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Community Reviews across funding rounds
cardano2vn Proposals (20)
Localize for vietnamese
Solution: Co-operate with IOHK to add Vietnamese language to the website.
[C2VN]: Cardano developer club in Universities
Solution: We aim to establish an open blockchain club at the University, where both professors and students can engage in creating foundational and advanced labs and facilitating various other activities.
[C2VN]: Cardano developer courseware in Universities Quick Pitch
Solution: We aim to create 02 coursewares: Fundamental blockchain and Cardano Blockchain for developers then we will implement these curriculums in the classroom as mainstream subjects in Universities.
[C2VN] Accelerate Atala PRISM learning and adoption in Universities
Solution: We will work with universities in our network to deliver the Atala Prism V2 course in the local language. as mainstream subject, support students to write their apps using Atala Prism.
[C2VN]: Marlowe- Everyone can code smart contract
Solution: Launching a learning platform where there are introductory lessons, instructional videos, exercises, workshop and live-coding sessions to empower non-coders to use Marlowe in local languages.
[C2VN] Accelerate Atala PRISM learning and adoption in Universities
Solution: We will work with universities in our network to deliver the Atala Prism V2 course in the local language. as mainstream subject, support students to write their apps using Atala Prism.
[C2VN]: Cardano Blockchain training center for non-native English communities developers
We are forming a Cardano blockchain blended learning center, starting in Vietnamese, then used as a prototype for non-English communities to adopt all courses and translate into their own languages
[C2VN]: Cardano developer club in Universities
Solution: We aim to establish an open blockchain club at the University, where both professors and students can engage in creating foundational and advanced labs and facilitating various other activities.
[C2VN]: Cardano developer courseware in Universities
Solution: We aim to create 02 coursewares: Fundamental blockchain and Cardano Blockchain for developers then we will implement these curriculums in the classroom as mainstream subjects in Universities.
[C2VN]: Lucid (off-chain code) video course for non-native English communities Developers
Solution: Our solution would be to create a Lucid (off-chain) video course in the native language. This will allow Non-Native English Community Developers to learn and interact with Cardano.
[C2VN]: Cardano blockchain courseware in Universities
Solution: Our goal is to collect documents, organize a scientific council to create a Blockchain textbook and use it in official teaching at the University.
[C2VN]: Developing the Blockchain Lecturer Team at Universities in Vietnam
Solution: Training educators within university departments of Information Technology is imperative, as they will serve as the catalyst for fostering a new generation of blockchain engineers across the industry.
[C2VN] Promoting Cardano Blockchain Education in Universities
Solution: Our goal is to embed blockchain education within the university landscape. This involves delivering workshops, discussions, and nurturing active research activities focused on blockchain technology.
[C2VN]: Promoting education through the development of Blockchain lecturer teams at universities in Vietnam (Phase 2: Advanced course on on-chain and off-chain programming on the Cardano Blockchain)
Solution: One of the project's key objectives is promoting education through the development of Blockchain lecturer teams at universities in Vietnam. In Phase 2, we will focus on delivering an advanced course.
[C2VN]: Opshin smart contract video course for non-native English communities developers
Solution: Create a video course in the form of OpShin (Python) video tutorials for non-native English community developers to deploy smart contracts on Cardano Blockchain.
[C2VN]: Lucid (off-chain code) video course for non-native English communities Developers
Solution: Our solution would be to create a Lucid (off-chain) video course in the native language. This will allow Non-Native English Community Developers to learn and interact with Cardano.
[C2VN] Cardano Bootcamp & Hackathon Series for University Students
Solution: Lowering barrier to entry by providing free developer bootcamps and hackathons for university students, covering basic to advanced concepts, culminating in an NFT certificate to showcase their skills.
[UBA] Cardano mass scale acceleration: University Blockchain Alliance for Vietnam
Solution: Forming a network to offer Cardano-focused courseware blockchain with purpose-built labs and support startup projects in various stages of bachelor’s degrees across multiple universities in Vietnam
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