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Bitseat Aragaw own proposals

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Proposals Across Funding Rounds


Bitseat Aragaw Proposals (4)

Db-Sync Enterprise: high-availability setup of Cardano’s Db-Sync to run queries and access on-chain data as a service

₳24,000 Requested

Solution: We are developing and maintaining a high-availability infrastructure running Db-Sync to minimise downtime. Cardano projects can be hooked up to our Db-Sync Enterprise solution in short time.

Challenge: Fund 10
not approved Requested 0.048% of the fund.
0 (1)

Cardano on BigQuery: scalably querying Cardano’s authenticated blockchain data on BigQuery

₳75,000 Requested
Challenge: Fund 10
not approved Requested 0.15% of the fund.
0 (1)

Db-Sync Enterprise: high-availability setup of Cardano’s Db-Sync to run queries and access on-chain data as a service

₳36,000 Received
₳60,000 Requested

Solution: We are developing and maintaining a high-availability infrastructure running Db-Sync to minimise downtime. Cardano projects can be hooked up to our Db-Sync Enterprise solution in short time.

Challenge: Fund 11
funded Awarded 0.12% of the fund.
0 (1)

Cardano on BigQuery: scalably querying Cardano’s authenticated blockchain data on BigQuery

₳80,000 Requested

Solution: This project addresses the challenge of providing free and open data access to Cardano’s blockchain. We export all onchain data to BigQuery and back validate it creating a proof of data authenticity.

Challenge: Fund 11
not approved Requested 0.16% of the fund.
0 (1)

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