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Community Reviews across funding rounds
Frederic Samvura Proposals (5)
Web3 Education DAO by Wada
Solution: Build a Web3 Education DAO with Cardano’s ecosystem builders and thinkers to develop, modify and test DAO tools. This enables exponential community growth and showcase Cardano as a DAO go-to platform
NFT for DRC Fauna and Flora
Solution: The creation of a web platform in partnership with the ICCN for the sale or auction of endangered animals from the fauna and flora of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in NFT format.
The path to minting more blocks in Africa, For a more resilient Cardano protocol.
Solution: Mitigate Cardano’s geographic concentration risk by increasing block production in Africa. This enhances Cardano's decentralization, global participation, and network security.
Beyond Atala Prism: SSI, Grassroots Participation and Emergent Solutions in DIDs
Solution: Widen the reach of Atala Prism through Wada hubs to ensure that comprehensive identity solutions become a reality for Africa, building on the strides already taken in Ethiopia."
Conserving Gorillas through NFT Sales: A Campaign for Wildlife Preservation
Solution: The proposed solution is to leverage Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) as a fundraising and awareness tool for gorilla conservation.
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