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Blockchain Club UTC own proposals

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Proposals Across Funding Rounds


Blockchain Club UTC Proposals (3)

[BUTC] Fueling Growth: Cardano Hackathons to Inspire Startup Success

₳68,000 Requested

Solution: We will organize hackathon series with different topics to attract teams with great ideas, thereby helping them in the development process of the project.

Challenge: Fund 13
funded Awarded 0.136% of the fund.
0 (0)

[BUTC] Master DApp Development Course Cardano: From Beginner to Expert!

₳42,000 Requested

Solution: In-depth training on smart contracts, CIPs, and comprehensive DApp development on Cardano, building a vibrant learning community, and connecting learners with top experts.

Challenge: Fund 13
not approved Requested 0.084% of the fund.
0 (0)

[BUTC] Workshop to learn about Cardano Blockchain for university students in Vietnam

₳29,200 Requested

Solution: This workshop introduces students to blockchain technology using Cardano, offering hands-on experience with smart contracts, decentralized apps, and real-world use cases to enhance practical learning.

Challenge: Fund 13
not approved Requested 0.058% of the fund.
0 (0)

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