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Community Reviews across funding rounds
Djangui: Local Savings Account Mgmt
Solution: Create a decentralized platform to manage collection activities focusing on: transparency and ownership rights of collected funds.
Bees Delivery DAO
Solution: Build a decentralized delivery system that leverages moto-taxis, and inter-city buses to create a more efficient system for all stakeholders
Decentralized Bees Delivery System
Solution: Build a decentralized delivery system that leverages moto-taxis, and inter-city buses to create a more efficient system for all stakeholders
Lost |&| Found
Solution: Build a decentralized system that connects lost items to owners integrating DID and a digital wallet as parts of the supporting sub system.
Mentalyse: Learn through fun
Solution: -
Create a collaborative e-learning platform that promotes learning through games with monetary prizes making learning fun and attractive!
TREEdano: Regenerative NFTrees
Solution: –
Plant and turn each rare tree into a dynamic NFTree, creating awareness, facilitating their protection, tracking, and expansion.
Solution: –
Prototype and build a MVP decentralized delivery system that leverages moto-taxis to create a more efficient system for all players
d-Cargo: Decentralized Cargo Dapp
Solution: –
Create a Dapp (d-Cargo) that connects people with a transportation medium (Truck, Bus …), to those seeking freight services.
On-boarding French Developers
Solution: – Create a streamlined and more accessible version of all tree courses in French giving access to a wide francophone audience.
SSI through ancestral Africa lenses
Solution: –
Propose an interactive platform incorporating a unique journey to discover our real self through African lenses with a gaming component
Transactions for Bank credits score
Solution: Provide users and banks with a tool to leverage operations performed on the Cardano platform in the process of computation of credit score to improve the user's solvency level and financial inclusion.
d-Cargo: Decentralized Cargo
Solution: Create a Decentralized Cargo Platform (d-Cargo) that connects merchants with merchandise, agents and truck owners/drivers in such a way that they can find each other and transact seamlessly.
Mobile Money bridge and Decentralized Exchange
Solution: Leverage commonly used Mobile money exchanges such as Orange & MTN to facilitate on-boarding of ADA users by a creating user-friendly platform facilitating the exchange between local currency and ADA.
Cardano's Transactions for Bank credits score
Solution: Provide users and banks with a tool to leverage operations performed on the Cardano platform in the process of computation of credit score to improve the user's solvency level and financial inclusion.
GooDanoMap: Google Maps Companion
Solution: GooDanoMap will be a mobile application to provide deliverers and travelers with points of interest so that they have the best experience during their activities.
Cardano's Transactions for Bank credits score
Solution: Provide users and banks with a MVP to leverage operations performed on the Cardano platform in the process of computation of credit score to improve the user's solvency level and financial inclusion.
Cardano, Google Map’s companion
Solution: Prototype a DApp for mapping Cameroon's points of interest using Google Maps, Cardano for NFT rewards, DID for identity, governance for community input, and iterative development based on feedback.
TREEdano: a Regenerative NFTrees dApp
Solution: Enhance DIT's existing Treedano dApp by adding supporting modules and expanding use cases to attract more users, fostering an Eco-conscious community while creating innovative funding opportunities.
Monthly Reports
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Intern training is advancing; interns are in the project phase of wrapping up the Haskell module. Next they will start working on this project specifically. More details in attached report.
Intern training continues to advance, our goal is to start on architecture with the interns by the end of the year. More details in the attached report.
Our intern training program continues to advance on schedule. Please find more detail in the attached report.
please accept this report for August
-Intern training program launched june 1 -Practice in Haskell will be geared towards this project and others by the Cameroon Hub.
- Hired first 4 interns that will work on the project.
- Orientation meeting for interns tomorrow 5/24
- First day of training June 1. Practice in Haskell will be geared towards this project and others being ran Cameroon Hub.
- Stable coin research: settled on one potential model that we feel will fit local context (based on “monnai libre ocitanie” in France
-Specification checklist completed on task management software (Tiaga) -Started selection process for developer interns to work on the project -Continued research on Stable coin model that will best fit local context
We have not yet officially launched this project, however we have defined our roadmap and plan to hire a few interns over the next month to officially launch the project.