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Educhainment own proposals

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4.79 Star
4.53 Star
4.37 Star
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4.8 Star

Proposals Across Funding Rounds


Educhainment Proposals (5)

Procedural 3D assets generator

$6,667 Received
$8,000 Requested

Solution: ProtonGraph is a FOSS software enabling easy 3D content generation for everyone, even for non-technical people.

Challenge: Fund 8
funded Awarded 0.05% of the fund.
0 (1)

Aedou, Learn Languages Together (2)

$57,600 Requested

Solution: Aedou is a new, inclusive & meaningful distributed multiplayer game for language acquisition and to enable/strengthen global communication.

Challenge: Fund 8
over budget Requested 0.36% of the fund.
0 (1)

Aedou - Realm of Languages

$46,320 Received
$57,900 Requested

Solution: Aedou, an accessible/inclusive play-to-learn-and-earn MMO. Learn and teach languages together in engaging, safe, active & explorable worlds.

Challenge: Fund 8
funded Awarded 0.362% of the fund.
0 (1)

Aedou DIDs prototype

$4,000 Received
$8,000 Requested

Solution: Aedou is a multiplayer game on Cardano for learning/teaching languages together and enhancing communication that leverages PRISM DIDs.

Challenge: Fund 8
funded Awarded 0.05% of the fund.
0 (1)

Aedou - the Language Learning Game Quick Pitch

$104,000 Requested

Solution: Aedou is a free collaborative multiplayer game, designed to learn & teach languages together in engaging, safe, active & explorable 3D-worlds that are built, governed & inhabited by the community.

Challenge: Fund 9
not approved impact proposal Requested 0.65% of the fund.
0 (1)

Monthly Reports

  1. We did onboard two more language ambassadors: Daniel for German and Yukiko for Japanese, both of whom are experienced teachers of their language. With that, we finally have one ambassador for each of the four languages supported in our upcoming MVP (if everything works out we will close out somewhen in October). This is a major milestone reached.
  2. We are building up the MVP content for each language together with them. A lot of work has been done on that front and the unique insights from each of our language ambassadors has proved extremely valueable for that.
  3. On the Playground side, we reworked the dialog editor which is now capable of defining conditions/variables and has a refined UI. The ability to easily create & check for variables enables progress & responsiveness for created levels. It also gives us a greater flexibility for doing lots of things with simple dialogs.
  4. Godot 4 has finally reached its beta and its feature-freeze. This long awaited moment gives us greater assurance on what will be natively available to us.
  5. On the Aedou website, we are constantly improving the UI and altered some buildings. We have also been working on the contribution structure for building up the Aedou database directly in the website.
Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
1. In the next month
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We have made great progress on several fronts, and we are growing!

  1. We have completed part of a long-planned milestone with onboarding our two first language ambassadors: Nellie Carnes for English and Dr. Sipora Kisanga for Swahili. Nellie is an american polyglot, currently living in Portugal, and speaks 8 languages with nearly a decade of teaching English with methods of comprehensible input, which is very much the way we are teaching in Aedou. Sipora is a retired lecturer from Tanzania with 23 years of teaching Swahili at all levels and also the mother of Evans Kisanga. Both are immediately starting to work with us to create the language acquisition structure and content for the MVP (scheduled for October together with closing out of this proposal).
  2. We are constantly working on the official Aedou website (to have a look at the work in progress: We got another developer on the team for the backend development of the website, which is mainly for the language content contribution system. His name is Adam, he is an experienced developer from Morocco living in Germany and he is already setting up the basic architecture we need.
  3. We are also working successfully on evolving our Playground v1 to become part of the MVP. This month, we have been improving the interfaces, cleaned up some bugs and added some functionalities. We will show this in the next months' progress report.
Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
2. In the next 3 months
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We have been closing out the fund 6 proposal "Play-to-Learn-and-earn DID-Platform" in this month with the Playground v1, the first playable prototype of our level builder. Everyone is taking a small summer vacation to power up for the next sprint. We have a version of our Aedou logo that might change in small details, but it is pretty much done (attached in report). Furthermore, we have been setting up the basic structure of the first Aedou website. You can have a first view under this link (needs much more work): We will probably have a better version of the website in August and some additional functionalities of the Playground. Furthermore, we have finally started onboarding Language ambassadors for English, German, Japanese and Swahili to get ready for MVP development. We will most likely have chosen four people to work together with us on these languages (call out attached).

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
2. In the next 3 months
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We have decided to increase the capabilities and content of our MVP and thus rescheduled its milestone for the beginning of September. What we have build currently can be seen in the attached video, and we call this our Playground. The playground enables us to build basic levels and attach dialogue options in a fast and easy way. It is easily extendable due to its modular design. That means we can continue to build upon this in the coming months until it is a sufficiently capable MVP. We have also worked on creating some starter content for German (attached part of it) to get a better scope on the basic levels that we will build with the Playground. We are also working on the official Aedou website that will inform about and enable contribution to the Aedou development in a gamified way. The basic structure is defined and we plan to have it running in the next 1 - 2 months. In the next report, we will share the official Aedou logo and hopefully some basic version of the website. Also, we are working hard on bringing the playground to a state where we feel comfortable closing out the initial fund 6 proposal. If there are no further unexpected occurrences, we will close it out in the coming month.

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
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Aedou is a follow-up proposal of our initial (pre-)concept-phase which got funded in fund 6. We are learning from our mistakes and had deep and prolongued discussions about organizing our work in a better way. We are currently creating base content for German and hopefully make that content language agnostic, out of which we are designing basic levels and mechanics that will go into our MVP (scheduled for September). Once we have a first playground (set for end of June) it will enable us to quickly build test-levels without huge technical knowledge and do some internal iteration that will also become a part of the MVP. Also, we are working on a dedicated gamified Aedou-website that will feature our very own content-management-system for people to interact and contribute (June/July). We will only start onboarding ambassadors for priority languages once we have build up a streamlined contribution/test system for them to use (scheduled for July).

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
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This is a proposal to create prototype DIDs for Aedou - Realm of Languages, which got funded for a (pre-)concept-phase in fund 6. We aim to hire two PRISM-pioneers until the start of July so that we can start working in that month.

Disbursed to Date
Still in progress
Completion Target
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