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Community Reviews across funding rounds
Dmitry Stashenko Proposals (4)
AdaStat Cardano Explorer for Pre-prod and Preview test networks
Solution: We will make Cardano Explorer site and API available for both Pre-prod and Preview testnets. Thus, the developers and users will have more opportunities to explore the Cardano testnets. - Open Source Cardano Blockchain Explorer
Solution: We will make all the modules of Cardano Explorer fully open source and everyone will be able to run their own copy of Cardano Blockchain Explorer.
AdaHold: Decentralized Price-Can-Only-Go-Up Token, Solution For TRUE Ada Hodlers - Smart Contract
Solution: Our team will make this token! The ADA Hodlers will get more profit. The Cardano ecosystem will get one more useful decentralized project.
AdaStat Cardano Explorer - Open Source Improved Reboot towards a first-class community blockchain explorer
Solution: The proposed solution is to rewrite based on experience & users feedback, focusing on usability & performance to transition it towards an innovative, scalable & collaborative platform
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