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Stephanie King
LIDO Nation Foundation
Stephanie is a teacher and technologist with a passion for helping non-profits navigate and capitalize on technology. She applies her communication skills at Lido Nation by writing and editing articles, and helping to organize ideas in a way that people can understand.
Community Reviews across funding rounds
Funding data last updated
Stephanie King Proposals (25)
Swahili News, Insight, Onboarding
<p>150 Million people speak Swahili in Africa. There is a need for user friendly content in Swahili.</p>
Treasury & Catalyst Proposal API
Solution: A non-gated, filterable repository of all proposals. Funded projects are followed, measured & updated in a public space. API for toolmakers
Opensource PHP SDK for COTI ADA Pay
Solution: Create a PHP SDK (batteries included), wrapped with a Laravel & Woocommerce plugin for adding ADA Pay to any Laravel or Wordpress site.
Simple fund management DAO SDK
Solution: An opensource self-hosted or Dandelion powered typescript SDK for creating a fund management DAO. Rules DSL that govern money in and out.
Cardano Blockchain Lab in Kenya
Solution: Extend existing NGO community student hub to add a Cardano Blockchain Lab with dedicated computers, developer mentorship, & community ed.
ADA Pay Plugin - Wordpress/Laravel
Solution: Create a WordPress & Laravel plugin to enable ADA payments for the market of 1.4 Billion websites built using PHP.
Open Source Translate 2 Earn Webapp
Solution: Opensource our current translation tool so anyone can deploy it to manage translations & compensate participation using ADA or Native Tokens
Proposal Translation with Human QA
Solution: Incentivize native Spanish-speakers to QA and edit machine translated funded proposals details and breakdowns in Spanish.
Migrating from ETH: Newcomer Setup
Solution: Getting started, "how to"s, insights, and technical articles about Cardano technologies that specifically targets an Ethereum audience.
Catalyst Research & Voter Tool
Solution: Dedicate more time to the LIDO Catalyst Research tool to bring in more data, help proposer owners tell richer stories, & help the entire community make sense of Catalyst Data & the humans behind them.
Cardano & Catalyst data Web Embeds
Solution: LIDO Nation has a reputation for visualizing Catalyst data on our website. Create an open-source component library that allows Catalyst and Cardano visualizations to be integrated into any website.
Catalyst Completed Project NFTs Quick Pitch
Solution: Completed Projects mint custom "Project Completion'' NFTs via NMKR API & LidoNation Catalyst Explorer. Minting a completion NFT is a celebration, a ceremony, a shareable trackable community artifact.
Incentivized Onboarding & Identity in Africa - Leveraging Atala PRISM Quick Pitch
Solution: Building on our successful "Learn to Earn" program in Swahili-speaking Africa: add Atala DIDs to the program to solve issues of accountability & trust; increase impact via incetivized user referrals!
Catalyst Explorer 2.5: Accessible Catalyst Data & Tools Quick Pitch
Solution: Do for other data what we've done for proposals! Create tools for researching Users, Companies/Groups. Draft Ballots support on the voter tool. Prototype ballot submission directly from the explorer! for Project Catalyst research, acceleration, & analytics platform
Solution: Open Source the Lido Nation Catalyst Explorer and move it to its own domain: Add more tools for research, analytics, and business acceleration.
“Cardano Compass”: Comparison Charts App @ Lido Nation Quick Pitch
Solution: Cardano Compass: A platform that allows product teams AND end users to collaborate around Comparison Charts, + incentives so that QUALIFIED users are paid to do the ongoing research to maintain them.
CatalystExplorer 2.0: AI-powered Exploration, Proposal Tinder, & Funding Transparency at your fingertips [by Lido Nation] Quick Pitch
Solution: Iterate on to integrate AI to help voters find great ideas, add rich funding data with on-chain txs, reviewers/moderators can claim their profiles and see participation history.
Driving Effective Governance in Voltaire: Cardano Parameters Explorer [by Lido Nation]
Solution: Parameter Explorer: multimedia hub featuring Cardano parameters in articles, podcasts, quizzes, & discussions. Empower the community to understand foundations & make informed governance decisions.
Monthly Reports
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Project is complete and I have submitted the project close report. Just did this one for good measure, but this will be my last monthly checkin for this project!
The deliverables of this project are 50 translated articles and 50 audio recordings. To date, I am at 42 translated articles and 32 audio recordings. This project is running on-time and on-budget.
on track with content translation, and new website users are showing up on Website metrics from LatAm countries!
17 translated articles have been published to the website. 1 Audio recording has been published to the website. 15 articles have completed translation but need to be published to the website. Translation tool is up and running on the website! Project goal is 50 published articles and recordings, due by July. I think we are running ahead of schedule!
We have completed 9 of the 50 contracted article translation. The first handful have been posted to, with more in the pipeline for next month!