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Boone Bergsma
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Have won two hackathons recently for ideas relating to blockchain and carbon credits, and acquired 50 acres of forest to conserve in a pilot
Community Reviews across funding rounds
Boone Bergsma Proposals (13)
ADA MakerSpace Bounty Hunters DEVX
<p>Even though lots of people need help building things on Cardano, it is still hard for them to find & connect with DEVs to do freelance tasks</p>
ForestConservation + CarbonCredits
<p>Cardano and other businesses and individuals are contributing to the carbon footprint, and need forests to remove CO2 and provide clean air</p>
Aregato - ADA ebook marketplace
Solution: Aregato - ebook marketplace with blogging and social media features, built on top of Cardano, with Cardano native assets and NFTs
ADA MakerSpace Accelerator
Solution: ADA MakerSpace will take a cohort of entrepreneurs through a 16 week Accelerator Program in which we will build their Minimal Viable Product
Crypto-Targeted Promotion Campaign
Solution: Wit Crypto-Targeted promotion focused on existing people with knowledge and interest in cryptocurrency industry we will have good efficiency
Cardano Catalyst Jobs & Services
Solution: By creating Cardano jobs & services site we encourage more meaningful participation in Project Catalyst from ADA community and beyond
Carbonland Trust Carbon Credits DEX
Solution: Carbonland Trust's DEX to trade carbon credit NFTs based on actual Forest being conserved will inspire & fund conservation efforts all over
Stiff Money | Crowdlending PaaS
Solution: Stiff Money offers depositors of ADA and other cryptos a 10% APY. And offers homebuyers a no-down-payment lease to own smart contract loan.
ADA MakerSpace Hackathon
Solution: Host multi region (USA, Ukraine, Africa, ?) in-person and virtual hackathon that provides collaborative space DEVs and Entrepreneurs to meet
The Predictors App - Oracle Service
Solution: With The Predictors APP you can crowdsource the data you need to make better decisions, you can win prizes from making correct predictions.
ADA MakerSpace - DEV lessons
Solution: ADA MakerSpace provides free video lessons for anyone interested in learning how to build things that will run on the Cardano blockchain
Play2Learn2Earn ADA Makerspace Game
Solution: Almost everyone loves playing games, and when done correctly game mechanics can be used to make learning fun and competitive. Gamification of learning would help more people become DEVs.
ADA MakerSpace Podcast Series
Solution: One hour lessons anyone can watch for free that cover different aspects of using Haskell and the Playgrounds to build things on Cardano
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