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Filip Blagojević
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Community Reviews across funding rounds
Filip Blagojević Proposals (5)
Blockademia Verification System
<p>False academic and professional credentials are a growing global problem in both developed and developing countries.</p>
After Town Hall by Swarm
<p>Town Hall is attended by highly engaged participants of the Cardano ecosystem. They need a moderated space for discussion and networking.</p>
Weekly Swarm Sessions
<p>The Catalyst community needs organized spaces to discuss and brainstorm on current issues and projects</p>
IDEA FEST for Fund 6 + 7
<p>There is a lack of interaction between proposers and voters in Project Catalyst</p>
Terra Cognita: AI+Blockchain Gaming
Solution: Terra Cognita, an online, cooperative, strategy, RPG game, where players create and set AI/ML based characters to explore a whole new world.
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