not approved
[2] Upgrade the selfdriven Apps to support SSI & xAPI Standards, and DAO Functionality (Open-Source)
Current Project Status

This proposal targets aligning selfdriven NFTs with W3C SSI, enabling identities and skills to function as DIDs, achievements as VCs, and supporting xAPI, SSI interfaces, and DAO functionality.


Selfdriven Apps issue community IDs & achievements using Cardano & NFT metadata formats. We aim to align with open standards for interoperability and support on-chain DAO functionality.

Impact / Alignment
Value for money


3 members

[2] Upgrade the selfdriven Apps to support SSI & xAPI Standards, and DAO Functionality (Open-Source)

Please describe your proposed solution.

This proposal aims to align the selfdriven NFTs (digital assets) with the W3C SSI standard. This will enable community member identities and skills in the Universal Skill Set to function as DIDs, and achievements as VCs. Furthermore, it will support the xAPI learning activity interface, the SSI interface, and DAO functionality.

Traditional education environments will then be able to engage with these Apps & APIs as a bridge to decentralization technologies.


  • Enable Logon Using Cardano Wallet using CIP30 integration. This will also create the link to view SSI digital-assets stored on-chain.


  • First step is to complete the design of the SSI Schema (did:slfdrvn:) and publish into W3C Register. This will leverage the existing selfdriven tokens SDI (Identity) and SDA (Achievements). Allowing the issuing of those same tokens using the slfdrvn SSI Schema.
  • We will develop an SSI service endpoint ( will be developed to allow DIDDocs & VCs to be retrieved and verified using on-chain hashes stored in accordance with the selfdriven SSI Schema.


  • xAPI Is an open standard for sharing learning activity between learning organisations, including traditional education institutions. We'll establish an xAPI service endpoint ( will allow these organisations to publish & retrieve learner activity. This effectively giving them a path to Blockchain-supported SSI via their compliance to the xAPI standard.



  • The selfdriven Apps ( will be updated to support DAO functionality: Voting, On-Chain Updates, Smart Contracts, to support Level Up Growth-Cycle & Launch programs. This will developed using Marlowe.

DAO Functionality



How does your proposed solution address the challenge and what benefits will this bring to the Cardano ecosystem?

  • Open source Universal Community (Educational & General) Infrastructure

  • The deeper integration of Cardano-based technology into the selfdriven Framework will offer learning communities (i.e. "schools") the opportunity to engage with emerging decentralisation technologies, including Blockchain and Self-Sovereign Identity.

  • Adding value to the identity (e.g. Atala PRISM) & connectivity (e.g. WorldMobile) networks that are being rolled out.

  • On-boarding the next-generation onto Cardano through alignment with standards.

  • Other Cardano projects can use the open-source Universal Skill Set.

Protocols, Services & Use


How do you intend to measure the success of your project?

We will measure success by the following nine use-tests.

When achieved they will enable educational & society focused organisations/projects to use the open-source technology, allowing them to focus directly on the human-value of their project.

Overall helping to the on-boarding of traditional education environments onto Cardano.

1/ SSI Spec in the W3C registry.

2/ Learners (Students) can use the app to sign up & get DID.

3/ Learners can create projects (challenges) and record activity.

4/ Learning Partners (Teachers) can use the app to sign up & get DID.

5/ Learning Partners can log on and verify learner activity and issue Achievements with associated Skills as Verifiable Credentials.

6/ Learning Partner Organisations can register and query learning activity using the xAPI standard via the service endpoint.

7/ A learning community will be able to register a community project and then vote on whether to proceed with the project using their on-chain using their SSI credentials/Cardano wallet as part of the DAO functionality.

8/ A learning community will be able to verify votes relating to community decisions (i.e. if to proceed with a project) by querying the Cardano blockchain using the SDO Policy ID.

9/ A learning community will be able to publish project progress using the SDO Token. This can include on-chain tokens to verifiable evidence by others.

Please describe your plans to share the outputs and results of your project?

All outputs will be shared online as they are being developed to allow for community verification and contribution.

This will allow learning communities and other Cardano projects to work with the outputs immediately, creating opportunities for cross-project collaborations, especially in regards to on-boarding younger people into Cardano.


What is your capability to deliver your project with high levels of trust and accountability?

The selfdriven team supporting the projects have a wealth of experience in education and technology.

The selfdriven Foundation was founded in 2019 and the team is highly engaged within the Cardano community. It has a robust organisational structure.

Mark Byers (Initiator & Co-founder) is a qualified Engineer and has 30+ years experience delivering internet based high-grade solutions to market, including the vision to co-found the service in 2000.

Bence Lukacs (Co-Founder) is a former sports trainer and teacher and brings experience in school development, as well as teacher education projects and Media Education research.

Benjamin Heurich (Co-Founder) is a university lecturer and researcher in the departments of Sociology and Educational Sciences with a focus on digital education, educational equity and internationalisation.

Diverse advisory team with over 100+ years experience

Advisory team includes Mario Altimari (Co-Founder) eLearningDAO.

About The Team

About The Organisation

What are the main goals for the project and how will you validate if your approach is feasible?


  1. Cardano Integration: Integrate selfdriven Apps with Cardano Wallet using CIP30, enabling logon and viewing of SSI digital assets on-chain.
  2. SSI Schema Design: Design and publish the SSI Schema (did:slfdrvn:) into the W3C Register, leveraging selfdriven SDI (Identity) and SDA (Achievements) tokens.
  3. SSI Service Endpoint: Develop an SSI service endpoint ( to retrieve and verify DIDDocs & VCs using on-chain hashes stored following the selfdriven SSI schema.
  4. xAPI Integration: Implement an xAPI service endpoint ( to allow learning organisations to publish and retrieve learner activity, leading to Blockchain-supported SSI adoption.
  5. DAO Functionality: Upgrade the selfdriven Apps to support DAO functionalities: Voting, On-Chain Updates, and Smart Contracts.

Validation of Feasibility:

  1. Cardano Integration: Successful logon using Cardano Wallet and the ability to view SSI digital assets stored on-chain.
  2. SSI Schema Design: Successful publication of the SSI Schema (did:slfdrvn:) into the W3C Register and issuance of SDI and SDA tokens following this schema.
  3. SSI Service Endpoint: Successful retrieval and verification of DIDDocs & VCs using on-chain hashes via the SSI service endpoint.
  4. xAPI Integration: Successful publishing and retrieval of learner activity via the xAPI service endpoint by partner learning organisations.
  5. DAO Functionality: Successful implementation and use of DAO functionalities in the selfdriven Apps, demonstrated by successful voting, on-chain updates, and execution of smart contracts.

Please provide a detailed breakdown of your project’s milestones and each of the main tasks or activities to reach the milestone plus the expected timeline for the delivery.

1/ Update App to enable sign in with linked Cardano Wallet

(4 weeks)

  • Update App Authentication Process to Accept Signed Data as Trusted Authentication
  • Users; My Profile: Allows Linking of Wallet
  • App Sign In Signs Data and uses as Trusted Logon

2 /Design SSI Schema (did:slfdrvn:) and publish into W3C Register

(8 weeks)

  • Design & document methods using Atala PRISM protocols
  • Publish to W3C register

3/ Update selfdriven tokens to be SSI compliant

(4 weeks)

  • Update Cardano native-token automated processes to use SSI spec.
  • Update in App Tokens view and wallet interaction to work with SSI based tokens.

4/ Update app to allow users to create DID/DIDDoc and service providers to retrieve DIDDoc

(6 weeks)

  • Update App My Profile to allow users to get DID, DIDDoc and Achievements as VCs.
  • Code and implement service endpoint.

5/ xAPI Implementation

(12 weeks)

  • Design xAPI Endpoint.
  • Code and implement service endpoint.

6/ Implement DAO functions within the App for Governance (Voting) on Projects and the ability to publish updates to the Cardano blockchain

(12 weeks)

  • Design DAO functions, including collab with eLearningDAO.
  • Code and implement Cardano smart-contract and token creation processes.

Please describe the deliverables, outputs and intended outcomes of each milestone.

1/ App to enable sign in with linked Cardano Wallet

  • Updated App.

2/ Design SSI Schema (did:slfdrvn:) and publish into W3C Register

3/ Update selfdriven tokens to be SSI compliant

  • Ability to issue NFTs as DIDs, DIDDoc(Hashes) & Verifiable Credentials.
  • Using the App, a user can via SSI aligned NFTs.

4/ Update app to allow users to create DID/DIDDoc and service providers to retrieve DIDDoc

  • Using an selfdriven App (Open Source) a user can download DIDDoc & Verified Credentials

5/ xAPI Implementation

  • is available.
  • selfdriven xAPI SDK available for Service Providers.

6/ Implement DAO functions within the App for Governance (Voting) on Projects and the ability to publish updates to the Cardano blockchain

  • Users can vote on community improvement projects using their Cardano wallet.
  • Project milestone updates can be used as SDU (VC) tokens against projects with SDI (DID).

Please provide a detailed budget breakdown of the proposed work and resources.

Funding Milestones

1/ Wallet CIP-30 Integration: 2,000 ADA

2/ SSI Upgrade: 36,000 ADA

3/ xAPI Upgrade: 36,000 ADA

4/ DAO Functionality: 24,000 ADA

Funding is applied directly to human resources for design, documentation, development & testing.

5% of all funds are used to project management tasks.

Who is in the project team and what are their roles?

The team on this project is highly experienced in delivering this type of infrastructure and alignment to standards.

  • Mark Byers (Tech Lead)

Co-founder of, an internet cloud services platform founded in 2000.

Co-founder of (this project)

30+ years experience in information technology.

Mechanical Engineer

  • Bence Lukacs (Design)

Many years of experience in e-Learning Instructional Design and Media Didactics. Driven by a passion for science (particularly Open Science and Decentralized Science), human learning, and digital worlds he's researching, conceptualizing and building decentralized education projects.

  • Benjamin Heurich (Review)

Researcher in the departments of Sociology and Educational Sciences with a focus on digital education, educational equity and internationalisation. Several years of experience in digital branding and international marketing consulting. Current research and activity areas include DeSci, Open Science and Social & Literacy Studies.

How does the cost of the project represent value for money for the Cardano ecosystem?

This project creates value for the Cardano ecosystem by:

  • Leveraging the considerable existing investment into selfdriven Framework & Apps and Cardano integration, enabling all funds to be applied directly to increasing the community value.
  • The project also works with the other four(4) proposals shown below, enabling higher value returns for the Cardano community.


Proposals mapped to the Learning Community Ecosystem




  • EP2: epoch_length

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 24s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP1: 'd' parameter

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 3s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP3: key_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 48s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP4: epoch_no

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    2m 16s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP5: max_block_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 14s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP6: pool_deposit

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    3m 19s
    Darlington Kofa
  • EP7: max_tx_size

    Authored by: Darlington Kofa

    4m 59s
    Darlington Kofa