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Waya Collective
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Community Reviews across funding rounds
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carolin Proposals (2)
Elevating Manufacturing in Africa
Solution: The Waya DAO coordinates a network of local African producers, enabling them to serve international markets effectively.
Leapfrogging Industrialization
Solution: The first Waya garment factory in Uganda will set a new standard for highly efficient, sustainable, and decentralized production in Africa.
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After launching Collective Alpha, we are now continuing to produce with our production partner and are also continuing to plan for our first factory. We are also streamlining a partnership with a local business in the spices industry to venture our model into another industry next to fashion. We are currently finishing the Catalyst project and are producing the video which we will hand in within the next 2 months to show the community our results.
Next to our daily work and building the DAO, we explored a different business model of a lending protocol for industry. The background was that we received feedback that our business model was too complex before and that we have to focus on one part of the model (factories or finance). We are still exploring this option and are determined to find a scalable business model for Waya.
Our launch of Collective Alpha took place last Friday. There we presented out first fashion Collection to over 200 people. Now we will focus on selling the first fashion pieces. Furthermore, we are working on publishing an updated governance strucuture that will enable a fair and efficiently working DAO.
In the last month, we put all of our force into our Brand Launch which will take place on May 20th. The Launch will be a huge party including inspirational speakers, live music and - of course - a fashion show of our first collection. We will publish any progress about that on our social media.
Last week, we launched our ISPO. We also made a lot of progress in building our community, not only in numbers but also in onboarding them to our project. Additionally we are currently planning a collection for ouur first Waya fashion brand and are currently in the sample process.