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A web developer and entrepreneur passionate about onboarding and education programs about Cardano in Ethiopia and Africa in general.
Community Reviews across funding rounds
Funding data last updated
Nebiyu Proposals (33)
Hackathons for Startups in Ethiopia
<p>The tech start-up community is growing constantly, but only a hand full of them heard about Cardano and Cardano Project catalyst.</p>
Supply-Chain for Agriculture
<p>The local trade is almost driven by a series of middlemen resulting in price inflation in agriculture products. Traceability issues.</p>
Hands-On Marketing in Addis Ababa
Solution: Engage community via information sessions at local tech hubs Hang posters and hand out flyers with specifics on upcoming Catalyst rounds
Cardano Student Clubs in Ethiopia
Solution: A cardano students club and ambassadorship program will enable students to learn from each other and increase engagement in the community.
First Ethiopian Stake Pool
Solution: We will start the first Cardano stake pool in Ethiopia and use the rewards to sustain the operation & seed additional local Cardano ventures
Catalyst Infosessions in Ethiopia
Solution: Publications in local magazines, taking part in tech events by reserving booths and organizing hackathons
East Africa Cardano Innovation Hub
Solution: A Hub designed for collaboration; to allow people to share experiences, learn from one another and outsource or seek for talent.
Tutorial on Building a wallet
Solution: We are currently building a cardano wallet on blockfrost, and we would make a live tutorial of all our activities to help people understadn how easy it is to use Blockfrost
Legal Consultancy in Ethiopia
Solution: Retaining a Legal consultant for the community widely Cardano community here in Ethiopia, which has become the de facto community for all blockchain enthusiasts.
Gig workers DAO
Solution: Tools and framework to build a DAO for gig workers in various professions, that will give them all the benefits of the basic employee rights while maintaining their freedom.
East Africa Cardano Innovation Hub
Solution: A Hub designed for collaboration; to allow people to share experiences, learn from one another and outsource or seek talent.
Endubis Messenger Wallet
Solution: Introducing our integrated Cardano Wallet on Telegram—the easiest Cardano wallet for creating, transacting, and withdrawing to Fiat currencies, tailored for the African market.
Kakuma Studios - Cardano + Music Powered Impact Hub in Kenya with Onboarding Community Potential of 250k+
Solution: Establish self-sustaining multimedia studios for recording in Kakuma Refugee Camp to be twinned with a studio at University of Nairobi, allowing for access to professional resources and opportunities.
Laptop Donation Program for High-Achieving Students
Solution: Our solution is to provide a platform for donation of laptops to high-achieving students. This platform will be powered by Cardano to track every single donation to a receiving student.
JS Framework for cardano developers to integrate OAuth/Social logins
Solution: We will create an open-source JS framework enabling Cardano developers to seamlessly integrate social logins in their dApps as a web wallet; enabling their users to have an easy onboarding process.
Endubis wallet | For mass-onboarding Africa
Solution: Introducing Enduibs wallet: the easiest Cardano wallet for buying Cardano Tokens, transacting, and withdrawing to Fiat currencies in Africa. Our upgrades to V2.0 will integrate even more currencies.
Project SIMBA: Gateway to Cardano for 250k+ refugees and 80k students w/ University of Nairobi
Solution: Establish self-sustaining recording studios in Kakuma Refugee Camp and Uni. of Nairobi for talent to develop skills, foster collaboration, and immerse themselves in the digital economy of Cardano.
SoundRig: Distribution and experiential tools for creators and projects in art, film and music.
Solution: Build and launch; a suite of tools for easy, intuitive creation and distribution of Web3 assets for film/music creators who require blockchain tech for equitable, and fair compensation.
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Project will be launched on mainnet in the coming week
Product on testnet is active and final product will be released soon. @endubistestwalletbot