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Community Reviews across funding rounds
Dan Kimball Proposals (5)
Collab Tools for Community DAOs
Solution: A collaborative process to share knowledge & practice and a platform to catalyze intentions & actions for effective Community DAO's.
Open Source Collaboration Platform
Solution: Establish a Continuous Open-Source Collaboration Platform designed to build Open-Source proposals from collective Catalyst contributions
Global Collaboration Platform Quick Pitch
Solution: To install & evolve existing proven collaborative tools into a platform designed to catalyze interactive project creation and leverage our community’s extraordinary knowledge, & skills.
ProofOfHumanity KYC on Atala Prism
Solution: Cross-chain validation of Proton KYC identity with Atala Prism.
Minting non-transferable NFT/badges to affirm identity credentials, KYC ID with Atala
prism. Enables proof of humanity KYC solutions.
Collab Platform for DAO Operations
Solution: Install, connect, and customize, a world class data platform. Design it for continuous collaboration inside community DAOs. Use DAOs to coordinate our experience & skills for Catalyst projects.
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