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Community Reviews across funding rounds
Tainá Bugs Proposals (11)
RealFi on Cardano (Dapp): Democratizing Carbon Credits with programable certifications (CIP68) & Smart Contracts
Solution: Revolutionizing carbon credit market with Cardano, our platform turns carbon credits into tradable NFTs (CIP-68). With training in renewables and blockchain, we make green impact accessible to all.
Marlowe Enhanced: Tailored Contracts with Intuitive Design
Solution: Introducing a platform with transparent, tailored, and descriptive Marlowe contracts, featuring user-friendly diagrams and specific use-case designs.
Karbonity: Making Carbon Compensation a Reality for Everyone
Solution: Karbonity harnesses Cardano's native assets and blockchain technology, along with smart contracts, to offer a low-cost, swift, decentralized platform for token creation, trading, and management.
Marlowe Starter-Kit: Ready-to-use Components - NEXT & TS-SDK
Solution: Develop a Marlowe Starter-Kit using Next framework, with ready-to-use smart contracts controlled by React Components, and educational tools to simplify blockchain integration and boost adoption.
Solution: Catalink Platform will optimize recycling by integrating Marlowe and tokenization, enhancing cost efficiency, social inclusion, and providing education, while ensuring regulatory compliance.
LATAM Virtual Hackathons: DIDs, Cardano & Midnight by Edda Labs
Solution: We’ll host virtual hackathons in Spanish and Portuguese with 3 phases of training and development, using Cardano, DIDs, and Midnight to equip LATAM developers to create impactful real-world DApps.
Cardano for Business & Web2 Devs: Multilingual Video Tutorials by Edda Labs
Solution: Weekly YouTube videos in English, Spanish, and Portuguese for web2/business developers, teaching Cardano and Midnight tools, showcasing real-world applications, and providing practical content.
Midnight Private Balloting: Fraud-resistant surveying, polling & voting by Edda Labs
Solution: Using zero-knowledge technology, users can participate anonymously in surveys, polls, and votes, while hosts enforce rules, ensuring fairness without revealing identities or central control.
Midnight & Digital Identity: Secure Luggage Handling at Airports by Edda Labs
Solution: Implement a secure luggage handling system using Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs), Verifiable Credentials, and Midnight smart contracts to enhance traceability, accountability, and prevent tampering.
Midnight RWA Tokenization: Private Waste Receipts & Marketplace by Edda Labs
Solution: Tokenize waste receipts as NFTs on Midnight blockchain using DIDs and Verifiable Creds, allowing small companies to securely sell directly to manufacturers, ensuring privacy and fair compensation.
End-to-End DApp Templates: 10 Smart Contracts, Aiken, Mesh, Auth, DB, UI by Edda Labs
Solution: Create comprehensive dApp examples and infrastructure guidance—including data base, authentication, and UI—to enable developers to rapidly build and deploy production-grade blockchain applications.
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