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Thomas Zuchtriegel
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Community Reviews across funding rounds
Thomas Zuchtriegel Proposals (6)
Fund 7+8 Campaign
<p>Low awareness about Project Catalyst outside of our community and thus a lot of untapped potential for the development of Cardano</p>
Cardano Catalyst Newsletter
Solution: A curated newsletter increases awareness, builds trust and drives entrepreneurs to Project Catalyst and the Cardano ecosystem.
Outreach Campaign
Solution: Short video reels combined with an online campaign to raise awareness about Project Catalyst.
Catalyst Swarm Media&Marketing Lab
Solution: Establishing a Catalyst Swarm Media & Marketing lab to provide professional marketing & media services to projects within Catalyst.
Sculptor art marketplace & NFT-Tool for artists' websites: Crown Shy Continuum
Solution: Using NMKR we develop a marketplace for sculptor artists specific: Crown Shy Continuum (CSC). Beyond Artists can integrate their NFTs it into their own websites using the same NMKR framework.
Catalyst Operations 2.0: Transition from IOG to a Project Catalyst DAO
Solution: We offer the community an alternative that makes Project Catalyst a purely decentralized innovation fund by acting as a transition from an IOG-led Project Catalyst to a Project Catalyst DAO.
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