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Community Reviews across funding rounds
Funding data last updated
PACE Proposals (9)
Catalyst Site: Collaborators list
Solution: A list of potential collaborators and their skills that want to take part in proposals.
Catalyst Site:Improve proposal data
Solution: Expand & improve team profile information.
Catalyst Site: Education resources
Solution: Create a user friendly calendar page and aggregated resources for learning about Catalyst.
Progress and KPI reporting tool
Solution: Create a reporting tool for progress and KPI reports that can be used as an alternative reporting process with full open access data
PACE: Community credentials 2
Solution: Community project based learning exercises for a bottoms up approach to implementing, learning about and using verifiable credentials
PACE: Skills credentials
Solution: Integrate LearnerShape's skills authentication solution to help the community build reputation using Atala PRISM
Funding Categories Analysis
Solution: Analysis on the challenge setting process, comparisons of categorisation approaches, analysis documents and funding category suggestions
Contributor Infrastructure Analysis
Solution: Establishing an initial product development workflow and governance process that the Catalyst and Cardano contributors can start using
Funding Categories Analysis
Solution: Analysis on the challenge setting process, comparisons of categorisation approaches and desirable categorisation properties. This led to the suggestion of funding categories as an effective solution
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We have only had a conversation to determine that it makes sense to delay the project and allow for more information to come out about full time contributors and IOGs decision on what they will adopt. It was also beneficial to allow more infrastructure to become available in the identity space so that when we do look to fully execute the proposal it will be easier to work with existing infrastructure.
Everything delivered for this proposal is open source and can be found in the GitHub repository - Alternatively you can view all the documentation relevant by going to
We are working in the Catalyst Auditing Circle to more collaboratively go through the evolution of how to execute this proposal for a better reporting process. We also expect Catalyst Contributors to be a good source of people for getting involved in this product development workflow so the work is executed by a more diverse group of people.
We have started to plan out what is needed over the coming months. We will need wallets for the holder and issuer for this proposal and have been working with the Roots wallet team to gage when we will be able to integrate and start using that infrastructure. The LearnerShape protocol is in a good place for development to soon start. Real progress on this proposal will likely take place in the coming months due to the need for more infrastructure.