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knights.guildofcornucopias knights own proposals

Community Reviews across funding rounds

Total reviews
Impact Alignment
3.84 Star
3.38 Star
Value for money
3.01 Star
Value for Money
3.8 Star

Proposals Across Funding Rounds


knights.guildofcornucopias knights Proposals (4)

Cardano Universal Tournament Bracket Builder

₳100,000 Requested

Solution: Develop a concept platform for web3 gamers which includes a tournament bracket, leaderboard, and wallet connection for an enhanced gaming and community engagement experiences.

Challenge: Fund 12
not approved Requested 0.2% of the fund.
0 (1)

Adaptive Asset Contracts for Cardano Games

₳255,000 Requested

Solution: A customizable platform for managing your Cardano-native gaming assets which will allow investors and gamers alike to get the most return out of their assets across multiple games.

Challenge: Fund 13
not approved Requested 0.51% of the fund.
0 (0)

Cardano Universal Tournament Bracket Builder

₳135,000 Requested

Solution: Develop a concept platform for web3 gamers which includes a tournament bracket, leaderboard, and wallet connection for an enhanced gaming and community engagement experiences.

Challenge: Fund 13
not approved Requested 0.27% of the fund.
0 (0)

Player ID System for Cardano Games: Identity and Privacy with Midnight Integration

₳112,000 Requested

Solution: We will create a Player ID system on Cardano, allowing gamers to manage their in-game achievements and assets securely across multiple platforms, with privacy features powered by Midnight.

Challenge: Fund 13
not approved Requested 0.224% of the fund.
0 (0)

Monthly Reports