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Community Reviews across funding rounds
Funding data last updated
The Catalyst School Proposals (27)
The Catalyst School
<p>Proposers, Advisors, Voters and other Catalyst members still struggle to understand how Catalyst works and how to play their roles.</p>
The Catalyst School - NFT Rewards
<p>Encouraging meaningful participation requires experimenting with different approaches to determine the best way to engage the community.</p>
The Catalyst School - Website
<p>Education about Catalyst would benefit from a more fluid and tailored experience for new community members to help increase engagement.</p>
TheCatalystSchool - Focusing Africa
<p>How do we enhance the African community participation in Catalyst process and accelerate Cardano adoption and impact on the continent?</p>
CatalystSchool - Eastern Hemisphere
<p>How do we onboard new members of the Eastern Hemisphere community into Catalyst?</p>
Open Source Training
<p>No open-source training materials in the Entrepreneurship-Toolbox.</p><p><br></p><p>No access to open-source infrastructure for early stage entrepreneurs.</p>
WADA Uni Students Catalyst Registry
Solution: Diversify project catalyst inclusion through onboarding, navigation events, and resource provision for university students in West Africa
Insight Sharing Workshops - TCS
Solution: Host challenge-specific workshops with domain experts and in collaboration with Challenge Team during the Insight Sharing stage.
Ryuki Funding
Solution: Create a Socio-Financial Community Treasury defined as holocratic, united network of coordinated project based Stake Pools & Treasuries
Blockchain Learning Center
Solution: Provide a community learning center attached to a crypto positive coffee shop that offer demos and classes covering a wide range of topics.
The Africa Catalyst School
Solution: Provide Africa with a catalyst school to onboard local communities and enhance the impact of Catalyst in the continent.
Boosting Cardano In South Africa
Solution: Diversify Cardano and Project Catalyst adoption through a grand outreach event for university students, developers, and business personnel.
Automated mentor-matching tool
Solution: AI mentor matching software - building trusted relationships within a large network through mentorship to onboard new members.
The Catalyst School Fund9 Operation
Solution: Catalyst School, a place to enhance the impact of Catalyst as a whole by improving the contribution of all its different players and roles.
Insight Sharing Workshops - TCS
Solution: Host challenge-specific workshops with domain experts and in collaboration with Challenge Team during the Insight Sharing stage.
Catalyst School Fund 10 Operations
Solution: Catalyst School, a place to enhance the impact of Catalyst as a whole by improving the contribution of all its different players and roles.
Mini Proposal Workshops
Solution: Implement workshops that help participants create a proposal and effectively communicate the objective to voters
The Africa Catalyst School
Solution: Provide Africa with a catalyst school to onboard local communities and enhance the impact of Catalyst in the continent.
Monthly Reports
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Presenting MBO model and dReps in TownHall Brasil (portuguese) and LATAM TownHall (spanish).
Treasury and administrative management, and fund10 content creation.
The sessions aimed to provide individual support to community members. In fund9 we noticed a decrease in the number of sessions request, and low interest of community members to host sessions in different languages about Catalyst due to the recent changes in the timeline, and also not having clarity about the how the catalyst process will work from now on. Therefore, the team suggested to the community to present general aspects of each stage in the catalyst process in video format, and subtitled in the different languages. And also providing live workshop sessions, when Fund10 is confirmed.
Sessions are hosted by members of swarm community. There fore we are developing a better way to rewards the contributors with the DeWork integration.
Website will continue to be updated
This is report refers to the month of June/2022. [It is being submitted late]
This is report refers to the month of June/2022. [It is being submitted late]
Not at this moment.
Progress can be followed here:
As mentioned in the last report: we postponed a bit the launch of the website due to the delay related to the website content mentioned above. We are changing the School management structure so we get more efficient from now on and we don’t have issues like this anymore.
We are about to upload the videos to YouTube, as mentioned in the previous reports, with the reamining budget from the last workshops, since this was a demand from the community and we believe it will bring more value to the project.
We are continuing our activities and implementing the changes mentioned in the previous reports.
To compensate the delay, we are going to let it open at least for one more fund, until we spend the whole budget for this support sessions.
We are continuing our activities and implementing the changes mentioned in the previous report.
To compensate the delay, we are going to let it open at least for one more fund, until we spend the whole budget for this support sessions.
As mentioned in the last report: we postponed a bit the launch of the website due to the delay related to the website content mentioned above. We are changing the School management structure so we get more efficient from now on and we don’t have issues like this anymore.
We are going to record some videos and post them in our YouTube channel, in place of a few workshops, because the community has asked for this kind of content.
The project was completed successfully. The recordings can be seen here:
I'll submit the completion report very soon.
Nothing to report right now.
We postponed a bit the launch of the website due to the delay related to the website content mentioned above. We are changing the School management structure so we get more efficient from now on and we don’t have issues like this anymore.
We had problems with one of the African hosts, that could not host any workshop now in Fund 8, but we decided to uploaded recorded videos instead and to market them in their community. The same happened to proposal workshops in Fund 8. Many things changed and we didn’t have the time to have live workshops in Fund 8, but we are also recording videos and making them available in our website. Besides that, the project is on track.
Obs.: Picture added in evidence is from our local workshop in Africa - which was not in the scope of the proposal originally, but was paid for by the Catalyst School and WADA in partnership.
To compensate the delay, we are going to let it open at least for one more fund, until we spend the whole budget for this support sessions.
We have adjusted our marketing and outreach, and were able to considerably increase the attendance in our workshops. We have also decided to provide less workshops per fund, which allows us to deliver with higher quality, and to deliver workshops for one more fund.