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Community Reviews across funding rounds
uptodatedevelopers Proposals (24)
ADA to Mobile Money App
Solution: Design of a mobile application allowing the exchange of ADA cryptocurrency to a local currency via Mobile Money.
Cardano French Community
Solution: Proposal for a French-speaking web platform to relay the various opportunities offered by the Cardano community.
Solution: Contribute to the decentralization of the Cardano network by becoming a steak pool operator in Kinshasa / Democratic Republic of Congo(DRC)
Solution: Organize weekly live code meetups on Blockchain technology to expand the French community in order to broaden our knowledge on the subject.
ADA to Mobile Money App
Solution: Design of a mobile application allowing the exchange of ADA cryptocurrency to a local currency via Mobile Money.
Updev Community et Cardano Catalyst
Solution: Host regular meet ups with blockchain developers from WADA's network to engage the community and erase the barriers around blockchain tech.
Solution: Design of a money transfer platform using Blockchain technology, allowing users to transfer money from one account to another without limit.
NFT for DRC Fauna and Flora
Solution: The creation of a web platform in partnership with the ICCN for the sale or auction of endangered animals from the fauna and flora of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in NFT format.
Solution: Celebrating the innovation of young Congolese entrepreneurs by organizing a competition which rewards the 3 best innovative ideas in NTICs, especially in Cardano Blockchain.
ADA to Mobile Money App
Solution: Design of a mobile application allowing the exchange of ADA cryptocurrency to a local currency via Mobile Money.
SPOs awareness and education in the French-speaking community of Cardano with Edustake
Solution: Educate African communities about Cardano through targeted educational initiatives and partnerships, to educate and encourage delegation to Cardano SPOs in French-speaking Africa.
Cardano-Africa French Community
Solution: We have created a knowledge sharing platform in French dedicated to Blockchain Cardano, where users discuss, ask questions, share articles, publications, events, research.
Cardano Blockchain Learning Clubs in DRCongo
Solution: The central solution is to stimulate the interest of students and pupils in the Cardano blockchain, to make them aware of its potential and to encourage them to actively contribute to its development.
Ada to Mobile Money: Unlocking Financial Access in Africa
Solution: Ada Exchange App empowers unbanked Africans, addressing high international transfer fees, promoting mobile money integration, and facilitating ADA cryptocurrency use for financial inclusion in Africa.
Solution: Launching Cardano Blockchain Challenge in DRC: Empowering students, developers, and entrepreneurs to propose, develop, and implement local blockchain solutions for impactful problem-solving.
Cardano-East Africa Hackathon: Improving education through blockchain
Solution: Cardano-East Africa Hackathon: Raising awareness and creating educational content to promote integration of Cardano blockchain into regional education, offering opportunities for improvement.
African Women in Cardano: Strengthening the Ecosystem and Inclusion
Solution: Creation of an educational program to encourage African women to join Cardano and promote expansion in Africa.
Podcast: project success stories thanks to Catalyst funds
Solution: Creation of a podcast highlighting successful projects funded by Cardano's Catalyst, providing increased visibility and inspiration for the community.
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3 projects based on Cardano blockchain technology have been funded and will potentially be deployed during the year 2023 in the Democratic Republic of Congo. They also received computer equipment that will allow them to work (computers and telephones).
1rst project : Automated system integrating blockchain technology, which allows real-time monitoring of ticket sales for any type of event. Rewards : 3186.33 ADA (1000 USD) (Rate 0.31) and a Computer
Second project : Online payment service alternative to payment by check or credit card, allowing you to pay online with an ADA wallet. Rewards : 1593.16 ADA (500 USD) (Rate 0.31) and a computer
3rd project : Point of sale management system (stores, shops, etc.) facilitating real-time monitoring of the evolution of the level of activity thanks to Blockchain technology. Rewards : 955.90 ADA (300 USD) (Rate 0.31) and a computer
- Organize meetup about the call to project of cardano
- Developed a software for submitting project online(
- Give the possibility to student to upload their projects
Produce Videos on cardano Blockchain on our Youtube Channel( Organise live sessions on telegram to answer different questions of members of our Cardano Community. Officialise our implication on Cardano Blockchain via our website( Grow our Telegram community with more than 150 members now.
- Creating content on Cardano Blockchain, we’re increasing the number of learners. We make the content available on our Youtube Channel and PDF on Google Drive
- The French content that we make available has allowed our community of Blockchain Cardano developers to grow from 50 to 150 in 3 months.
- 5 of our community members participated on Fund 9 as voters thanks to the french content we make.
- We are building a community which interact daily on our Telegram Channel
We're so glad to see how developers are involved in Blockchain thanks to this project
We're very excited to launch this project in Congo-Kinshasa