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ranket Proposals (17)
Scale up Cardano by JPN Publication
Solution: A lot of Cardano content's with deep understanding written in Japanese such as books, document, You tube community moderating etc.
Product Exhibition from Shikoku
Solution: The discount price produced by Catalyst supporting make ADA use case, new appeal method and out reach effect for new potential ADA holders.
On line local Area shopping by ADA
Solution: The special discount on internet shopping by ADA supported by Catalyst will promote ADA holder shopping and active local area economy.
Application contest for students
Solution: Sometimes student in university circle products are high quality and interesting. I think catalyst fund should promote ADA for them.
PAB promotion in Japan
Solution: We will provide the guide book (or Website) for Plutus Application Background in Japanese. This will be interested Japanese Engineers.
JP-Regional Revitalization Project
Solution: We will make acceptance of Cardano based BC technology for local area citizens and government in Japan, which willl extend the ADA use case.
Atala Japanese Translation & CNFT
Solution: Create Japanese translated versions of AtalaPrism and DID related materials, including localized ATALA Prism Pioneers Program documentation
Project Support Stake pool in Japan
Solution: We will establish 100% margin pool and distribute original Token instead of ADA rewards. The delegators can vote for use case of ADA rewards
MetaDID experiment × Aizu Lab
Solution: The Aizu lab in Japan will study the use of Cardano's Atala DID as an ID on the metaverse.
Japanese Traditional Crafts NFT
Solution: We will establish the value supported NFT market with Japanese Traditional Craftsman Group. We want to make this system as a standard for art type NFT and a way to save the art tradition.
L-Earning Bazaar: Web3 Integration
Solution: We will establish a web3 learning platform and marketplace with DID, where anyone can open a classroom in any field. This will empower people to simultaneously share and earn through their knowledge.
L-Earning Bazaar: Platform Building
Solution: We will establish a web3 learning platform and marketplace with DID, where anyone can open a classroom in any field. This will empower people to simultaneously share and earn through their knowledge.
Cardano Based Web3 Blockchain Center in Tokushima-Yoshinogawa Japan
Solution: We will establish the Web3 center with Kittamu, who has close relations with the (local) government. The center has an original server, technique for token/NFT minting and Web3 project management.
Crypto magazine published by Japanese polular Publisher "Futaba-Sha"
Solution: To promote Cardano's merits and facilitate its adoption, we will launch a dedicated Crypto Magazine that highlights Cardano and provides comparative analysis with other major blockchains
Potential Catalyst survey in Japan for truely decentralized DAO system on Cardano.
Solution: We will search poteitial catalyst proposer and supply small fund to encourage Catalyst proposal or mini Cardano project. I already receive several possibilities from Japanese ADA holders.
Sports Crowdfunding system attached to Funclub application based on Cardano chain
Solution: We are set to develop a novel sports funding application for "FC Tokushima," the football team, utilizing the Cardano chain and CNFTs. The application will incorporate a robust CNFT and token system.
Promotion of Japanese Cardano Products
Solution: Our main focus will be on promoting Cardano projects from Japan and creating successful examples of the use cases. Japan has clear laws related to cryptocurrency and is also the birthplace of Cardano.
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We made formal agreement of Japanese traditional Crafts NFT sell by CNFT market. Also we know prepare inform page of these agreement. This page will open quite soon (within a few days). Also we have succeeded to keep the space and method to keep Japanese Traditional Crafts with good condition. Also now we are gooing to make CNFT quickly. In addition to this, we already get more than 10 the Japanese traditional crafts for this project. So Milestone1 is achieved within a few days. And Milestone2 is also soon.
Our stake pool generate 5-7 blocks per epoch and get rewards. We use most of this rewards to support the Catalyst projects for example Block chain EXPO, JP-Regional Revitalization Project etc… The recent price down of ADA make damage for these projects. Our financial support help and solved this problem. The supporte projects are working well.
As a start up of this project, we established traial Japanese traditional crafts collaborated with Cardano and NFT project(Kabuki-Tokyo). The Aizome T-shirt and tapestries were demonstrated at Japan brock chain expo 2022 autumn Cardano booth. Also we now try to establish formal partnership between our project and Japanese traditional crafts organizaion (Aizome, Wa-shi, Kyo-nui). This discussions were already succeeded. And now, we planed the partnership NFT, which include the details of these partnership. We will lauch these in next month.
We established the 99.99% margin stakepool named PSPJ. We have performed finalcial support of the catalyst projects. In 2022 Q4, we mainly supported the Block chain expo 2022 Autumn held in Japan (Cardano booth). Due to our support, this even was successfully finished.
We now almost complete product Exhibition. A part of that will be demonstrated in Block Chain EXPO Japan 2022. And we will complete this project on next month by Mr. Harada by closing report.
We operate Stake Pool and received Totally 108 block produce rewards. We used most of this reward for Block Chain EXPO Cardano Booth for encourage their projects.
We are now collaborating with a Japanese Plutus Engineer in Block Chain EXPO 2022 Japan Cardano booth. We held a Plutus Smartcontract Seminar and get the new information of Vasil fork Update. We summarize a part of information on EXPO homepage. Probably, which is one of the best explation of Cardano and smartcontract in Japan.
Finally, we published large amount of Cardano Explanation in Japanese on Block Chain Expo Japan 2022. This explanation get quite good response not only in Japan. The well summrized document will help Cardano understanding.
Now, we have pay large effort for Block Chain EXPO Japan 2022 autumn. We will demonstrate our activity on the Cardano booth on that. Also we demonstrated the collaborated Japanese Traditional Crafts.
On 10/25 we establish new compony to start on-line shopping for Tokushima Kittamu Product. Also we start Cardano labeled Plum Wine sales on 11/1.(But still fiat base) However, such kind of original item shopping will promote Cardano branding in Japan.
We already published one book, and make some collaboration with other compony. We will make closing report in next month, however, we now very busy for other project sorry.
We have make PR Event of Yoshinogawa product and itself for Cardano Japan community. We made some collaborations of Japanese traditional products by Yoshinogawa and around city. We will appeal these collaboration on Block chain Event in Japan.
We have make PR Event of Yoshinogawa product and itself for Cardano Japan community. We made some collaborations of Japanese traditional products by Yoshinogawa and around city. We will appeal these collaboration on Block chain Event in Japan.
We have make PR Event of Yoshinogawa product and itself for Cardano Japan community. We made some collaborations of Japanese traditional products by Yoshinogawa and around city. We will appeal these collaboration on Block chain Event in Japan.
We operate Stake Pool and received the 30 block produce rewards. We used most of this reward for Catalyst project support, who want extra money for make new things. We already supported 5 projects.
Now I contacted to Plutus engineer. Also we collaborate in Cardano demonstration at the block chain expo Japan event. We can learn more the details of the PAB.
We have succeeded to publish "ADA book" from the compony. Once our book was positioned 16 th in investor book ranking of Amazon book Japan.
The supported gradually encouraged! And the delegator and Pool size increased.
We already performed three seminars and one local shopping bazaar. From these results, other shops start promotion of our activities. We will emphasize these in Japan Block Chain EXPO.
We will also promote this activity in Block Chain EXPO 2022 Autumn.
In september, the project for on-line shopping will be started if the local government allow this project.
The over 2000$ shopping reallized through our promotion for quite local liquor Company. We want to expand this PR.
The over 2000$ shopping reallized through our promotion for quite local liquor Company. We want to expand this PR.
Our stake pool has get 1 delegator who agree our projects.
The Cardano Begginer Book will be published in near future in Japan.
We will start the promotion document of PAB for Japanese in next step.
Now, We can understand a strategy of PAB and Haskell, Plutus development. We will prepare the document for PR PAB in Japan in next step.
This project supported the Japan Block chain EXPO project Cardano space in Japan, which is really intereted.
FIrst Cardan-Local area collaborated Product will be lauched and already appealed in Japan EXPO. The three projects 700154, 700213 and this project are closely collaborated with each other.
FIrst Cardan-Local area collaborated Product will be lauched and already appealed in Japan EXPO.
FIrst Cardan-Local area collaborated Product will be lauched and already appealed in Japan EXPO.
This project supported Japan Block Chain EXPO Cardano space in Japan.
this project still ready process for start.
I can not open my indivisual information, so I can not up photo. But you can ask to Miyatake@IOG Japan community manager.
Now the Cardano marked Liquor is developping. After formal selling, we can up load picture. There is three project related for this project. The number is 700191, 700213 and The project in fund6. The main reason of separating proposal is due to Japanese TAX problem. So the report is same but this is not scam like report. Thank you.
Now the Cardano marked Liquor is developping. After formal selling, we can up load picture.
I found the professional IT technology researcher who can contribute my proposal. Now, I searching the use case of PAB. So the project still in progress for main action.
Now the Cardano marked Liquor is developping. After formal selling, we can up load picture.
Some Cardano Labeled original product (Plum Liquor) will be on sale.
Some Cardano Labeled original product (Plum Liquor) will be on sale.
Some Cardano Labeled original product (Plum Liquor) will be on sale.
Some Cardano Labeled original product (Plum Liquor) will be on sale.