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Community Reviews across funding rounds
Cooperativa Local Proposals (4)
Let’s onboard to Cardano through its first DAO Incubator, those cultural organizations that struggle lack of monetization opportunities, inefficient retribution structures and entry barriers to suitable DAO solutions!
Solution: DAO Incubator which helps cultural organizations to take their next big Web3 step. Education, training, community building tools, management apps, among others, are given through different phases.
Let's launch on Cardano our accesible market-fit services for event ticketing, trendy brand experiences and fair event-producing network able to onboard brands, artists, workers and audiences to our Cardano F8-backed multi-chain web3 platform!
Solution: Launch our widely accesible Cardano services for event ticketing, trendy brand experiences and a fair decentralized event-producing market. Priorly tested at our F8-backed multi-chain web3 social app.
Cardano's DAO Incubator matching Dapps of our ecosystem with companies and organizations that struggle with inefficient structures and entry barriers to suitable Cardano solutions.
Solution: DAO Incubator which helps companies and organizations to take their next big step: Cardano education, training, community building tools and management dapps. are given through different phases.
Cardano's Market-fit SaaS for decentralized event producing, ticketing and trendy brand experiences; scaling our Fund8-backed multi-chain network for the entertainment industries.
Solution: Scale our market-fit Cardano SaaS for decentralized event ticketing, producing and trendy brand experiences, at our already tested decentralized multi-chain platform, backed by Fund8.
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