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Cardano Indonesia own proposals

Community Reviews across funding rounds

Total reviews
Impact Alignment
4.33 Star
4.29 Star
Value for money
4.17 Star
Impact / Alignment
4.34 Star

Proposals Across Funding Rounds


Cardano Indonesia Proposals (7)

Leveling Up Cardano Indonesia IG

$6,000 Requested

Solution: We plan to do interactive marketing which is a combination of visualized content and campaigns and also do content creation about Cardano.

Challenge: Fund 8
over budget Requested 0.038% of the fund.
0 (1)

Cardano Hub Indonesia-Video Series

$18,120 Requested

Solution: Provide 6 high quality educational videos and post in Cardano Indonesia's Official YouTube Channel in Indonesian Language

Challenge: Fund 8
over budget Requested 0.113% of the fund.

Cardano Hub Surabaya and Cardano Workshop Jakarta

₳45,088 Received
₳45,088 Requested

Solution: We will provide space to meet regularly that can connect professional, entrepreneur, and educator to have interest in Web3 specially in Cardano Blockchain.

Challenge: Fund 10
completed Awarded 0.09% of the fund.
0 (1)

Gimbalabs : Chapter Indonesia in collab with Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Quick Pitch

₳88,497 Requested

Solution: - Translate PPBL

  • Integrate PPBL to UGM's curriculum
  • Train devs via workshops & coding sessions
  • Devs implement learning by completing Gimbalabs Open-Source Dev LMS called Andamio
  • Provide Q&A forums for devs
Challenge: Fund 10
not approved Requested 0.177% of the fund.
0 (1)

Catalyst School : Chapter Indonesia in collab with Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Quick Pitch

₳14,052 Received
₳23,421 Requested

Solution: - Translate Catalyst developments

  • Integrate Catalyst Incubator into Catalyst School
  • Integrate Catalyst School as a UGM extracurricular
  • Educate UGM students via workshops
  • Provide QnA forums for UGM students
Challenge: Fund 10
funded Awarded 0.047% of the fund.
0 (1)

Indonesian Cardano Developers Community Workshop 2024

₳61,818 Requested

Solution: Providing educational content and hosting Indonesian Cardano Developers Community workshops consistently for 12 months. Consistency is the key to success in the field of education.

Challenge: Fund 11
not approved Requested 0.124% of the fund.
0 (1)

Beginner to Advance Plutus Mastery in collab with Gadjah Mada University (UGM) utilizing Gimbalabs PPBL, MeshJS and Aiken

₳19,137 Received
₳79,740 Requested

Solution: - Translate Plutus Project-Based Learning (PPBL)

  • Create a syllabus bridging beginner & advance
  • Integrate Cardano Academy+bridging syllabus+PPBL into UGM
  • Train devs via workshops & live coding sessions
Challenge: Fund 11
funded Awarded 0.159% of the fund.
0 (1)

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