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🌐 Links:

🌎 Leading Cardano onboarding since 2021: 200+ creators, 30+ organizations, 10+ DAOs, 5+ funded low-budget Catalyst Proposals.

⭐️ Cooperativa Local: Cardano's DAO Incubator & Accelerator. We guide organizations to become DAOs on Cardano, and grow in a decentralized, autonomous way: adopting DAO platforms tailored to them.

🚀 Support our Catalyst Proposals:

Cooperativa Local own proposals

Community Reviews across funding rounds

Total reviews
Impact Alignment
3.93 Star
4.04 Star
Value for money
3.96 Star

Proposals Across Funding Rounds


Cooperativa Local Proposals (3)

Viralize Cardano’s impact to the mainstream: 4 Phygital Festivals & Media Campaigns showcasing the prolific Ecosystem of DAOs & Organizations from the Creative Industries, that we have onboarded with Catalyst’s support since 2021. Join (y)our DAO! Quick Pitch

₳97,500 Requested

Solution: 4 Phygital Festivals & Media Campaigns managed by us, but gradually governed by the ecosystems we onboarded with Fund 6, 8 11 support, showcasing Cardano's role in Arts, Culture, Society & DAOs.

Challenge: Fund 13
not approved Requested 0.195% of the fund.
0 (0)

Support the continuity of our successful DAO Incubator Program for Cardano, by Incubating 8 more Companies & Organizations as DAOs, and onboarding them to our DAO Acceleration Ecosystem to become flagships of Cardano. Join (y)our DAO! Quick Pitch

₳98,750 Requested

Solution: Our 2025 DAO Incubator will support its 3rd & 4th cohorts of 4 organizations each, with enhanced curriculum, capacities and advisory to design, create and showcase their DAOs ase viral use-cases.

Challenge: Fund 13
not approved Requested 0.198% of the fund.
0 (0)

Expand the success of our DAO Incubator for Companies & Organizations, with a new Program that Accelerates the growth of DAOs with the most potential, and showcases them as viral flagships for Cardano adoption. Join (y)our DAO! Quick Pitch

₳148,750 Requested

Solution: Our Program will accelerate the best organizations previously incubated by us as DAOs, with the necessary mentorship, partners and resources to reach viral success and become flagships for Cardano.

Challenge: Fund 13
not approved Requested 0.298% of the fund.
0 (0)

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