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Carl Henry Global gravatar Carl Henry Global Claimed


Carl Henry - 43 Year career as a serial entrepreneur and turnaround consultant. 20+ years building business websites using PHP, CSS, HTML, multimedia, AI, Running teams of up to 50 developers.

Carl Henry Global own proposals

Community Reviews across funding rounds

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Addresses Challenge
3.07 Star
3.3 Star
3.06 Star
Impact / Alignment
4.51 Star
Value for money
4 Star

Proposals Across Funding Rounds


Carl Henry Global Proposals (23)

dApp Templates & GUI dApp Modules Quick Pitch

$72,000 Requested

<p>Learning new code language is a barrier for Dev's, give them the ready-made code & info', how to customise quickly for common use-cases</p>

Challenge: Fund 6
not approved Requested 1.8% of the fund.
0 (1)

Point-of-Sale & Website Checkout

$50,000 Requested

<p>People need to encounter Crypto options to pay in person & online more often in order to become more comfortable & build mass adoption</p>

Challenge: Fund 6
not approved Requested 1.25% of the fund.
0 (1)

Catalyst 24h Streaming TV Programs

$30,000 Requested

<p>How to show new people Catalyst projects success, experience & benefits of involvement? How to entertain & motivate to make proposals?</p>

Challenge: Fund 6
not approved Requested 0.75% of the fund.
0 (1)

WiFi Hotspots & Internet Cafes

$25,000 Requested

<p>Lack of WiFi & availability of affordable computers, available to Africans impedes their progress, we must make it easier & affordable.</p>

Challenge: Fund 6
not approved Requested 0.625% of the fund.
0 (1)

Cardano Powering Planet Improvement

$15,000 Requested

<p>We need to create a <strong>partnership of equals</strong>, mass adoption will come from a respected <strong>crypto-funded NPO/NGO</strong> that helps the world improve!</p>

Challenge: Fund 6
over budget Requested 0.375% of the fund.
0 (1)

Building Affordable Houses Quickly

$68,000 Requested

<p>There is a worldwide housing shortage! Cardano can solve this with NFTs & Blockchain while creating employment & quality homes globally.</p>

Challenge: Fund 6
not approved Requested 1.7% of the fund.
0 (1)

Global Network of Crypto Lawyers

$55,000 Requested

<p>Legal professionals are the gatekeepers to ownership & transfer of assets, we need them to understand & use NFTs for worldwide adoption</p>

Challenge: Fund 6
not approved Requested 1.375% of the fund.
0 (1)

A.S.T.O.P. - Stop Scams & Threats

$20,000 Requested

Solution: Establish a network of people to identify & stop scams wherever they appear in the world through direct action with social media  & owners

Challenge: Fund 6
not approved Requested 0.5% of the fund.
0 (1)

ADA Payments for Joomla 3 & 4

$4,589 Requested

Solution: Create a Payment Plugin, Module & Component for Joomla 3 & 4 for 11 popular shopping carts that connects to a Cardano Wallet.

Challenge: Fund 7
funded Awarded 0.057% of the fund.
0 (1)

Cardano Reuse Plastic India Program

$28,000 Requested

Solution: To convert plastic wastes, improve sustainability, reduce CO2 emissions, and trade Carbon Credit on the Cardano Ecosystem.

Challenge: Fund 8
over budget Requested 0.175% of the fund.
0 (1)

Protecting wildlife & Maasai, Kenya

$9,750 Requested

Solution: Introducing Systems to decrease the strain on the farmers, herders, wildlife, the landscape and the people of the Maasai community

Challenge: Fund 8
over budget Requested 0.061% of the fund.
0 (1)

Sustainable forestry Hub Cambodia

$9,950 Requested

Solution: To incorporate Cardano into this sustainable forestry project & build a Cardano Hub to facilitate reforestation & responsible logging

Challenge: Fund 8
over budget Requested 0.062% of the fund.
0 (1)


$25,000 Requested

Solution: We in the "Digital Industry" have to give them easy-to-use tools & facilities that make it a "No-Brainer" for business to adopt our industry

Challenge: Fund 8
not approved Requested 0.156% of the fund.
0 (1)

Cardano Reuse Plastic India Hub

$9,450 Requested

Solution: To convert plastic wastes for reuse, improve sustainability, reduce CO2 emissions & trade Carbon Credit on the Cardano Ecosystem.

Challenge: Fund 8
not approved Requested 0.059% of the fund.
0 (1)

Cardano Community Hubs DAO &cDDK Quick Pitch

$23,540 Requested

Solution: We're launching ourselves as a Cardano DAO, recording our journey & share it as an open-source guide for others to follow, we'll encourage & help our Cardano Hubs to become DAOs to self-fund projects

Challenge: Fund 9
over budget Requested 0.147% of the fund.
0 (1)

Building Profitable Cardano Hubs Quick Pitch

$45,299 Requested

Solution: By building Training Kits & more software tools with COTI ₳DA Pay, helping Cardano Hubs show the world we are the Blockchain for real-world business & increase ₳DA denominated ecosystem transactions

Challenge: Fund 9
not approved Requested 0.283% of the fund.
0 (1)

Enabling Unreal Engine Game Developers to incorporate Cardano Play-to-Earn & NFT Sales, monetising their games with a simple (No Coding Required) Plugin, buttons & displays with customizable Gallery & Shop models to import to games.

₳89,285 Requested

Solution: Plugins for other Blockchains are available on Unreal Engine, not for Cardano, I will build a plugin that anyone can use to offer Play-to-Earn within their game using ADA, NFTs & Other Cardano Tokens

Challenge: Fund 10
not approved Requested 0.179% of the fund.
0 (1)

The CardanoVerse Metaverse 3D World created in Fortnite – We’ll continue development on Unreal Engine of published “Central City” & build multiple island HUBS for continents, specific activities & projects, also to develop the “Open World” Version

₳71,400 Requested

Solution: “The CardanoVerse” Metaverse called “Central City” is already published promoting the Cardano ecosystem, with 33+ activities. Multiple new Hubs & an open world version is now being developed.

Challenge: Fund 10
not approved Requested 0.143% of the fund.
0 (1)

Monthly Reports

I have attached a comprehensive report in PDF format detailing methodology, actions, results and proofs. It is 47 Pages so too much to put here ;-)

Disbursed to Date
Completion Target
1. In the next month
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We are growing and learning what it takes to bring new people to Cardano & Project catalyst, and how to motivate them to take action (Engage) as active community members.

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
1. In the next month
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I have attached a 10 page update & Report on progress, we are totally involved in outreach& recruitment.

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Still in progress
Completion Target
1. In the next month
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We are in the first month of three, we are focused on building social media, email and Zoom/Phone connections promoting the building of Cardano Hubs - we expect the results to gather pace over the next two months.

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Our FUND 8 Project is Phase 3 of our Fund 7 project (Phase 2), we have already started recruiting new people & businesses to the Cardano Community, just launched a campaign in the Philippines. We are also on with developing "MetaHUBS" for based in the Metaverse….,

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Still in progress
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  1. Our dev team have created an code architecture proposal document (attached).

  2. Milestones and estimated delivery dates were added to the project github repository -

  3. You can track the project progress on this dework board -

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Our FUND 7 Proposal has closed out our PHASE 2, our FUND 8 Funded proposal is PHASE 3 of the ongoing project:

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This is only the beginning :-)

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While we are engaging with the Catalyst Community, our focus is to bring in NEW faces!

Therefore our focus is outward and on more entrepreneurial minds. Also our focus is to create sustainable hubs that range from the virtual or online that is run by one person, to charitable or ecological that need funds to continue delivering their project, to finally businesses and organisations that seek to incorporate a blockchain and potentially digital currencies into their operations where we aim to create a core team of employees as the "Community" hub.

Our way of going about things is more commercially minded that many might like, but, we are aiming to create fast sustainanable results.

We are now starting our "PHASE 3" where we hope to focus on reaching out and recruiting people to use the Cardano Blockchain and native currencies.

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March Update - Cardano community hubs Worldwide

We have gained inspiration and motivation from the words spoken by Charles Hoskinson on 22nd November 2020, watch our short video:

We are reporting on the targets that start from receiving funding from FUND 7 of Project Catalyst, which was 3rd March 2022. We will have delivered on our specific FUND 7 objectives by 30th April 2022.

We self-funded the delivery of the basic framework for functionality and content presentation in the form of in the months leading up to the conclusion of FUND 7 Voting.

The current phase will use any Fund 7 budget to accelerate the work already underway, as follows:

EXTEND TECHNICAL INFRASTRUCTURES REQUIRED TO SUPPORT, MAINTAIN AND SUPPORT THE SITE: We now have a team of 4 website maintenance and data entry personnel who are working on refining and configuration of the key functionality to onboard new Cardano Community Hub members.

REFINE CURATION OF THE CONTENT TO EXPAND AND OPTIMIZE THE INFORMATION PATHWAYS: We have spent some time on defining exactly what a Cardano Community Hub should comprise of. You can learn more in this video “ What is a Cardano Community Hub?”: is being designed as a “How to” resource giving instructions and support to the Cardano Community Hubs we create with our current and future partners. We have added multiple sources of content to which is available to be read in 100 languages, this content covers all aspects of Cardano, Catalyst, IOHK, Emergo and the Cardano Foundation. This is an ongoing process particularly when adding updates to the Cardano Ecosystem. We have added this new website as a purely information source that can attract new members to us through search engines and social media, it will also offer support to every existing Cardano Community Hub.

HIRE TEAM FOR RESEARCH, DATA ENTRY AND TO KEEP CONTENT UPDATED We have now established a team of 3 writers who are helping curate and produce refined content to be added to both websites. Also, our 3 researchers are engaged in building a database of contact details for all of our target market and will be involved in our outreach activities to attract new members. The database is growing quickly so the outreach for new members and operators of new Cardano Community Hubs is now launched and ongoing. We have conducted extensive statistical research into the most efficient way to build a network of hubs, you can see more information on our page on called “Global Statistics for Community hubs”.

DEPLOY PROFESSIONAL TRANSLATORS TO IMPROVE THE AUTOMATED MULTILINGUAL MESSAGING We have begun the process of identifying the necessary translators and the tools they will need to deliver native language “landing pages” that will appear in the search engine results with keywords in each language.

CARRY OUT ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP ONBOARDING AND PARTICIPATION THROUGH OUTREACH CAMPAIGNS. We have already attracted 10 groups with the intent to develop local hubs in various parts of the world, details can be seen on this page: In addition to our main FUND 8 Proposal for ongoing work on our FUND 7 proposal, we have submitted 4 of these projects in FUND 8 that are based in Kenya, Cambodia, India and Monaco (Worldwide reach).

Protecting wildlife & Maasai, Kenya Sustainable forestry Hub Cambodia /399170
Monaco Streaming Film Festival 2022 Cardano Reuse Plastic India Hub Worldwide

We also have a pipeline of other groups we are working with to include in FUND 9. These are in Gabon, India, Singapore and Estonia, with new opportunities appearing each day.

DEVELOP METHODS FOR COMMUNITY FEEDBACK FOR FURTHER GEROLAMO DEVELOPMENT AND GOVERNANCE Together with our recruitment of new members of our community we will be seeking feedback as part of our onboarding and management of our Hubs.

KPI - 6 MONTH TARGETS We are publishing updates to our overall roadmap on our website: The above “March Update” is taking us along our roadmap towards achieving our 6 Month Targets.

These 6 month objectives, starting from 3rd March 2022, will cover the current Fund 7 period, FUND 8 period and the beginning of FUND 9. • A target of 1,000+ new Registered Community hub Members with wallets & ADA • 60 Active Online Community Language Hubs with at least 4 members each • Human translated Landing pages in 60 Languages with initial content • Fully developed Information pathways for individuals, businesses & developers • Completed Cardano and Project Catalyst Information (validated and updated)

Best Regards, Carl

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We have already created & tested 4 payment plugins for popular shopping cards, we have also created plugins for both Joomla & Wordpress.

More information & demonstration videos can be found on this page:

Video Demo: Video Demo:

In the next 2 to 3 weeks we are creating plugins for Shopify & Wix - Also a “Donations” Module for Joomla & Wordpress.

We are well on track to completing this proposal.

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Still in progress
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We have been working on the project for 3 months and for Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) reasons we have created a second online presence (We checked with legal regarding the name in the URL).

Both website offer multilingual accessability to all content with both AI and 'Live' translations to maximise access in 62 languages facilitating the widest possible knowledge about the Cardano Blockchain & Ecosystem.

We have been negotiating with many people around the world about starting a Cardano Community Hub (Report to follow), we have spent a lot of time studying the Continents, Capital cities, languages and worldwide statistics relating to use of cell phones, smartphones & computers in order to prioritise our work and cover the world efficiently. We are also actively outreaching to create collaboration with Catalyst Proposers.

We have noted the push towards financial self-sustainability of CCH's - To this end we are finalsing documentation for the operators of CCH's about how to generate income.

We welcome any questions or queries you might have.

Best regards, Carl

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