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Catalyst Team own proposals

Community Reviews across funding rounds

Total reviews
Impact / Alignment
4.63 Star
4.59 Star
Value for money
4.35 Star

Proposals Across Funding Rounds


Funding data last updated

Catalyst Team Proposals (5)

Catalyst Fund Operations by IOG Catalyst Team Quick Pitch

₳4,519,000 Received
₳2,140,000 Requested

Solution: Appoint IOG Catalyst Team to develop and deploy new tools and features to take operation and oversight of Catalyst to new levels and act as administrator and operator of Catalyst for the next 12months

Challenge: Fund 10
funded Awarded 4.28% of the fund.
0 (1)

IOG Catalyst Team : Ideascale replacement and web-browser based Voting Centre with liquid democracy aka “Catalyst Voices” Quick Pitch

₳464,000 Received
₳840,000 Requested

Solution: Catalyst Voices provides a unified experience and platform including production-ready liquid democracy, meaningful collaboration opportunities & data-driven context for better onboarding & decisions

Challenge: Fund 10
funded Awarded 1.68% of the fund.
0 (1)

IOG Catalyst Team : Catalyst Ecosystem Accelerator (Hermes Core architecture development) Quick Pitch

₳1,375,000 Received
₳2,000,000 Requested

Solution: Improve Catalyst infrastructure to improve user benefits across feature richness, inclusivity & speed. The new infrastructure will include fully decentralized blockchain and hyper-lite client.

Challenge: Fund 10
funded Awarded 4% of the fund.
0 (1)

Alternative Catalyst voting schemes with new crypto protocols by IOG Research, Photrek, and the Catalyst Team

₳334,000 Received
₳500,000 Requested

Solution: A set of selected voting schemes for Catalyst, a research paper on their properties, comparison and recommendations for selection, a research paper on supporting cryptographic protocols for voting

Challenge: Fund 11
funded Awarded 1% of the fund.
0 (1)

Catalyst Working Groups Research & Scoping Analysis by IOG Catalyst Team, Rare Evo, and Sustainable ADA

₳787,000 Received
₳1,000,000 Requested

Solution: ≥10 community-run in-person & online Catalyst Working Groups during F12 to scope Cardano funding priorities. F12 in-person Launch TownHall + co-design sessions. Plus Catalyst showcase @ Rare Evo 2024

Challenge: Fund 11
funded Awarded 2% of the fund.
0 (1)

Monthly Reports