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I am an owner and investor in three small businesses based in Africa, have worked in capital markets since 2008 and have programing skills.
Community Reviews across funding rounds
fsamvura Proposals (31)
Planting Roots in Africa
<p>Best solutions will come from the ground, but African devs lack infrastructure to push Cardano forward. Cardano community support is needed.</p>
Planting Roots In Africa
Solution: Funding basic infrastructure in African hubs will allow us to collaborate, coordinate, educate and initiate building out local use cases.
ADA to Mobile Money App
Solution: Design of a mobile application allowing the exchange of ADA cryptocurrency to a local currency via Mobile Money.
Solution: Contribute to the decentralization of the Cardano network by becoming a steak pool operator in Kinshasa / Democratic Republic of Congo(DRC)
Make Atala Prism DID THE Standard
Solution: ISDR/GL is implementing degree DIDs based on the Atala Prism Framework and recruiting partner local universities & colleges to adopt it.
Genealogy registry in Goma, DRCongo
Solution: Atala Prism can offer reliable DID solution in Goma by offering genealogy tree maps. DIDs self-owned and transfered to children are viable.
Mining traceability in a war zone
Solution: Create a DApp on Cardano for the traceability of minerals through the certification of mining quarries & artisanal small-scale miners (ASM)
Solution: Organize weekly live code meetups on Blockchain technology to expand the French community in order to broaden our knowledge on the subject.
Mobilize : Grass-root activism
Solution: DApp where users would use a wallet to vote on candidates/proposals, send funds and onboard volunteers. Foreign allies can directly assist
ADA to Mobile Money App
Solution: Design of a mobile application allowing the exchange of ADA cryptocurrency to a local currency via Mobile Money.
Mtidano: NFTrees 4 Erosion Control Quick Pitch
Solution: Plant fast-growing, fertilizing trees in areas at risk of erosion and turn each tree into a dynamic NFTree, facilitating their protection, tracking, and expansion.
Marketing Training for African SPOs Quick Pitch
Solution: Capacity building enabling pioneering SPOs in DRC + Ivory Coast to operate sustainably with training and support from network partners in entrepreneurship, social media, marketing + managerial skills.
Africa Stakepool Alliance
Solution: Develop the Africa Stakepool Alliance, open access database and framework for knowledge exchange, facilitating + increasing impact of mission driven SPOs operating in Africa and the diaspora.
KYC Registry Network Quick Pitch
Solution: On-board users through WADA Hubs. These Hubs are located in several countries in Africa and are destined to grow over time. In-person collection of biometric identity and conversion into DIDs
ADA to Mobile Money App
Solution: Design of a mobile application allowing the exchange of ADA cryptocurrency to a local currency via Mobile Money.
Solution: Organize weekly live code meetups on Blockchain technology to expand the French community in order to broaden our knowledge on the subject.
SPO Learning Support Community DAO
Solution: We will evolve a learning DAO with our existing SPO programme incubator community that ensures their ongoing support, and codify our experience to create a knowledge-base for future DAO developers.
Wada Product Integrations
Solution: Create a platform marketplace for new Cardano dApps and products to host their solutions on and gain access to new markets.
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Nothing special
We are still limited by the delay in the Atala Prism Mainnet Wallet availability
We have met civil society organizations and they contributed to the design of the militant portal shown via the links
No we are still on hold
Still developping the user management system for volunteers
Heading to DRC to meet the head of the partner institution implementing DIDs as planned
Nothing special
Nothing special for the moment
Meeting to promote applications of the blockchain in post-secondary institution is planned on Aug 20, 2022
DID-related projects need to see a compatible wallet launch soon or we'll be stuck mainting developpers on-hold
As a project-based application, we shall also post videos and share them with Catalyst
We have lunch a Cardano stackpool available at :
Thanking the Cardano community for this project as it is potentially of high impact
In contact with USK Bukavu on copying our DID implementation
No, the Roots Wallet initiative will unlock our project as we have all the DID schema ready
The DID implementation is delayed as we wait for a compatible wallet
Also hindered by a lack of compatible wallet for Atala Prism DIDs
We couldn't find a suitable Wallet for DID distribution, but thanks to a Cardano Rep at the Town Hall, we were put in contact with the Roots team developping such a wallet.
Outreach contacts are ongoing