments.
  • The series with 7 videos will receive a minimum of 900 likes.

3- Budget: The proposed cost for the third milestone, which requires completing the next 4 videos, is 2892 x 3 = 8676 ADA. (25% total budget)

Final Milestone: The Final milestone is set for after 90 days of implementing the project, anticipated to be in May 2024.

1- Milestone outputs:

  • Complete a total of 12 videos on YouTube for the "Why Cardano?" series.
  • Communicate about a total of 12 videos to the community.

2- What the project will achieve after the final milestone:

  • The series with 12 videos will achieve 108,000 views.
  • The series with 12 videos will receive 600 comments.
  • The series with 12 videos will receive a minimum of 2400 likes.

3- Budget: The proposed cost for the final milestone, which requires completing the last 4 videos, is 2892 x 5 = 14460 ADA. (41.66% total budget)

Who is in the project team and what are their roles?

1- Hoang Van Minh (Facebook - Telegram )

  • CEO of 5 Phút Crypto
  • Active in the financial industry since 2015 at the Military Bank.
  • Engaged in blockchain research in Vietnam since 2017.
  • Manages a community of 33,000 investors.
  • Has 5 years of experience in investment and content creation.


  • Control all stages in the implementation process.
  • Make sure the timing and quality of the videos are right.
  • Monthly report for disbursement

2- Ho Minh Trieu ( X - Telegram)

  • Blockchain/Crypto Researcher at 5 Minutes Crypto
  • Passion for studying blockchain and crypto since 2020
  • Bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering in Bach Khoa University - Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City
  • Cardano Blockchain Certified Associate (CBCA) (Certificate ID: 6495882936398daa3209b8be)
  • Cardano Haskell Developer Course - Emurgo Academy
  • Blockchain Essentials Professional Certificate - IBM


  • Content leader
  • Plan the topics to be covered.
  • Gather and combine information and knowledge about the video's topic.
  • Work together with the Scriptwriting leader to create a detailed script.
  • Keep updating information and knowledge about Cardano for content materials, adjusting the plan as needed.

3- Nguyen Thu Trang (X - Telegram )

  • Content Creator Manager at 5 Minutes Crypto
  • 4 years of experience in the field of content creation and investment


  • Scriptwriting leader
  • Collaborating with the Content leader to finalize the detailed script

4- Nguyen Thi Kieu Oanh (Facebook - Telegram )

  • KOL at 5 Minutes Crypto
  • 3 years of experience in the field of content creation and investment
  • Influencers are loved on the YouTube channel 5 Minutes crypto

Mission :

  • Host Speaker

5- Nguyen Tuan Anh (Facebook - Telegram )

  • Cinematographer and Editor at 5 Minutes Crypto
  • 3 years working in the field of video editing

Mission :

  • Video recording and editing

Please provide a cost breakdown of the proposed work and resources

Here's the breakdown of this proposal's costs:

  1. Content Production: 2 individuals x 12 videos x 32 hours (4 days)/video x 18 ADA/hour = 13,824 ADA
  2. KOL (Key Opinion Leader): 1 individual x 12 videos x 8 hours/video x 20 ADA/hour = 1,920 ADA
  3. Video Shooting: 2 individuals x 12 videos x 8 hours / video x 15 ADA / hour = 2,880 ADA
  4. Video Editing: 1 individual x 12 videos x 16 hours / video x 15 ADA / hour = 2,880 ADA
  5. Project Management and Reporting back to the community: 200 ADA/video x 12 video = 2,400 ADA
  6. Marketing and support community: 200 ADA / video x 12 videos = 2,400 ADA
  7. Studio Rental and Equipment: 700 ADA / video x 12 videos = 8,400 ADA

The total cost for this proposal is 34,704 ADA. The average cost per video is 2892 ADA.

Therefore, the proposed costs for each milestone are as follows:

  1. The proposed cost for the first milestone, which requires completing the first 2 videos, is 2892 x 2 = 5784 ADA. (16.7% total budget)
  2. The proposed cost for the second milestone, which requires completing the next 2 videos, is 2892 x 2 = 5784 ADA. (16.7% total budget)
  3. The proposed cost for the third milestone, which requires completing the next 3 videos, is 2892 x 3 = 8676 ADA. (25% total budget)
  4. The proposed cost for the final milestone, which requires completing the last 5 videos, is 2892 x 5 = 14460 ADA (41,66% total budget)

No dependencies.

How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

This project will bring value to the blockchain community in Vietnam and the Cardano community. With the knowledge that this series brings, the Cardano Vietnam community will have many new members joining hands to build the ecosystem. At the same time, they attract talented developers to choose Cardano to develop their projects.

1- The cost level we propose has been optimized for each position. As this is a creative project with much higher video quality requirements than typical marketing projects, the individuals involved in this project must be carefully selected based on the criteria:

  • Have a minimum of 3 years of experience in the position they hold.
  • Understand the blockchain field and the Cardano ecosystem.

The cost for personnel ranging from $6 to $8 per hour is entirely reasonable.

To make the videos engaging, we need to hire a professional studio and specialized cameras. All these costs have been optimized at a reasonable level suitable for Vietnam.

2- We have taken a snapshot of the reference salary for experienced content writers in the Vietnamese market. Incomes range from 20 to 25 million VND, which translates to an average of $1,250 for 160 working hours, or approximately $7.8 per hour. We have carefully selected for this project possess higher skills compared to the personnel that other companies are currently recruiting. This is because they have been working alongside me in building the largest Crypto information channel in Vietnam

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3- We have divided the project into four important milestones. The first milestone is set for just 15 days after the start, allowing the community to comfortably assess how our team works, the quality of the product, and the positive impacts of the project on the community.

4- We have chosen an economical and efficient video production method to reduce costs. At the same time, we ensure that the project does not exceed the scope and that costs are reasonable. We also have determined an appropriate cost to ensure product quality is still guaranteed. We focus on using available resources and optimizing the production process to minimize unnecessary costs.

5- Comparison with similar projects: My team has conducted research and comparisons with similar projects in the market to ensure that our cost rates are competitive and align with industry standards. This approach helps guarantee that resources are utilized both efficiently and economically.



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