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Community Reviews across funding rounds
thuchin Tran Proposals (5)
Tempi: Professional Web & Landing Page Builder for Web3
Solution: Tempi's solution offers a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface with Web3 features, enabling easy creation of decentralized web experiences without advanced coding skills.
Tempo, Empowering Cardano’s Community Governance
Solution: Our voting tool seamlessly integrates into community websites, enabling on-chain and off-chain voting for polls and proposals while ensuring transparency
Support DRep to connect Delegators (CIP-1694)
Solution: We create a platform that bridges the gap between DReps and delegators. Our solution focuses on fostering meaningful interactions and discussions before voting on proposals (CIP-1694)
[Tempo] Cardano Community Temp Check: A Platform for Quick Polls
Solution: Tempo enables ADA holders and DReps to quickly participate in polls, providing instant community sentiment data on Cardano-related topics, helping guide decision-making.
[Tempo] Empowering Delegation: Comprehensive DRep Profiles for ADA Holders
Solution: We will develop data-driven profiles for each DRep, integrating voting history with AI-analyzed Twitter opinions, enabling ADA holders to make informed delegation decisions.
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