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Otavio (Cardano Feed)
LATAM Cardano Community
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Community Reviews across funding rounds
Otavio (Cardano Feed) Proposals (58)
ADAPIX - Buy & Sell ADA with R$ (Brazilian Reais), pay bills at millions of merchants and withdraw $ADA <-> Fiat on thousand of bank ATMs
Solution: ADAPIX - Buy & Sell ADA with R$ (BRL/Brazilian), pay bills at millions of merchants, withdraw ADA <-> Fiat on thousands of bank ATMs & integrated into the national payment system (to send/receive PIX)
The Cardano Terminal - Provides real-time news, research, analysis and communication tools (Bloomberg for Cardano ecosystem)
Solution: An information terminal contemplating real-time news, market quotes and videos to maximize your investments with artificial intelligence. Platform will be created to deliver information very quickly.
Investor Network Global Community Platform & Directory
Solution: Complete professional directory platform with investors, founders, builders, CEOs, venture capitalists, angel investors, business accelerators, venture builders, launc pads and open innovation apps.
Blockchain crypto jobs with AI Aggregator and Web3 talents recruiting platform - CardanoFeed
Solution: Open source platform that will connect professionals using AI with high-tech skills in blockchain, DeFi, Crypto, Web3, Smart Contracts, Metaverse & programming, with companies that seek professionals
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Completed project!
Completed Project!
Platform architecture planning and brainstorming: We started and concluded the planning of the information architecture of the platform that will be developed.
Mind Map and sections: Definition of the Mind Map and sections of the site We defined the entire mind map and sections that will be implemented on the website and course/marketplace platform.
Definition of requirements for wireframe: We raised all the necessary requirements for the development of the platform and created the initial version of the wireframe, with all the areas to be created and implemented.
News tracking on Cardano Feed: We published a press release about the proposal being developed within the Cardano Feed portal, making the community aware of what is being created and the stage of development.
In this cycle we focused our efforts on finalizing the application's FrontEnd proposal, defining the access flows to the proposals in Desktop, Tablet and Mobile. Giving the user the possibility to navigate between funds, filter projects and view a project page. On the project page, it is now possible to see key characteristics of the proposal, such as: team, description, image attachments, links, how many yes and no votes, how many wallets voted, reports delivered and reviews;
What we deliver:
- Proposal page:
- Basic information of the proposal:
- Title;
- Status;
- Background;
- Category;
- Author;
- Problem to be solved;
- Solution;
- Score of the proposal with the revieres;
- Project description;
- Image attachments;
- Links;
- Votes (Yes and No);
- Number of wallets;
- Project team;
- Reports;
- Reviews;
- Related projects;
- Basic information of the proposal:
Next steps:
- Finalize the API;
- Fully integrate with FrontEnd;
- Focus on testing for the release and making it available to a small group of users;
In this report, the objective was to focus 100% on the project reviews module, now it will be possible for Cardano Feed users to post their reviews of each project, being able to assign a score from 1 to 5, a text review, weaknesses and strengths of the project. In addition to easily reporting a project.
What we deliver: Project reviews tab, containing: - Overall score; - Highlighted strengths; - Bars with quantitative of each score; - Modal for inserting and updating reviews; - List of reviews; - Creation of the API for managing reviews: - Listing route of all reviews by project; - Review creation route; - Review update route; - Review exclusion route""
Next Steps:
- Add the flow to report a project;
- Add the flow to report a review;
- Perform all tests and make available for some users to test to receive feedback;
- Prepare for the launch of the platform in the next cycle.
We have already passed the validation of features and requirements with users and developed the front-end screens and connection to endpoints to assemble the project database and manage/track them.
We created a microservice to connect the spreadsheets used by Cardano Catalyst directly to our database for use and availability to users on a web platform, with various filters, usability and an interface created with the best experience of the product in mind to monitor the progress of financed projects. and give greater visibility to the Cardano community.
We are working on creating a dashboard with the big numbers of all funds financed by Catalyst and a complete breakdown by project, with all metrics related to the project, amounts received, progress made, reports made, screenshots of the evolution of the approved proposal.
Project completed and close report sended today.
We have reached the 4th month of project development and we are evolving the front-end, APIs and back-end.
After validating the requirements with the keyusers, we made adjustments and improvements to the platform.
We have already connected via API on Cardano's blockchain node to bring all project information via Blockfrost (Volume, transactions, tokens, metadata…)
We also connect via API to 5 additional services for real-time queries of information about the project's progress, such as: Github (number of repositories, commits, activities), Twitter (number of followers, posts and date of the last post), Discord (number of members), Telegram (number of users in the group and messages) and complete information about the project's website such as (website traffic, sessions, users, length of stay and pageviews).
In the next step, we will provide a module for users to friendly evaluate projects. We will also develop an algorithm to generate a Score (rating) in an automated way, joining the information collected automatically with the information collected by the users.
We are finalizing the integration of the backend with the frontend and adjusting the final details in the interface for launching the project. Everything as planned and going well.
We are improving some interface details after validating the design with users, we received great suggestions for improvements that will be implemented. We will also include some automated indicators for possible manipulation and detection of suspicious actions.
We are cleaning data and classifying projects for correct display on the front-end of the site. We validated the interface with some key users and received some suggestions for improvements and needs to better monitor the projects.
We are already developing some front-end and design versions of the interactive map application and validating it with users. We will then move into programming and back-end and front-end integration for the final delivery of the project next month. We move on!
We are cataloging projects funded by Catalyst and are also thinking about a front-end to validate with users. We will do some design, navigation and user experience tests. We're moving fast!
We are already developing some front-end and design versions of the application and validating it with users. We hope to have a beta version of the design in the next sprint with user feedback. Lets go ahead!
We are in a well-evolved phase of wireframe and prototype. Our next step will be to develop the functional design and validate the map design and possible ways forward with some users. We move on!
Project completed. Project closing report in PDF sent today for Fund 8 and video close.
In a very preliminary way, we have already started to sketch an interface for what the platform will be. In parallel, we are building a database with project information, through material provided by Catalyst itself and linking it with important information for project analysis.
We finished the information architecture process, and started the UX/UI process of the platform that will be developed. We are also interviewing some projects and users to guide and validate our hypotheses.
We started the first interface studies and also the information architecture with the data that will be worked on to inform the projects to the users.
We are working on detailed requirements gathering for detailed development scope of the project.
We successfully held the BITCONF 2022 conference with Cardano as a sponsor and exhibitor. In addition to speaking on 2 stages during the conference, including a highlight on the main stage for Charles Hoskinson's lecture.
We are working on the information architecture and wireframes of the project.