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Julia Froenicke own proposals

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Proposals Across Funding Rounds


Julia Froenicke Proposals (3)

Docufi3d - A Web3-based eSigning and Verification Platform by IAMX

₳250,000 Requested

Solution: Our blockchain-powered eSigning platform addresses these challenges by providing a secure, transparent, and decentralized solution for immutable document verification and digital signatures.

Challenge: Fund 11
over budget Requested 0.5% of the fund.
0 (1)

Atala PRISM Modular KYC Solution by IAMX

₳202,000 Received
₳250,000 Requested

Solution: We've built a modular prototype for Identity Verification & Management on Atala PRISM, empowering developers to create and use compliant reusable and digital identities for real-world applications.

Challenge: Fund 11
funded Awarded 0.5% of the fund.
0 (1)

BaFin Audited Cardano Smart Contract for compliant Real World Asset Tokenization by NMKR, FluidTokens & IAMX

₳137,000 Received
₳200,000 Requested

Solution: bafin-3e3ab4.png

We will conduct a BaFin audit of one Cardano SC, ensuring it meets eWpG standards, similar to ETH & Polygon. This aligns Cardano with EU laws, enhancing its legal validity for token ownership & more

Challenge: Fund 11
funded Awarded 0.4% of the fund.
0 (1)

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