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Community Reviews across funding rounds
Patrick of Fun City Proposals (13)
<p>Finding the "vehicle" to drive mass adoption, increase utility, while educating and strengthening the security of Cardano is a puzzle.</p>
NAGchi Cares
<p>Defining and creating the conditions for meaningful participation across a global community of never ending epochs is timeless.</p>
<p>The boundaries of the transactional metadata are not limitless nor have they been explored abyssmally.</p>
Solution: We will begin by implementing a combination of the sidetree protocol, which Microsoft ION and PRISM use, w/emphasis on required credentials.
AtalaGotchi's Community
Solution: AtalaGotchi's aim is to be an open and organic ecosystem, there are no hard coded limits and strengthen delegation to single pool operators
ADAcafé - Community Spaces
Solution: Provide financial, technical, & strategic resources to 10 Twitter Spaces, who connect & educate 1000s of people each week about Cardano.
KYC Verified Credential Issuer
Solution: Implement and agent that delivers a Verifiable Credential to a validated identity from a trusted resource
The ADA Cafe Grows Cardano
Solution: We made the Cafe and see success. Now we need to jump start it.
Growing Cardano’s Ecosystem
Solution: Scale Cafe services, expanding ability of digital hub to support 11 projects connect, onboarding, and educating all Cardano members.
Growing Cardano’s Small Businesses
Solution: Scale Cafe services, expanding ability of digital hub to support 11 projects connect, onboarding, and educating all Cardano members.
KYC Credentials PoC
Solution: Integrate a credential issuer with a reliable KYC verification service provider to deliver a reusable KYC Credential to users.
CAT_ID Catalyst SSI
Solution: Create one time-locked minting script used to create an ID system that can be used for TX validation and account management.
Global Compliance 200+ Jurisdiction
Solution: Integrate reliable AML/BSA FinCEN compliance and monitoring services into existing KYC services for funded projects to use.
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