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Michael Yagi Proposals (19)
Logosphere - dApp Hackathons
<p>Lots of dev time is spent on boilerplate code for off-chain data persistence. Even if a project ships, developing in their ecosystem is hard</p>
Ikigai - UE4/Unity Plugins & Tools
<p>Game Developers lack the tooling to integrate decentralized systems like Cardano/Fluree/NFTs into their game or infrastructure</p>
Upper/Cut! Unity Card Game dApp
<p>Low-scope dApps - especially indie games - that integrate NFTs are often ineffective at drawing new users into the ecosystem.</p>
Logosphere - Cell Level Security
<p>Some fields in documents need to stay hidden or restricted due to privacy concerns. Implementing this at the field-level is a difficult task</p>
Ikigai - Disrupting Games via NFTs
<p>The video game industry market is bigger than the music and film industry combined; however, NFT's have only begun to scratch the surface.</p>
NFT-DAO EZ-On Interop NFTs
Solution: Space Travel—standardize NFT's across chains, including whether to wrap and burn, or if we can bring them over somehow without burning them.
NFT-DAO EZ-Pay API wallet connector
Solution: Build extended wallet bridges to traditional systems like VISA, Venmo and a hub for things like MetaMask, Yoroi, Daedalus & exchanges.
NFT-DAO EZ-Ticket dispenser
Solution: With NFTs, smart tickets are verifiable, interoperable and have clear ownership. A ticket redeemed at an event lives on in digital wallets.
Graph DB Sidechain with Fluree
Solution: Build a provable, data-centric sidechain for DApps with Fluree immutable graph ledger/DB that leverages W3C semantic linked-data standards
NFTDAO: Industry Standards 1 (dues)
Solution: Industry Standards Organizations develop standards for adoption across multiple vendor implementations, these are starting to form for NFTs.
NFT-DAO NFT metadata standards
Solution: We'll engage industry experts to identify or define standards, work with IOG and industry consortiums to document NFT metadata standards.
Open-Source Blockfrost Deployment Images
Solution: We've created streamlined deployment configs for quick deployment with minimal setup granting access to the deployed infrastructure. Production is focused on scaling, customizing, and best practices.
Ikigai + MLabs – Hydra app SDK and auction service
Solution: Upgrade the hydra auction reference implementation into a production-ready app deployable on mainnet and add UX improvements for commercial viability. Develop a general SDK for similar applications.
Cardano NFT Integration in Death-Race Game, Project: Hermes
Solution: GENUN solves the AAA quality Cardano adoption in gaming with Project: Hermes integration, accelerating adoption and expanding the boundaries of gaming into WEB3 and bringing AAA experience.
Cardano NFT Integration in Fighting Card Game, Uppercut
Solution: GENUN solves the limited Cardano adoption in gaming with Uppercut integration, accelerating adoption and expanding the boundaries of gaming into WEB3 and bringing AAA experience.
Ikigai | Free, Walletless CIP-68 Minting Platform and Tooling
Solution: We've developed a user-friendly tool guiding collection creation using CIP-68, 88, and 102 standards. We'll be supporting free, walletless minting for new creators onboarding to Cardano.
Ikigai | Award-Winning Indie Game, Ascent: Rivals - Beta Release Quick Pitch
Solution: We aim to onboard traditional consumers, gamers, and spectators with our game, Ascent: Rivals. As PAX Rising and DreamHack award winners, we're poised to drive a new wave of users with a smash hit.
Ikigai | open-source eSports Sponsorship and Payouts Protocol Quick Pitch
Solution: Inspired by proven models such as Formula 1, our protocol will allow brands to directly connect to events and players automatically distributing payouts with options for multiple royalties.
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