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Jaymeon Jones own proposals

Community Reviews across funding rounds

Total reviews
Impact / Alignment
4.09 Star
3.87 Star
3.6 Star
Value for money
3.61 Star
Impact Alignment
4 Star
Value for Money
3.71 Star

Proposals Across Funding Rounds


Funding data last updated

Jaymeon Jones Proposals (5)

Driving Adoption via Travel D'Apps

$70,001 Received
$70,000 Requested

Solution: We intend to create a Travel DAO that sustainably sends its members on free or discounted trips using community resources, i.e travel bursaries, community purchased real estate & tented experiences.

Challenge: Fund 9
completed Awarded 0.438% of the fund.
0 (1)

TripHut: DAO Open Source Code Audit & Bug Bounty

₳136,000 Received
₳160,000 Requested

Solution: We will hire a recognized third party to conduct an audit on the open sourced upgradeable DAO smart contract we've created, to ensure its safe and works as intended, for the benefit of the ecosystem.

Challenge: Fund 10
funded Awarded 0.32% of the fund.
0 (1)

Cardano Animated Series: Can we grow the value of Cardano's ecosystem by growing the value of its homegrown intellectual property (IP)?

₳72,600 Requested

Solution: We will create Cardano's first animated series using the characters within the ecosystem, to explore if something bigger could become of its homegrown IP that would positively impact the ADA economy.

Challenge: Fund 10
not approved Requested 0.145% of the fund.
0 (1)

TripHut + MLabs: Mainnet launch!

₳299,677 Requested

Solution: We will launch on the Cardano mainnet an MVP of a Travel Club managed by smart contracts that sustainably sends its members on free or discounted vacations using community resources and partnerships.

Challenge: Fund 12
not approved Requested 0.599% of the fund.
0 (1)

Yaad Labs + AdaLink/Frenchies Club + Cardano Curation: Cardano the Animated Movie

₳54,000 Received
₳100,000 Requested

Solution: We will make a 16 minute long animated short movie about Cardano, highlighting its developmental milestones & the impact they had on the lives of its community members through a roadmap based parody.

Challenge: Fund 12
funded Awarded 0.2% of the fund.
0 (1)

Monthly Reports

After onboarding staff, contractors and vendors we began the work. We've internally hit our first milestone re smart contract design for the DAO (publicly viewable on Yaad Labs' GitHub), we've started on the animatics, background designs and character designs for the animated content (we'll share in January) and we've started on the design work for the DAOs platform (hope to be completed by this week). We are running a bit behind as the hope was to have already completed the designs last week to allow the front end developer the time needed to do the demo. We hope to make up ground during the holidays and ship in the earlier part of January, if not before.

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
2. In the next 3 months
Comments 0

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This is our first report and as per the agreed milestones, this first month was about onboarding talent. We established work needs in greater details, interviewed people, negotiated terms, drafted and signed paperwork.

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
2. In the next 3 months
Comments 0

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