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Community Reviews across funding rounds
Reshm Proposals (3)
Trustful Fundraising Campaigns
Solution: Build a fundraiser platform where Prism verified entities that can run campaigns. Community can donate with trust.
Cardano Builders Hub-Local chapters
Solution: Extend ongoing project in India to a hub and spokes model where localized activities can be undertaken while aligning to the overall goal.
Cardano Quizzes
Solution: Develop interactive quiz games for Cardano with a dedicated website. Self paced quizzes, live tournaments with leaderboards, gamification, prizes in ADA catering to all from beginners to experts.
Monthly Reports
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The platform was launced last month and the first campaign has been in progress. Its currently reached 20% completion.
The project was launched. This solution is deployed as a free service for the developer community to use. Close out report has been filed as well.
Since last report the development and testing of the solution was completed. We have deployed the API services. The front end for users is in the process of being migrated. A preview link can be seen here: We are targetting to open up public access by end of the month.
Since the last report we completed the website development and minted the tokens for the kick off afforestation campaign. The website has been launched and is available for public access at . For the kick off campaign we are spreading the word out among the local community we have been interacting with as well as others.
We were expecting to close out this proposal by the end of May. Although, as mentioned, we had some issues with another proposal that cause the delay here, since we had shared resources. But we are expecting to close out this proposal before the next reporting cycle.
The partnership with Konma didn't bring more people to our project, and that's one of the reasons we pivoted and opened it for anyone to participate. Also, we started a weekly section for Cardano Builders and we will continue with it even after this proposal is closed, as a place for builders to support each other while they develop their projets.
Nothing to add in relation to previous reports.
Nothing at this time
Not this time
The project is ready for public use. This solution automates the tx generation and submission with given data when using the cardano-cli. By leveraging Cardano's EUTXO model the transaction fee is brought down with batching. Link to the public repo:
Not this time
Development is progressing as per plan.
WIth the new partnership with Konma and extended deadline, we expect to have higher attendance in our program. If not, we are considering including other places, not only India, to have higher attendance.
We were expecting to close out this proposal by the end of May. Although, as mentioned, we had some issues with another proposal that cause the delay here, since we had shared resources. But we are expecting to close out this proposal before the next reporting cycle.
As mentioned in our proposal ‘Proof of Identity for Mediators': We are considering using an alternative technology to create the DIDs, so we can work on delivering the solution with this alternative techonology before PRISM is in production. We are going to talk to IOG and the community about this possibility.
We have already completed the project. There were some changes during the execution that were out of our control, for example, the occurence of the planned winter parliamentary session. Also, we realized that information was not chaging fast enough to justify the issuing of monthly reports. The outcome of the proposal, which is the final report about crypto regulations in India, is going to be shared with the partners mentioned in the proposal: Catalyst School, Gimbalabs and the participants of India's Develoeprs Hub project. We are submitting the close-out report soon.
We had a lower attendance than what we were expecting for the hackathon and the community hub in general. Currently less than 10 people got enrolled in the project. We are considering delaying the hackathon and try other partnerships to have a higher participation.
We were expecting to close out this proposal by the end of May. Although, as mentioned, we had some issues with another proposal that cause the delay here, since we had shared resources. But we are expecting to close out this proposal before the next reporting cycle.
As mentioned in our other proposal 'Proof of Identity for Mediators': We are considering using an alternative technology to create the DIDs, so we can work on delivering the solution with this alternative techonology before PRISM is in production. We are going to talk to IOG and the community about this possibility.
As mentioned in the previous report, we partnered up with another proposing team in the same challenge and pivoted our proposal. We are waiting for them to reply if they would like us to explain something or make any modifications to the API, and then we will close out the proposal.
Project is progressing as per the roadmap.
Development is going on as per schedule. 2 sprints have been completed.
Cost savings via batched tx is a highlight for Cardano. We also consder ease of use aspect of this tool, so that once released , devs can feel familiar with the setup.
We are now working closely to some law specialists in India to provide us an overview about the current situation of crypto in the country from some different perspectives. This information will be crutial for us to provide the final report associated with this proposal.
We are about to finalize this proposal, we believe one more week will be enough to get it done, and we will submit the close-out report soon.
We have already finalized the proposal and sent the close-out report and video to IOG. The project repository is:
As mentioned in the previous report, we partnered up with another proposing team in the same challenge and pivoted our proposal. During the last month, we have built an API that will feed their website (under, but that can also be used by other projects and people, since it'll be open access. We are now testing the integration with their platform and right after we will submit the close-out report.
We are still on track, but we might soon be delayed to the delay on Prism in production as well. We need it ready so we can avoid rework afterwards. Deadline provided above is just a rough estimate due to Prism delivery uncertainty
We have ran the first guiding session, but attendence was low. We are currently marketing the next sessions and the hackathon, and we believe we'll be able to finish it by the end of June/22.
This project intends to make usage of cardano-cli for transactions more efficient.
Leveraging CNFTs to promote afforestation and grow the Cardano community.
Through this project, we'd want to help make the development lifecycle quicker for dapp developers.
As suggested by the Challenge Team, we are analyzing the cooperation with the other funded proposal in this Challenge and we will probably collarobate on that. We might change our planning because of that, but we believe the outcome is going to be better.
As last month, we continue to build partnerships and are now creating content to be shared with India’s key personal they might help with crypto regulations in the country.
We are currently developing the interface and backend to support minting of the Loyalty Tokens.
Work is currently being done in the smart contract for NFT authentication.
We are still on track, but we might soon be delayed to the delay on Prism in production as well. We need it ready so we can avoid rework afterwards. Deadline provided above is just a rough estimate due to Prism delivery uncertainty.
We were analyzing some possible partnerships inside Catalyst to continue with this proposal, but they didn’t seem a good fit and we are probably going to work by ourselves to deliver this proposal.
We were analyzing some possible partnerships inside Catalyst to continue with this proposal, but they didn’t seem a good fit and we are probably going to work by ourselves to deliver this proposal.
We are building the partnerships and planning the content creation to be shared with India’s key personal they might help with crypto regulations in the country.
We are currently testing the prototyped minting smart contract with public testnet, and designing the system architecture.
We are still on track, but we might soon be delayed to the delay on Prism in production as well. We need it ready so we can avoid rework afterwards. Deadline provided above is just a rough estimate due to Prism delivery uncertainty.
Nothing to add here right now, we are just starting the executing of the proposal.
Work is currently being done in the smart contract for NFT authentication.