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Credmark has built an open DeFi platform to allow users to input lending/borrow transaction data and output reliable risk-adjusted metrics.
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Liqwid Labs Proposals (10)
Liqwid x Credmark R&D on Loan Risks
Solution: The Credmark team are DeFi experts and have worked extensively in developing risk-adjusted models for Ethereum DeFi lending protocols (Aave)
Liqwid Protocol Security Audit
Solution: We want to integrate continuous code review of Liqwid smart contracts & conduct a security audit of the protocol leading up to v1.0 launch.
Plutus-extra: Plutus helper library
Solution: Plutus/PAB utility functions & data structures for Plutus scripts; Open source (Apache 2.0) & in use on mainnet by projects like SundaeSwap.
Plutarch: typed eDSL in Haskell
Solution: Typed eDSL in Haskell for writing significantly more efficient Plutus Core validators compared to the PlutusTx smart contract execution cost
Agora: Plutus governance module
Solution: We are building Agora; a simple and composable Plutus on-chain governance lego to unlock B2DAO economic models and open source DAO tooling.
Haskell DeFi SDK for Plutus Devs
Solution: Plutus DeFi SDK is an open-source set of smart contracts designed for DeFi portfolio accounting; the on-chain balanceOf for DeFi protocols.
Haskell Devs for Liqwid Plutus SC's
Solution: Team of 6 senior fullstack Haskell devs with deep fintech backgrounds currently building on the Plutus eUTXO smart contract system on TN.
Liqwid:Cardano DeFi Liquidity Pools
Solution: Open source algorithmic & non-custodial liquidity protocol for earning interest on Cardano native assets and borrowing supported assets.
Liqwid Developer Portal:Cardano SDK
Solution: 1. JavaScript SDK for Cardano & the Liqwid Protocol. The SDK wraps around the Adrestia JS SDK 2. Oracle Open Price Feed SDK 3. Android SDK
Liqwid:Cardano DeFi Lending Markets
Solution: Open source DeFi lending app; automated liquidity pools so users can be the bank and govern the protocol with incentives to bootstrap credit
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This proposal has evolved as Plutarch has grown in developer popularity. We speak to multiple security auditors who say they now have increasingly more Plutarch codebases to audit (as opposed to PlutusTx). As a result of this we have supported a number of plutarch libraries, most notably: liqwid-plutarch-extra (
In November we focused on completed all of the required updates to the portions of liqwid-plutarch-extra reviewed by security auditors as part of the Agora audit.
In addition to liqwid-plutarch-extra the following libraries are maintained thanks to this proposal's funding: plutarch-unit, plutarch-context-builder, plutarch-quickcheck, plutarch-numeric and liqwid-script-export.
Plutarch 2.0 has shipped bringing much needed upgrades and support for all of the Plutus v2 changes that Vasil brought (e.g. reference inputs, inline datums). There are also massive efficiency and standardization gains completed in Plutarch 2.0. The changes are not backwards compatible and it's anticipated Plutarch 2.0 will be a stable platform to build on for years to come (future updates for the foreseeable future will be backwards compatible following the Plutarch 2.0 update).
Since the last report we have: 1. Completed the Agora v1/Agora Pro security audits (VacuumLabs), 2. Completed the initial effect bot used for the Agora proposal effects (PR is in 2nd round of revisions), 3. Built the Agora governance portal and Agora dev dashboard UIs for interacting with the on-chain governance modules from a browser web app, 4. Finalized the integration of Agora - Liqwid in preparation for the Liqwid DAO testnet/mainnet deployment this month.
increased dev resources and external contributions for liqwid-plutarch-extra (LPE is the Plutarch equivalent to plutus-extra) has been a huge positive for us this week. In addition to LPE this month has also seen strong contributions to liqwid-script-export, plutarch-quickcheck, plutarch-units, and plutarch-context-builder (all Liqwid Labs maintained libs).
can be confirmed in the closed PRs here (only highlighting the work completed by Liqwid developers in the last 30 days):
-Added PShow to PScriptContext and its dependencies -Utility functions for PMap -Plutarch.Extra.List and Plutarch.Extra.Ord -Add PShow to PPOSIXTime -Ensure that zero values get rejected from Value singleton functions
all of this work can be verified by viewing the PRs/recently closed issues in the Agora GitHub repo or reaching out to one of the developers on the Liqwid Labs or MLabs side.
- major focus on code quality cleanups and leveraging more standard testing libraries (e.g. Plutarch-unit, plutarch-quickcheck and other Liqwid Labs built testing libs) -2nd half of the code review phase of the Agora v1 security audit (VacuumLabs is the auditor)
- wiring in Plutus v2 features (reference inputs and inline datums) -support for liqwid-script-export complete. -Agora v2 development is underway. Devs have already pushed fixes for all of the issues uncovered by the auditors.
The plutus-extra devs continued to build out support for the plutarch version of the plutus-extra repo (liqwid-plutarch-extra). The optimizations completed allow devs to build with Plutarch more efficiently and provide stronger testing guarantees (plutarch-quickcheck)
Since the last report we have focused on Plutarch support for all Vasil features. The team has implemented and tested the changes required for Plutarch v2 to support CIPs 31-33 and we are now using the updated Plutarch version on testnet. We have also refined/optimized the open source tooling built for Plutarch to help ease the new dev experience.
The devs have completed all of the Agora v1 features and the security audit has begun with VacuumLabs.
Plutarch latest version update has been completed with enhanced security features and other useful optimizations.
Agora v1 is now feature complete, two features specific to Liqwid v1 (voting power delegation and . Everything planned in our initial proposal is complete and we are going a step further in having the protocol audited by VacuumLabs (built WingRiders DEX and Adalite wallet.
Liqwid plutarch extra has seen a lot of development activity with the shift of many Cardano smart contract protocols moving from PlutusTx to Plutarch (untyped plutus core) . We have no sunsetted plutus-extra library and will continue updating the plutarch extra lib.
this is the May report (we did not realize that Fund8 proposals had to submit a report in May as it's the same month results were announced). As you can see in the closed issues/PRs for Agora in the month of May here:
..The team is focused on completing the internal audit and security testing. The v1 pre-Tweag audit features are complete, minor bugs are being completed as well as off-chain tooling.
Multiple Cardano DAO projects are now building on Agora: ADAO is building Summon and Clear Contracts is building Clarity. Both use Agora governance contracts for DAO creation/voting/treasury/proposal effects and use different offchain implementations (Summon uses Lucid, Clarity uses CTL).
An Agora off-chain sdk for managing CTL to Agora connections is progressing nicely with Clear Contracts and MLabs developers.
The team is maintaining Plutus-extra with relevant features as required (e.g. sqrt, Vasil functionality) and also building helper/utility functions for plutarch as part of plutarch-extra:
This is the report for May, similar to Agora (and the plutus-extra proposal) we did not realize a May report was required. The screenshot above shows the closed issues/PR's during the month of May by the Plutarch devs. Liqwid Labs devs still contributing strongly to Plutarch feature development/testing.
Plutus-extra has seen continued development for critical components, as many MLabs built projects have navigated to Plutarch development we have also built up open source testing tools/helpers and utility functions for Plutarch.
Plutus-extra is gaining support for square root and other numeric utility functions (normalized value types).
Plutarch-extra has several related open source libraries. Multiple Cardano DeFi Alliance are now using these.
Agora-offchain library development has progressed well. Several of the utility functions used here are tightly coupled with the CTL-sdk we are developing alongside the Clarity development team.
The Liqwid Labs teams working on Agora, Liqwid and LiqwidX (with internal developers+ devs from MLabs and Platonic Systems). The latest changes include:
- building support for the AssetClass type
- building a library of plutarch helper functions/data structures used across the 3 projects (PR updating liqwid-plutarch-extra, and using the IsData implementation from there).
- open sourced plutarch quickcheck testing guide for Plutus developers to use.
- updates to plutarch-safe-money to support exchange rates in Liqwid.