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Community Reviews across funding rounds
Funding data last updated
Wada Proposals (98)
Micropayments for Catalyst
<p>A lack of incentives for contributing to Catalyst means that those without the leisure time may be forgoing paid work to participate</p>
Planting Roots in Africa
<p>Best solutions will come from the ground, but African devs lack infrastructure to push Cardano forward. Cardano community support is needed.</p>
Catalyst Treasury Management
Solution: A simple, easy-to-use dashboard for funded proposals to track monthly disbursements from Catalyst, as well as expenses and wallet balances.
Solution: Fuse known organizational standards into DAO models. Design distributed treasury system. Confirm quadratic voting and other voting models.
Reduce Disinformation With Facts
Solution: Proactively resource Wada's students and volunteers to source & disseminate Cardano and blockchain facts online and in-person
Decentralized Bees Delivery System
Solution: Build a decentralized delivery system that leverages moto-taxis, and inter-city buses to create a more efficient system for all stakeholders
ADA to Mobile Money App
Solution: Design of a mobile application allowing the exchange of ADA cryptocurrency to a local currency via Mobile Money.
Detroit + Wada Diaspora Hub
Solution: Blockchain and emerging tech offer new opportunities for Detroiters. A Wada Hub will bring exposure to the DLT and the Cardano ecosystem.
Make Atala Prism DID THE Standard
Solution: ISDR/GL is implementing degree DIDs based on the Atala Prism Framework and recruiting partner local universities & colleges to adopt it.
Model ICT Hub for Deprived Students
Solution: Set-up a community hub in Nalerigu to offer students access to basic ICT training and services to compete with their peers in other regions.
Boosting Cardano In South Africa
Solution: Diversify Cardano and Project Catalyst adoption through a grand outreach event for university students, developers, and business personnel.
WADA Qualitative Audit Pilot
Solution: Develop a new audit & documentation methodology which incorporates vital qualitative information. Pilot it with key WADA funded proposals.
Wada Web3 Education DAO Valuation
Solution: Templating a valuation method for Wada's Web3 Education DAO will ensure that we maximize impact funding & investment, plus create tooling for other community orgs in the Cardano ecosystem to utilize
Wada Internships->African Students
Solution: Develop and launch an internship program that caters to students and recent graduates in Africa. This program will consist of onboarding, training, then connecting them with Catalyst projects.
Nurturing Roots in Africa
Solution: Funding the next level of support for new and existing Wada hubs across the continent. This will enable us to better collaborate, coordinate, educate and initiate building out local use cases.
Wada Academy for Haskell Devs
Solution: Create an online, self-paced, modular learning environment for Haskell and Plutus developers to improve their skills, in a multitude of languages.
Automate & Scale Cardano Developer Education with Gimbalabs' Andamio Platform & Wada Academy
Solution: Attract and retain developers community members by providing localized and personalized learning paths, while streamlining content for scalability & accessibility
Wada Hub Hackathon: A Local Community Catalyst
Solution: We will host a hackathon to onboard 15-20 new Cardano developers, creating practical dApps for local stakeholders like farmers and schools, while enhancing community engagement in Cardano ecosystem.
Monthly Reports
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In conjunction with CatalsCon22 I will be presenting and highlighting all the current Wada hubs, and announcing the plans for this project with the wider Catalyst community. See hub profiles in the attached report.
The last two months have seen a focus on building the back end system and fully leveraging the Joget Cardano plugins to create a simple and robust profile management system.
This month our focus was on creation of:
- admin user wallet for funding the submission of transactions containing meta data to the Cardano blockchain
- creation of a validation and submission "record" to track and trace updates to profile records on the client side of the application with new records and latest data being written to the chain on the admin side of the application
- ability to manage submissions to the blockchain for multiple directories
- creation of accounts and wallets for each system admin
Prior months saw the development of the front-end components needed to have:
- flexible administration of project profiles irrespective of chain
- advertising and other revenue generating services within the platform
- taxonomy / categorization system for projects to be listed
- project submission and validation process
Preliminary meetings held with all hubs together and as one on one calls. Collected data on hub profiles as they currently stand as tracking information. Made outline of long term plans with each hub to refine over the next months as we continue with the project. More details in attached document.
Rebrand - Proposal received form external agency (under review) Valuation - Ongoing work with Edify on aligning purpose with strategic positioning Business Model - Restructuring to allow for donations and sponsors
Onboarding - 9 new recruits onboarded in November Training - Booked for December Program - Launched earlier this month, audits have begun
Setting up introductory calls with team members to prepare for project launch
The first part of this proposal, sponsoring and presenting a high level policy event in Kenya was successfully held. Wada presented on Cardano as a blockchain of choice to solve some of Africa's significant digital monetary challenges.
Since our lead on the ground in Zimbabwe is not available for this project, we are working with the Computer Science at ESATIC, Ivory Coast to train a group of French Computer Science students in Plutus Smart contract development
Backend and frontend is progressing steadily but slowly. Team is figuring out a way to write to the blockchain. Details in attached proof
Onboarding - Offer letters sent to new Oracles. Recruitment - Front-end dev and editor acting as support staff for the program. Documentation - Launch documentation completed.
Services - Wada brand services under development, to confirm in November. Structure - Foundation application to be reviewed by a legal expert.
We are working on the back end wallet and admin. Right now I am making generic portals but BiB admins will login and approve submission and write to the blockchain if they provide a wallet. So it will be two tiered. One non blockchain, and then blockchain validated. And that will include a link to the latest hash meta data record on the blockchain explorer
Products - Previous product named "WadaDex" now changing to external product, separate from Wada entity. Structure - Foundation application sent to the UK Charity Commission. Recruitment - Executive Assistant hired and onboarded. Branding - Brand team under review for rebrand and partnerships.
Application open for the audit program - form distributed to interested parties..
Pilot participants have been invited for a second round of the program, with some additional responsibilities for those that have shown interest in professional development.
Work should restart in September
First event with partner GPH scheduled for July 2022 2nd event for November 2022. Weekly meetings ongoing. This event was postponed to September due to local elections.
Project is on track. Project backend development in progress to accept projects' listings
Please attached file
Data collection in progress. Website build ongoing then blockchain integration
Will make another attempt to reconnect and/or consider reallocating funding to another hub event
Not at this time
Dates for two events set. Ongoing collaborative meetings ongoing with partner (Global Policy House)
Nothing to add at this point
Close-out report in preparation
Nothing more
Ghana: Our partner Thaka is currently in Ghana visiting with different fashion contacts and learning more about traditional weaving methods, a more formal report of her trip will follow next month. Cameroon/ Congo: Manfo visited Congo to meet Ntumoi (Subject matter expert). Making the first contact in person was very valuable as this is someone who is extremely busy and we were able to lay out the groundwork for how we want to work with him. We set up a communication channel with and will develop a more specific track in terms of discussion topic details in the upcoming months.
From last report: (Although we had earlier identified leads in two of the countries, it is now becoming difficult maintaining contact and interest in this project. No funding has been allocated to these sites yet so the plan is to do a re-evaluation and reallocate the funding to two new sites as needed.) Update; Two alternate hub leads have been identified and project will progress as scheduled
Contact has been made to on-the-ground Lead. First implementation call held, waiting for follow-up and then funds disbursement
Preparation for the events is ongoing with implementation date set for November 2022. Second meeting held with Partner Implementer and plans drawn up.
Completion report in progress
We completed the final event for this project where we guided new proposers through the CA review flagging process. We are excitedly awaiting the voting results to hopefully see many of the people we helped to receive funding. Close out report coming soon.
First meeting already held with Partner Implementer and plans drawn up. Tentative date for event set.
Project completion date has been extended to end of Q4 2022 due to the difficluties mentioned above.
This project is complete. Will be providing a closing report by next reporting date. Thanks for the funding and the support
Contact has been made to on-the-ground Lead. First implementation call scheduled for next week
We have been setting the groundwork for our upcoming event in Ghana focusing around culture through fashion.
We have hosted several small in-person and larger online virtual proposer workshops in preparation for a few more in person workshops leading into the next funding round.