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Gabriel Axel
Neuroscientist (PhD), SingularityNET (Cardano partner) pedigree; founding extended team, Head of People, Music Co-Director and guitarist for in-house touring band with humanoid robot vocalist.
Formerly, VERSES Director of Communications and researcher, building the Spatial Web (realistic metaverse).
Community Reviews across funding rounds
Gabriel Axel Proposals (24)
Collaborat'n for global risk issues
Solution: Cultivate community facilitation for engagement and proposal development aimed at tackling major issues consciously.
Pathform LATAM: Custom growth paths
Solution: Targeted, personalized consciousnesss interventions; AI-guided custom growth paths & collaborative action in LATAM to address global issues
Pathform: Custom growth paths
Solution: Precision Consciousness: targeted, personalized interventions; AI-guided custom growth paths & collaborative action to address global issues
Global Change Mgmt Operating System
Solution: An information collection system designed to support collaborative international development, solutions implementation, & resource delivery.
Edu-to-action DAO squads
Solution: A customizable education engine that matches action-steps to learning stage, & forms DAO squads of complementary workers for projects.
Dynamic mind-brain NFT design
Solution: Dynamic NFT's that contextually map to dynamic brain signatures, to be paired with decentralized keys for authentication.
Gov3 - DAO Delegation Dashboard
Solution: The Gov3 dashboard, a portal to track delegated governance activities, e.g. proposal submissions. A variety of actionable insights ensure safety & accountability. SingularityDAO is a pilot partner.
Custom AI tools & growth paths
Solution: AI-assisted cognitive assessment, skills mapping, and insight for teams.
State-of-mind-as-a-service (SoMaaS)
Solution: Using neuroscience, state-of-mind-as-a-service for use cases and everyday life, suitable for web3 use, e.g. authentication. Development of key algorithms and integration with hardware EEG headset. : Biometric insight for crypto trading
Solution: will enable traders and potentially interested operators (exchanges) to have insights into user trading behavior, enabling the development of sustainable trading strategies.
Biometric crypto wallet
Solution: Due to the sensitive nature of biometric data, a standalone biometric crypto wallet will be created. A proof-of-concept/prototype hardware wallet will also be designed.
Brain biometrics-based crypto tokenomic architecture
Solution: The present proposal will develop a custom architecture design for how brain functions can be represented in blockchain, utilizing Cardano's chain as the go-to.
Neuralprint: EEG & biometrics R&D
Solution: Expert R&D on brain and biometric states relevant to use cases and everyday life, suitable for web3 use, e.g. authentication. Development of key algorithms and integration with hardware EEG headset.
(Bio)metrics for Automotive/Sport
Solution: The project will conduct R&D on automotive racing performance signatures using biometrics, which will inform AI that can assist or drive outstandingly. A model for tokenized rewards will be created.
Pathform ReFi: Nature, (Plastics) Circular Economy, Wellbeing & Mindset Shifts
Solution: The proposed project will build a bridge between Nature 2.0 (ReFi) tokenomics and future 'ecologies of mind', leveraging blockchain & mind-hacking to allow humans to communicate with ecosystems.
Chadscore: Degen metrics on Cardano
Solution: Chadscore ranks users according to the riskiness of their participation in Cardano projects and events. User degen behavior will be ranked & whitelists created for new Cardano projects launches.
Neuralprint: Brain EEG Data on Cardano Blockchain for Many Use-Cases
Solution: We will capture brainwave (EEG) states on blockchain (first ever) through expert R&D on brain and biometric states across various use cases.
Novel Brain Biometrics-based Crypto Tokenomic Architecture for Cardano
Solution: The present neuroscientist-led proposal will develop a custom architecture design for how brain functions can be represented in blockchain, utilizing Cardano's chain as the go-to.
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Pathform micropractices have been assigned to each architex architype and each architex cognitive domain. Architex has been validated against multimodal brain MRI showing that the architex cognitive domains map onto specific and expected functional neural networks on the human brain. This is informing micropractice matching and the planned AI modification of matching. Outcome metrics for the AI matching algorithm have been identified and include duration of time spent on the micropractice, self-reported well being post-micropractice and engagement with other components of Pathform.
The integration of architex into the NP website is almost complete The conversion of the architex json to cardano blockchain is almost complete The minting of the NFT from the blockchain is complete, although the NFT art is still under consideration and finalization. The logo and branding are complete via working with a consultant and the integration with website development is ongoing The NP gitlab is complete with all code well informatics in the repository. We are considering a white list announcement for an early beta test of the NP process.
Milestone 2 has been completed: building the core primitives and mechanisms for on- and off-chain data integration.
The completed deliverable is a proof-of-concept that is a version of the browser application with the following capabilities:
- Wallet Connection
- Basic Wallet Profile with arbitrary text data attached to any address on Cardano
Milestone 2 has been completed: building the core primitives and mechanisms for on- and off-chain data integration.
The completed deliverable is a proof-of-concept that is a version of the browser application with the following capabilities:
- Wallet Connection
- Basic Wallet Profile with arbitrary text data attached to any address on Cardano
Milestone 1 has been completed. A concept document and a specification document have been created. The concept document lays out the goal and framing of the Gov3 Dashboard, including MVP functionality. The specification document lists the functional components of the dashboard (delegation, representative election, delegate & reps tracking). Alignment with the pilot partner is ongoing.
Cardano NFT minter coding is underway and soon to be complete. All code is stored, issued and indexed in NP-specific github repository including a thorough readme file. White labeling of Architex into NP website continues and is making significant progress. Github repository issues and indexes for this process are underway. Integration of Architex backend codes and resulting json files with minter is underway and progress is exciting. Logos are complete and branding is nearly complete allowing for ongoing marketing and potentially for future funding proposals. Overall on track to complete goals and milestones in project timeline.
Initial pairing of micropractice typology with architypes complete. This will allow us to begin data collection on the micropractice-architype pairings serving as the foundation for AI/ML fine tuning of these pairings into the future. Community podcast has been recorded. Marketing campaign commenced. Overall on track to complete goals and milestones in project timeline.
Prototype app design and development phase completed. Next phase is testing.
API integration ongoing, Architex API complete, initial Pathform mapping of Architex architypes to initial microintervention complete. Stability of architype test-retest evaluation begun and almost complete. Marketing roadmap complete and begun.
NP website wireframe begun, additional interns brought on to assist with website development and marketing, developers working to integrate Architex assessment and NFT minting into NP website, marketing roadmap complete and begun, additional advisors to NP determined and onboarded.
Two international web3 developers (China, London) have been fully onboarded. Development plan has been story boarded, wire frame and initial execution and development is underway. Server selection for hosting is ongoing. Code is being developed to convert the Architex JSON file to the blockchain while maintaining security (e.g. encryption, no public facing access). Partnerships for automatic generation of user-specific brain NFT based on Architex and other biodata are being explored with multiple current options. Code is being developed to integrate blockchain user json with the final NFT solution. Other aspects of development chain are underway as well. Marketing plan is complete and will be launching this month.
The API integration with Pathform is ongoing. Gabriel has worked with each of the Architex cognitive domains to generate initial micropractices assigned to each domain so that user's can have Pathform micropractices assigned to them based on their Architex profile. This will serve as the foundation for the AI/ML model that will improve this micropractice to cognitive profile matching over time.
A proper logo package has been designed by a professional designer (the previous logo was a placeholder). Administrative dashboard is in progress of being coded by the project programmer. Design finalisation, UX tweaking, and updated audio files are pending for formally entering testing phase. Next project phases in planning and discussion.
Progress: API Architex documentation is complete. Pathform marketing moving forward including pathform-architex announcement forthcoming. Pathform micro interventions assigned to each domain of architex output as starting place for AI/ML based auto assignment of micro interventions based on architex outputs. Pathform users taking architex. API integration forthcoming
Progress: Two devs hired and onboarded. Architex computational algorithms and json data updated based on updated formulas and API documentation. Json data accuracy and consistency confirmed. Interns taking architex to confirm test-retest reliability as well as consistency of output. Market drip campaign outlined across X, Y, Z social media platforms.
Minor touch ups to prototype app in progress. Initial Beta testing commenced.
Development of prototype app is undergoing testing phase.
We are excited about the developments with Lit Protocol. Progress on this depends on Cardano EVM availability
Coming along smoothly!
The above attachment is a redacted screenshot of our candidate developers for our hiring process.
Nothing comes to mind… Looking forward to Phase II of the development!
Just got funded (F8), and excited to start!
Just got funded (F8), and excited to start!
See our click dummy proof of concept:****
No, except that we are growing and excited. Thank you!
See above mobile app designs, which are currently being worked on. We have onboarded extended team members:
- Refik Anadol (see above);
- Zach Richter (Creative Director and VR designer, example project: "Supernatural", a VR exercise game)
We have hired a full-stack developer, which was the first concrete step in our proposal. We also have app mockups (attached).
Submitted yesterday, and submitting report again now due to slightly updated attachment document. Please disregard yesterday's submission
No, thank you!