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Sustainable Ada
Impact Web3
Cole Bartlett is passionate about helping create a sustainable and equitable world for all. He cares about education and helping create clarity around the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) connection to blockchain. He gained this passion from a love of the outdoors while growing up in Vermont, and his studies at the University of New Hampshire where he received a bachelor's degree in Economics and a dual major in Sustainability. He is currently working on a project called Sustainable ADA where they are focused on helping connect blockchain technology to sustainability, specifically the Cardano blockchain.
While participating in the Sustainability Dual Major he found this strong interest and passion for sustainability and making sustainable change. Part of this was from his experiences studying abroad in New Zealand through the Eco-quest educational center where he was focused on ecology and sustainability. After this experience, Cole continued through the Sustainability Dual Major, where he participated in a capstone. He helped educate children based in New Hampshire on what sustainability is, and was the kick start of the sustainability splash program at UNH. Another opportunity where Cole found a strong connection was while taking part in the B impact clinic. The Clinic connects teams of cross-discipline undergraduate students to serve as consultants for regional companies working to complete the B Impact Assessment (BIA). The BIA is a rigorous, open-access assessment tool that comprehensively assesses a company's impact.
After spending time working in the blockchain space. He has learned and come back to the realization that education is one of the key aspects of life. That you should never stop learning or trying to learn new things. "We are on an educational journey for life that is constantly evolving and shifting." This has helped Cole find a new passion and love to continue to learn new things and to take every experience or learning opportunity possible.
He is currently focused on helping make Cardano a blockchain for impact. This is through education and his focus on blockchain research. Working to further develop this research into tools to help track and trace the impact of business, including bringing more impact investing opportunities to the web3 space.
Community Reviews across funding rounds
cole.vt Proposals (67)
Global Mission Driven News Room
<p>There isn't enough participation + story sharing about SPOs in the Cardano ecosystem, in different languages globally, found in one place.</p>
Sustainable LatinAmerican Use cases
Solution: Share stories from change agents in Latin America, engaging with Cardano in cascading disruption, creating a better tomorrow, today.
Proposal Framework Tool - AIM
Solution: Include an additional framework to the Proposer Tool, giving proposers a menu of goals + metrics ready for use in proposals.
Youth Block Open Source Education
Solution: Enable youth with direct open access to engage within the Cardano ecosystem, discussing emerging technologies/models of community governance
Community Lead Generation
Solution: Innovative ‘Cardano Impact Community’ model that generates business collaborations for those seeking to be blockchain for impact pioneers.
Solution: Addressing the digital divide by empowering youth and women across different regions through online training and capacity building workshops
The Sustainable Goals Token Quick Pitch
Solution: Developing a platform/token for impact investing, directly connecting you to projects by tracking their impact, and evaluating their effectiveness over time with clear impact measurements.
Youth Block Resource Development Quick Pitch
Solution: Adapt existing resources and develop tailor made educational resources for youth learners. As part of a structured educational content for youth bridging them into the Cardano community.
Caricatures 4 Africa
Solution: A weekly caricature that has an educative and humoristic purpose and that shows the opportunity of using Cardano
Caricatures for Migration
Solution: A weekly caricature showing the advantages & relevancy of Cardano over Ethereum, to reach out the Ethereum community in a fun & creative way
Asia Stakepool Alliance
Solution: Develop an Asia Stakepool Alliance, open access database and framework for knowledge exchange, facilitating + increasing impact of mission driven SPOs operating in Asia and the diaspora.
Mental Health DAO - A Mental Health and Wellbeing focused DAO bringing people together through art, dialogue and collaboration.
Solution: Create a mental health focused DAO. Welcoming those affected and suffering from mental health challenges. Enable, empower and inspire people through art, poetry, music, dialogue and collaboration.
CIDA DAO - Coalition of International Disability Allies - connected to ADA
Solution: Disability is not an inability! A decentralized community focused on minorities and the international disability community—an open and inclusive innovation ecosystem for underrepresented communities.
Project Catalyst Funded Project PlayBook Revamp and Marketing/Community Project Support - SmartHubs
Solution: Revamp the Funded Project PlayBook, and provide support to newly funded projects with technical and non-technical parts of the business setup process helping projects structure their plans to succeed.
Protecting Indonesia’s ecosystems - home to 1 % of the Earth's land area and rainforests with 10 % of the world's known plant species, 12 % of mammal species, 17 % of all known bird species.
Solution: Proof of Impact NFTs in partnership with Rimba - Indonesia and France based nonprofit, to deploy resources and support for measurable positive impact in Indonesia.
(PIP) Proof of Impact Platform Quick Pitch
Solution: Proof of Impact Platform (PIP) will help NGOs and impact associations convert illiquid, unmonetized, hard-to-measure impact into purchasable, liquid, digital assets and digital collectibles (NFTs).
Catalyst Working Groups Research & Scoping Analysis by IOG Catalyst Team, Rare Evo, and Sustainable ADA
Solution: ≥10 community-run in-person & online Catalyst Working Groups during F12 to scope Cardano funding priorities. F12 in-person Launch TownHall + co-design sessions. Plus Catalyst showcase @ Rare Evo 2024
Financial Operating System for the $200B+ Global Ecotourism Industry
Solution: Research and develop a decentralized network connecting ecolodges, local communities, and international stakeholders, improving sustainability, access to capital, and operational efficiency.
Monthly Reports
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The additional framework in the Proposer Tool will be available in time for Fund 9 proposal submission phase.
La revolucionaria solución de Veritree construida sobre la cadena de bloques de Cardano:
Colectivo Waya; creando una nueva economía en África, sobre Cardano:
Charlas clave de la Cumbre de Cardano centradas en cuestiones sociales, económicas y medioambientale:
Stories La revolucionaria solución de Veritree construida sobre la cadena de bloques de Cardano
Colectivo Waya; creando una nueva economía en África, sobre Cardano
Charlas clave de la Cumbre de Cardano centradas en cuestiones sociales, económicas y medioambientale包括性、再生、サステナビリティの世界を実現するカルダノ社会・経済・環境問題を中心としたカルダノサミットでの主な講演内容
We are currently in the middle of translating all of our site pages into multiple languages, and we are onboarding contributors to help with translating articles and creating new multi-language articles.
We are currently in the middle of translating all of our site pages into multiple languages, and we are onboarding contributors to help with translating articles and creating new multi-language articles.
We have on boarded the LATEM team of translators and are working with a few different teams to create some stories to present the different projects in Latin America.
We are on track and happy that the tool was integrated and in usage during submissions for Fund 8. Having researched the number of Fund 7 proposals connected to the SDGs we are pleased to say that the availability of the SDG Proposer Tool has helped with education and awareness-raising for proposers to connect their projects to impact and communicate this in their proposals, using the UN SDG framework.
More on this found here:
Project is underway!
Work is underway!
Project is Underway!
We will be completing the closeout video and report soon.