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Kuber Team own proposals

Community Reviews across funding rounds

Total reviews
3.99 Star
Value for money
3.82 Star
Impact / Alignment
4.5 Star
Impact Alignment
4.09 Star
Value for Money
3.63 Star

Proposals Across Funding Rounds


Funding data last updated

Kuber Team Proposals (8)

smART Mint: DIY evolving NFTs

$68,800 Received
$68,800 Requested

Solution: Create a user-friendly programmable NFT minter that requires no prior knowledge about the blockchain or programming.

Challenge: Fund 8
completed Awarded 0.43% of the fund.
0 (1)

Cardano Mempool Explorer

₳100,000 Received
₳100,000 Requested

Solution: Mempool explorer is a visual explorer designed specifically for mempool analytics. Mempool analytics uncovers the evidence on fairness, censorship and other attacks happening on Cardano.

Cardano mempool explorer

Challenge: Fund 10
completed Awarded 0.2% of the fund.
0 (1)

KuberIDE 2.0: A complete IDE for Plutus Smart Contracts development

₳468,292 Requested

Solution: KuberIDE is a browser based IDE for complete Plutus smart contracts development. No setup required. Write Plutus contracts, compile them and create transactions, all within the browser.

Challenge: Fund 10
not approved Requested 0.937% of the fund.
0 (1)

Cardano Autonomous Agent Testing: CIP-1694 Voltaire Testing

₳64,000 Received
₳100,000 Requested

Solution: Testing using autonomous agents. Imagine 1000+ Ada holder agents, 100+ dReps agents autonomously interacting with the system/network to create and vote on proposals.

Challenge: Fund 11
funded Awarded 0.2% of the fund.
0 (1)

KuberIDE: Support for Aiken

₳130,000 Requested

Solution: KuberIDE is a browser based IDE for smart contracts development, testing and deployment like Remix. Adding Aiken support will help Aiken smart contract developers become more productive.

Challenge: Fund 11
not approved Requested 0.26% of the fund.
0 (1)

KuberIDE 2.0 [Audit readiness module]: Preparing your smart contracts for audit

₳150,000 Requested

Solution: This proposal is about making some of the audit checks that can be done automatically more accessible to average developer. We plan to enable that on KuberIDE for FREE for all.

Challenge: Fund 12
not approved Requested 0.3% of the fund.
0 (0)

Extending Cardano Mempool Explorer for user level analytics

₳55,000 Requested

Solution: This is extension of Mempool explorer personalizing the analytics of the Cardano mempool to the logged in user so they can view how they are being treated on the chain.

Challenge: Fund 12
not approved Requested 0.11% of the fund.
0 (0)

A scalable multi-sig / DAO on Plutus v3

₳99,000 Requested

Solution: An open-source and scalable multi-sig DAO reference implementation using Schnorr signatures and Plutus v3.

Challenge: Fund 12
not approved Requested 0.198% of the fund.
0 (0)

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