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Community Reviews across funding rounds
Funding data last updated
Lucio Baglione Proposals (20)
Tales In The Blocks|Collab-writing
Solution: Build a platform to create a gamified experience to write and illustrate game-book tales in a collaborative way using the blockchain.
Community Tools Maintenance/Updates
<p>Catalyst is constantly changing and evolving. Without maintenance and updates, useful Community Tools will become outdated and useless.</p>
Voter Tool - AIM
<p>Voter's access to information about proposals and assessments is limited and not presented in a user-friendly way.</p>
Catalyst QA Automation scripts
<p>The Catalyst QA stage changes every Fund according to the will of the community. Time and energy is needed to keep it up-to-date.</p>
Voter tool translations - AIM
<p>Voter-tools, the community made tool is only in English. Resources are needed to translate the tool into other languages.</p>
Proposal Framework Tool - AIM
Solution: Provide a tool that guides proposers through the process with access to numerous frameworks that assist with structure.
Research in Applying Frameworks-AIM
<p>How exactly Cardano can enter into global partnerships must be better understood. Without data decision making is difficult/near impossible.</p>
Catalyst Community Tools
Solution: Build tools to improve the efficiency of Proposers and Community Advisors work during Catalyst proposals' assessment and review phases.
Terra Cognita: AI+Blockchain Gaming
Solution: Terra Cognita, an online, cooperative, strategy, RPG game, where players create and set AI/ML based characters to explore a whole new world.
Gaming & Artificial Brains
Solution: Develop 'artificial brains' to be used in Terra Cognita game, which will be open sourced after the game is completely developed.
Tales In The Blocks|Collab-writing
Solution: Build a platform to create a gamified experience to write and illustrate game-book tales in a collaborative way using the blockchain.
Fund7Proposals + SDGs - Cardano AIM
Solution: Analyse Fund 7 funded proposals for SDGs connections. Present data + info in an open access database. Share with media + potential partners.
Strategy Framework - AIM
Solution: Research, analysis, and evaluation of the Catalyst ecosystem, develop bespoke, custom dedicated strategies ready for implementation
Fund8Proposals + SDGs - Cardano AIM
Solution: Analyze Fund 8 proposals for UN SDGs, Human Rights and Planetary Pressures Human Development Index connections, and publish for open access.
Proposer-tool on chain - AIM
Solution: Build a prototype proposal submission tool and draft a community effort for protocol level proposal submission.
CA-tool Dev & Maintenance - AIM
Solution: Provide funding to maintain the CA-tool for two funds.
vCA-tool Dev & Maitain - AIM
Solution: Provide adequate funding to ensure that the tools is maintained and additional features are added.
Proposal Framework Tool - AIM
Solution: Add an additional 3rd framework, the UN planetary pressures adjusted Human Development Index, ready for proposers in the AIM Proposer Tool.
Monthly Reports
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A working proof of concept has been completed. A local copy can be ran but requires the local installation of the the Cardano DB. A few minor UI updates will also be undertaken.
Due to internal workload we have engaged and on-boarded an additional dev to continue the work of developing and implementing the the on-chain and web proof of concept prototype of the PA-tool. Since last reporting we have implemented the draft specification of the protocol and have created a working prototype for internal testing. It is a functional on on the test net and it recording entries to the IPFS. Things are on track to achieve a public test within a month.
The project was soft launched in the last weeks and it's available at Try it! The close out report will follow in the next days to mark the project as completed!
This report is referred to the June report - sorry for submitting it late.
The proposed protocol is completed and will be published approximately in the next month, when the project will be completed and the PoC published. The first main part of the implementation of the protocol (related to the connection between the tools front-end and the wallet) is completed. We're proceeding with the implementation of assessments submission through the submission of transactions with metadata.
Mobile design are approved. All the frontend and the backend implementation is complete and working on testnet. Test users are able to add their sentences and illustration directly from the browser, thanks to the integration to multiple wallets - this was a major change compared to the original plan because such integration was not available at the time of proposal submission. The minting engine for the NFTs is the last part we're working on, specifically with the integration of the backend of the dapp. As soon as it is finished we'll proceed with the final refinements and the public launch.
In May, we had our second convening of the Leadership Academy Book Club. The book we read and discussed was "Thinking in Systems" by Donella Meadows. We covered the basics of Systems and how they work, discussing flows and stocks. Then we started looking at the systems traps. We ran out of time, and continued the discussion the following week where we dived deeper into Systems Traps and how systems thinking might be relevant and important to Project Catalyst. The link to our Miro board here:
IN June, we will be discussing the book, "Change by Design" by Tim Brown, the CEO of IDEO.
In April, the Leadership Academy Book Club read the book Thinking in Systems by Donella Meadows. We captured the discussion at our zoom meeting on two different 90 minutes sessions at Catalyst Swarm on April 16 and April 23. The notes and videos are captured here:
In May, we will be reading and discussing a book on Design Thinking.
The mobile design are almost complete (but not approved yet, so not published). We switched the software architecture we started at the beginning (Vue.js frontend + Laravel API) to a monolithic approach that uses Inertia.js, that basically combines the same technologies into a single project, but leaving out the need to maintain and develop a specific API and the interface to it. The transition is not complicated (we are using Inertia.js with the same frameworks used separately before) but it slowed down a bit our original timeline.
The first draft protocol is almost complete and documented (not public yet) and we're collecting feedback about it. In parallel we're starting working on the implementation of connection between the front-end and the wallet - that will allow us later to submit transactions with the metadata to store assessments submissions on-chain.
Project on track, we are working on the integration of the wallets within the dApp and in parallel the design studio is working on the mobile version of the interface.
In the first month from funding we focused on the research part of the project, and after collecting various type of information and different implementation we are proceeding in the definition of our own protocol.
We read our first book and held the book club meeting on March 12, 2022. This is the miro board of notes: and this is the recording of the meeting: