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Sallyanne Atieno own proposals

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Sallyanne Atieno Proposals (3)

Incentivized Onboarding & Identity in Africa - Leveraging Atala PRISM Quick Pitch

₳239,200 Received
₳239,200 Requested

Solution: Building on our successful "Learn to Earn" program in Swahili-speaking Africa: add Atala DIDs to the program to solve issues of accountability & trust; increase impact via incetivized user referrals!

Challenge: Fund 10
completed Awarded 0.478% of the fund.
0 (1)

Blockchain Community Training and Mentorship: Leveraging blockchain education for participation Quick Pitch

₳71,638 Requested

Solution: Use an existing blockchain lab in Nairobi to offer expanded blockchain education, training, and mentorship to blockchain users, and implement community outreach initiatives to onboard new users.

Challenge: Fund 12
not approved Requested 0.143% of the fund.
0 (1)

Cardano Community Training and Mentorship: Leveraging blockchain education for participation

₳70,318 Requested

Solution: Use the Ngong Road Blockchain lab to offer expanded blockchain education, training, and mentorship to Cardano users, and implement community outreach initiatives to onboard new users.

Challenge: Fund 13
not approved Requested 0.141% of the fund.
0 (0)

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